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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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Really so now that I have pointed out that this song must not sing by Muslim is making me second class Muslim. How funny!!!!

Well the people who converted you still call you a second class Muslim. ;)

Your hate filled bigotry makes you a third rate person.

I rather be second class Muslim then Mushrik. :agree:

You are. No worries! ;)
if there are no other gods but Allah why is he so desperate and jealous? I can be jealous if my wife looks at men better looking than me. This would be sick but understandable.

I may have low self esteem. However, if we live in an island where there are no men at all, and still I am jealous, I should be sent to a mental hospital at once. How can Allah be jealous of gods that do not exist? Is Allah insane?

Uncalled for comments. I suggest you delete some of your comments for they are offensive and derogatory.

Lets show some civility. Please.
You call yourself Muslim and talk on behalf of Muslims of India. Why are you shy to give you line on this topic? Let everybody see what is primal to you. How do you as a Muslim take Vande Matram?

i am a Indian Muslim.. and frankly i dont know vande mataram or in future plan to memories it.. for me national anthem is my pride . and who said that we Indian Muslims are forced to sing vande mataram.. quit frankly vande mataram means i do homage to my motherland. if we muslims can die for our mother land i guess we can give our homage to.. about singing vande mataram i do not sing it but i do respect it because it is my nation song ..
Correct your ideology my friend.. Muslims of India are saying the same what Muslims of Bangladesh or Pakistan or elsewhere in the world are saying. Problem is in your understanding no ours.

A person who goes to Gurduwara, then to a Hindu Temple and then to Mosque is not what Islam describes as Muslim. Such people are religious-less or they could be anything but Muslim and all Muslims of India re not like that. Read what Jamat-e-Ulema Hind says.

YouTube - JEU India: Muslims should not sing unislamic Vande Mataram

JuI represents all Indian muslims? What or who gave them that power? It is pointless debating any rationale with your likes. Bound as you are by your hatred for Jews,Hindus,Christians, Ahmadis, Shias etc in that order. Ask yourself, organizations like the JuI and the Deobandis can make fatwas and proclamations against symbols of Indian Nationalism only in a truly secular and accepting Nation like India. To give you another example consider the Pakistan National Anthem which asks for people to stand under the "crescent and the star" which is first and foremost an Islamic symbol and not one of the minorities in Pakistan has ever challenged that. Perhaps they are happy to do so or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that since Independence the percentage of non-muslim minorities in Pakistan has gone from 10% to less than 2% of the overall population or the fact that in the same period the muslim population in India has grown from 11% to approx 14%.

The absolute and unabridged destruction of the state of mind such as yours is the only cure for the evil that pervades our lands and finds expression in the Taliban, JuD ,LeT and the JuI.
Where the hell you guys get this BS. Do you think that Turkish Muslim read different Quran and Sunnah then us. there is a limit and the limit is that no Muslim would praise to some 100 hands kali or hanuman. It just clear and simple.

you are one elite member with no sense of comprehension, what he was saying is that turkish muslims are not religious fanatics but just religious people who place their nation first....
Sin? Ur whole nation is committing a Sin in that logic when you buy and accepts produces from China and NATO. This is fact then. Look at what they do to Muslims in M.E. and in to the Turkic Uighur double standards.

My God you are so confused. Its not about Nations buying things from other, its about Chanting a Hymn that according to BJP and activits is a symbol of being Bharati. Correct your basics and understand what is the topic. Then again, if you are eligible to reply then do so otherwise reading is equally a participation. Such posts as above are in favor of none.
My God you are so confused. Its not about Nations buying things from other, its about Chanting a Hymn that according to BJP and activits is a symbol of being Bharati. Correct your basics and understand what is the topic. Then again, if you are eligible to reply then do so otherwise reading is equally a participation. Such posts as above are in favor of none.

