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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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This was a flame thread from the start. I don't see why everyone keeps feeding the troll.

Is this the most important issue for India's defence? Who can and can't sing Vande Mataram? There has been umpteen discussions on this.

Now everything else is just troll feed here. So don't feed the trolls!

You call yourself Muslim and talk on behalf of Muslims of India. Why are you shy to give you line on this topic? Let everybody see what is primal to you. How do you as a Muslim take Vande Matram?
That is something called SHIRK. and there is NO room for shirk in Islam.

These are the ones who also marry hindus that does not mean that its permitted in Islam

so u urself accepted that u do things that is not permitted in ur religion,though u fear it,in India large number of such marriages r happening now,this is no big deal here, so put the same thread in the similar category
Here comes another thekedaar of Islam!

Just go to Arabia and see how they treat you as a second class Muslim. No one cares what you think, not patriotic Bangladeshis, not Pakistanis (they didn't accept you) and certainly not Indians.

Huh,,,,Vinod mate. How are you???

I am a muslim first then come along national identity. I am glad to hit on the right spot. Your boiling point is the proof. :lol:

Hey I get along with Muslims just fine regardless of national boundary. We have Iftar together. :cheers:
What liberalism got anything to do with Islam? Follower of Islam doesn't follow no man rather Quran and Sunnah. Keep your garbage in yourself because a real Muslim of Bharat will slap in your face just saying this words. :angry:

every religion has some points which cannot be practiced in a 21st century civil society...and India Muslims and a major part of Pakistani Muslims are as modern as one in Turkey or Malaysia...they are not fanatics...thats it!!
This is what some radical body (I think Dar ul Uloom) said in India... but fell flat on the face as more than 1 lakh Muslims gathered in front of the very office of that radical body and sang 'Vande Mataram' with pride.

I am a Buddhist and I sing this with pride too. The short-sighted laws of Arabia don't apply in India where INDIANS live and have our own laws whether religion or culture.

I would like to see the source of your wonderful lecture :rolleyes:
NO it does not. Though some Indian paid Muslim writers tried to befool the public by claiming what you are saying BUT the fact is that its not bowing to the nation.

Above all Muslims do NOT bow to nation shation but only the creator, Allah
As I said, that is according to Pakistan which moulded itself along the lines of Arabia and their strict interpretations. Religion is interpreted from person to person in a different manner that might not seem so significant to the common eye.

Here in India, things are different and if you choose not to believe it, it is your choice.
For A hindu to understand concept of Muslim brotherhood is out of question so dont burden your small brain at all

no body in the world can understand wat is the actual meaning written in the religious books.ppl who understand them and who follow them never come back on this earth.i think as an senior u can understand wat this little brain says.
Correct your ideology my friend.. Muslims of India are saying the same what Muslims of Bangladesh or Pakistan or elsewhere in the world are saying. Problem is in your understanding no ours.

A person who goes to Gurduwara, then to a Hindu Temple and then to Mosque is not what Islam describes as Muslim. Such people are religious-less or they could be anything but Muslim and all Muslims of India re not like that. Read what Jamat-e-Ulema Hind says.

YouTube - JEU India: Muslims should not sing unislamic Vande Mataram

I don't want to correct my post...I was saying there is a huge population of mulsims who do this on a daily basis...they..are still considered muslims in India..while the mindset in Pakistan may be way different for muslims who like to be moderate, not so much in India..understand the disconnect between the mindsets of Indians and Pakistani and then you may realize...Indian Muslims re not the responsibility of Pakistan!!!!!!

It is not hard to throw around what is islamic and what is un-islamic..if I were to ask you killing Sunnis and ahemdias is islamic? I will be branded as a troll..while you are doing the same...leave it at that and give Indian muslims there space..adios..
Then basically all of the Muslim world is practicing "SHIRK"..

Alhamdolillah, we are NOT Mushrik! and Muslims of India are not Mushrik either. The ones who deviate from the lines are Islam are simply not following Islam. what is ambiguity in it? People who Chant Vande-Matram are committing sin and that according to Fatwa of Muslims of India
In bharat two hindus brothers also share their wives it does not mean that the entire world should follow that
Look, there are worse things existing in your country (comprising absolute majority of Muslims) too and you know that these matters are society based more than religious. You want me to share similar sort of incidents from Muslim community? I don't mind.

What are you intending to say against? Religion or land? The thing is, your country was formed along the lines of religion only and this is why you are not able to understand the difference in your country and ours.

We took realpolitik into consideration when establishing modern India. Please don't give me Jinnah's qoutes that contradict his entire reason for the formation of Pakistan. Even if he was liberal and just man, all his dreams died down with him and you can see the result today.
from the first post and an indian member claiming that 1 lakh INDIANS(i repeat "INDIANS" ) sang. we know why INDIA stands tall despite our diversity.

from the first post and jana's first few replies ,we know why the idea of pakistan is still a confusion among pakistani's..they are still in a dilema of religon or nation , while the indians are clear-you can check the indians posts in "the nation first or religon first thread" while pakistani's are still confused
every religion has some points which cannot be practiced in a 21st century civil society...and India Muslims and a major part of Pakistani Muslims are as modern as one in Turkey or Malaysia...they are not fanatics...thats it!!

Where the hell you guys get this BS. Do you think that Turkish Muslim read different Quran and Sunnah then us. there is a limit and the limit is that no Muslim would praise to some 100 hands kali or hanuman. It just clear and simple.
Those one lakh either are not Muslim or may be fearing death if they do not sing the hindu song.

As far as you are concerned you can sing you are budhist We as Muslims do not bow to deities neither we bow to kali

WOW dude all this Hindu Muslim thing u see on TV is only the surface. A majority of us live in peace like brothers and sister :cheers:
Where the hell you guys get this BS. Do you think that Turkish Muslim read different Quran and Sunnah then us. there is a limit and the limit is that no Muslim would praise to some 100 hands kali or hanuman. It just clear and simple.
And are you the supreme religious authority and even if you are, who are you to talk on behalf of Indians? Inside this border, things run a bit different dude. Religion of the same kind varies from region to region and has heavy cultural hand. India has predominant mainstream Hindu cultural influence which is bound to show to a large extent.

And I'd give you a tip; don't bad mouth Garuda in Indonesia as well; you'd be in serious trouble despite the entire country being Muslim majority.
This thread was started to destroy the joyfull mood of Independence day and nothing else.Indian muslims are free to do what they want.If they wish to sing they can.But if they do not wish then no on is forcing them.But they certainly do not rquire lectures from personalities across the border.

I request all Indian members to stop posting in this useless thread.
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