No I am not your saying its a sin to say this word in a song. But your nation supports NATO and China by buying and accepting their weapons. Look at what China is doing in the eastern Muslim Turkic areas. NATO you all ready hate them, but buy their weapons. As a Muslim nation like Pakistan isnt a worse of a sin to buy weapons and arms from nations that subjective Muslims then saying a word? Double standards..

So please help yourself before us Indians.

And that one guy needs to stop bashing Islam.
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i am a Indian Muslim.. and frankly i dont know vande mataram or in future plan to memories it.. for me national anthem is my pride . and who said that we Indian Muslims are forced to sing vande mataram.. quit frankly vande mataram means i do homage to my motherland. if we muslims can die for our mother land i guess we can give our homage to.. about singing vande mataram i do not sing it but i do respect it because it is my nation song ..


Thanks for your post. Thank God one in 1000 is finally spot on.

Its Good to know you do-not sing this and by not singing this, you do not become any lesser Indian. I respect your National Sentiments and I am not inviting you to do anything for which patriotism is at question.

As a relegious guidline, Vande Materam "Bow to the Mother" is not what Muslims do or can do. We Bow to Allah and Nothing after Him. My point was Muslims should not sing this. If they are not forced, its great and I would be happy for Muslims that they are given freedom to do what they find right. I respect your patriotism as an Indian and I will be very happy to see you guys proper and contribute in your National Development. Besides, anything that goes against the religion is forbidden for everybody, every Muslim regardless where he lives and what country he represents. Vande_Materam is forbidden and that must be avoided by every Follower of Islam. Rest, you can surely sing every other National Song or your own National Anthem, no one can question you on that.

Have a good day.
this is sick .... these pakistanis can say whatever they want about our religion , but when we do the same to them , we become bad..?

be advised that there are also indian muslim in this forum..so please keep you bull **** to your self!! reading you idiotic posts you are no less insulting muslim indians too.. give respect to gain it!!
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As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph.thiers shall b gardens n vineyards,n high-bosomed virgins for companions:a truly overflowing cup
(quran 78:31:33)

…They will sit with bashful,dark-eyed virgins,as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.(quran: 37:40-48)
The prophet(jackass) said: “the believer will be given tremendous strength in paradise for sexual intercourse”.it was questioned:”oh allah can he do that?” he said “he will be given strength of one hundred persons.” (mishkat al-masabih 4:42:24;sunan al-tirmidhi 2536)

In them wil be bashful virgins neither man nor jinn will have touched before.then which of the favours of ure lord will you deny? (quran 55:56-57)
Mohammad said :”the least reward for the people of paradise is 80,000 servants n 72 wives” – ( al tirmidhi 2562,2687)
In the hadiths,mohammad goes one step further n expands the promise of virgins to include a free sex market where there us no limit of the no. of sexual partners.woman n young boys are on display as if in fruit market where u can choose the desired ripeness.

that was totally uncalled

well i must say Jana succeed in her with that single statement,even i also fall prey into it

On our Independence day itself this guts wanted to make a rift in our sections
This was a flame thread from the start. I don't see why everyone keeps feeding the troll.

Is this the most important issue for India's defence? Who can and can't sing Vande Mataram? There has been umpteen discussions on this.

Now everything else is just troll feed here. So don't feed the trolls!

Your response on that is awaited. Please write what do you think about Vande-Mataram ? Ulelema-e-Islam in India has given verdict against it.. I am curious to know your lines on it.
This was a flame thread from the start. I don't see why everyone keeps feeding the troll.

Is this the most important issue for India's defence? Who can and can't sing Vande Mataram? There has been umpteen discussions on this.

Now everything else is just troll feed here. So don't feed the trolls!

Better yet, why don't you tell us how you feel about this song? We think it full of shirk. Do you agree or not. It's the month of Ramazan.

What's preventing you from taking stance behalf of your religion. Do not be a coward. Say what' right and stand with it until the death.
Hi guys my one reply for such a insane thread this is what India is all about or Hinduism is all about.

Read this bajan and you will realize the true meaning of Hinduism.

Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram (sometimes called Ram Dhun) is a popular bhajan (Hindu devotional song) that was a favorite of Mahatma Gandhi.

raghupati raaghav raajaaraam,
patit paavan sitaram
siitaaraam, sitaram,
bhaj pyaare tu sitaram
iishvar Allah tero naam,
sab ko sanmati de bhagavaan

Lord Rama, Chief of the house of Raghu,
Uplifters of those who have fallen, (O divine couple) Sita and Rama,
Beloved, praise Sita and Rama,
God or Allah is your name, (meaning that the supreme can be called by many names)
Lord, bless everyone with this wisdom.

so has any Hindu asked what Allah is doing in a bhajan ? No because we worship god in all forms and believe in all religions begin differently but end at the same omnipresent lord.

And some of my friend who believe in Islam do not sing Vande Matharam and nobody opposed them they have there freedom but most of them sing it because the song has nothing religious in it.

Its just equating motherland to god :cheers:
Alhamdolillah, we are NOT Mushrik! and Muslims of India are not Mushrik either. The ones who deviate from the lines are Islam are simply not following Islam. what is ambiguity in it? People who Chant Vande-Matram are committing sin and that according to Fatwa of Muslims of India

Graphican, I am surprised by your unnecessary secretarian rife and calling Indian muslims mushrik.

There aremany threads on Vande Mataram on this forum but you choose only to create a situation in which to make a Hindu Muslim issue.

Those who want to say Vande Mataram with the intention of meaning it to say Salam or salute. They are not saying it with the intention of praying to Bharat Mata. That is 100% clear.

There is also an opinion not just among Muslims, but other Christians and Sikhs scholars that it is not so and they do not choose to sing it. It is also their right as Supreme Court judgement has made it clear. According to the body that interprets the Indian constitution, this is the stand so by not singing Vande Mataram. No one is doing anything illegal. Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of India and no one has any problem to sing that.

Now those who call Jamiat Ulema i Hind anti-national just because they don't agree with singing it are wrong. They have long history in the freedom movement, opposed the divisive Islamist policies of Jinnah to the bitter end and campaigned for a united India even in the face of the most hostile time then. This took real courage in the face of fanatacism whipped up by the muslim league in the 40s and JUI used the basis of the Quran and Sunnah to show how unIslamic these actions were. The explained from Quran and Sunnah why muslims should lovetheir country and be loyal to their motherland. And why even if a muslim country invades India, they are bound by their belief (because of the constitutional promise) to defend India. This is nationalism

Singing Vande Mataram does not make someone nationalist automatically. Then all those politicans who do corruption in billions worth will say Vande Mataram and become nationlist. At the same time, they do not oppose anyone else who wants to sing it. The point they have made isthat do not force everyone to sing it whichthe SC judgment makes it clear. And like I mentioned there are some Sikh and Christians group who agree.

Then you have other muslim groups who insist that in this context we take it to mean salute. And it is only inthis context that they sing it. Where is the shirk when I say "I salute you". That is where AR Rahman came with Maa Tujhe Salaam. Watch the videos and see if he is making pooja to any diety. He is not. He is also a devout muslim as well as bait with a sufi order. Moreover he is a convert to Islam so he knows about both hinduism and Islam. Similarly there are religious scholars as well who based on the translation of the word Vande to Salam or Salute from Sanskrit scholars have said it is permitted as long as this is the intention. But if the intention is to worship then it is not. Hope you got your answer.

I know all you wanted to do was create a flame thread which you have been successful in. So Congrats :)
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Then basically all of the Muslim world is practicing "SHIRK"..

NOP not the entire Muslim world but indeed those who go to shrines for worshiping or carrying out hindu rituals.

Otherwise you can go to graves only for offering fateha (that is basically seeking forgiveness from Allah for the soul of the dead person resting in that grave)

thats it nothing more than that .

Under the influence of hindus many Muslims are committing shrik here in Pakistan too BUT that does not Mean that Islam permits such shirk.
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