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Can Japan and China be allies in a very near future?

Wait you mean Koreans didn't invent the Chinese writing system?? :eek:

LOL. :D In fact, the Koreans call it "Hanja" and the Japanese call it "Kanji".

Both literally mean "Han characters".

So it would be a bit stupid for some of them to claim that they invented it, when they themselves, refer to the system as Han characters. Best to ignore such people.
Korea said: Confucius and Mao Zedong and Sun Yat-sen and Li Bai and ... all is Korean.
Korea said: Chinese character and Gunpowder and Compass and Traditional Chinese Medicine and ... all was invented by Korean.
Korea said: Dragon Boat Festival and Chinese New Year and ... all originated in Korea.

Chinese people can not be angry?

Li Bai? How the hell is that even feasible? He was born in what is today Kyrgyzstan (the other side of China).

Li Bai? How the hell is that even feasible? He was born in what is today Kyrgyzstan (the other side of China).



2010年05月18日 04:46 甘肃日报 【大 中 小】 【打印】 共有评论272条


看到这份资料,不禁让人感到惊讶,又觉得好笑,使人不得不翻阅一些史料,但没有一丝透露李白身世是韩国人的点滴笔墨。然而金教授的依据是李白先祖是在战斗中俘获返回长安,那么,比李白先祖更早的李氏家族当然在韩国了?如果这样的话,那李世民的先祖又在哪里呢?李氏根源又在哪里?这样不得不从李姓之 “根”来考证。李姓源出于尧时代,《春秋·元命苞》载:“尧得皋陶”,聘为“大理”,舜时为士师。皋陶,是我国古代东夷族的首领。尧聘任皋陶为掌管刑法的官,协助禹处理部落领导事务。皋陶提出“理出于天”,有“理”就有“礼”,“理”是维持社会秩序的工具,“礼”是束缚人们思想意识的枷锁。如有违“礼”犯法,以刑纠之,“礼”与“刑”互用。在当时形成了一支强有力的“理氏集团”。

进入阶级社会后,“刑”完全代替了“礼”,成为一种强暴的工具,起到对犯罪者严厉惩罚的目的。而皋陶的“理”失去了其意义。《左传·昭公六年》载: “夏有乱政,而有禹刑”。所谓“禹刑”实际上是尧时皋陶所制定的“理法”。西汉时史游所编著的《急就章》载:“理,狱也,皋陶所造”。所以,皋陶又成为 “狱神”。商纣王时期,“理氏”后裔有一位不为纣王所施暴的官员而株连理氏家族,惨遭杀害,其中有一后裔的妻儿在宫廷一大臣的帮助下亡命天涯,后来落荒野外,因摘“李树”之果充饥,加之他们是“理氏集团”的后裔,故以果树而将“理氏”改为“李”。




Korea's madness comes from low self-esteem.
It is a country surrounded by China and Russia and Japan and USA(Guam).

So South Korea(and North Korea) as East Asia's cecum, it uses inflammatory to show their existence.
But Chinese and Japanese do not like inflammation cecum.
Korea's madness comes from low self-esteem.
It is a country surrounded by China and Russia and Japan and USA(From the sea).

So South Korea(and North Korea) as East Asia's cecum, it uses inflammatory to show their existence.
But Chinese and Japanese do not like inflammation cecum.

heh, I personally don't know why but an inferiority complex is a possibility. And if it is the case, I think we should be complimented that Koreans have chosen to make China such a prominent target.
hm i m sure there is a posibility and but its not gonna happen anytime soon. well i am really surprised to see my chineese brotheres discussing japan with such fondness because in other forum one of them claimed china has two enemies which need to be wiped out from the maps of the world. one startes with "J" and other starts with "I".

to my understanding, it's not that Chinese don't want to forget what Japanese troops did before the end of world war 2. but Japan government sometimes admitted wrong doing, sometimes saying what they did in china was supposed to be greatly appreciate because of liberated China from Qing dynasty (they even put it on school text book in 2007?) which made Chinese around the world mad :china:
the relationship between 2 countries are mostly based..strategic and business for the benefit of country wide and people :yahoo:
asahi.com¡ÊÄ«Æü¿·Ê¹¼Ò¡Ë¡§Outlet malls woo Chinese tourists to survive - English
Japan's biggest desire is to state the normalization. But Americans will not give up control of the Japanese.
The sky will not fall. There is no free lunch.
If the British Empire do not become weak, it will never give India's freedom.
If the USA does not leave East Asia, Japan will never be get freedom.

If Japan want escape the control of the USA, Japan will need other countries to help it. Which country can help it? Only one choice------China!

Chinese and Japanese economies are complementary, And the USA and Japanese economies are competitors.
Although the Chinese people and Japanese people quarrel with each other, but they also need each other. The two governments are aware of that.

Japan is a powerful country, China is a powerful country too.
China has no ability to independently control East Asia, Japan also has no ability.
they must cooperate for the common interests.

China and Japan will eventually become a partner, the same as France and Germany.

Agreed that your viewpoint, the Chinese populace already forgave Japan gradually, but the Japanese government did not look that this, still thought China is threatens, the US is the trust allied country, the American to Japan is not always the percentage trust, but is the guard, from garrisons Japan to be possible to see the American point of view, the Japanese did not look that this had not hoped!
Agreed that your viewpoint, the Chinese populace already forgave Japan gradually, but the Japanese government did not look that this, still thought China is threatens, the US is the trust allied country, the American to Japan is not always the percentage trust, but is the guard, from garrisons Japan to be possible to see the American point of view, the Japanese did not look that this had not hoped!

The Japanese also look that!
Shinzo Abe, Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan...the latest of those Japanese Prime Minister all is intimate to the China.
Yukio Hatoyama even almost removed the USA Futenma Air Station.
aint going to happen but i want USA out of japan. they are rich and strong enough to pay for their own defense.
you boys are really underestimating uncle sam,

do you know how many TRILLIONS of dollars Japan has stake in the US' economy and vice versa?

japan is just being pragmatic when it comes to china. i stated before the fact that in the clinton years japan was bamboozeld. US businesses went into China and had a foothold before most Japanese top guns. japan just smarting up to US relations with china vis a vis japan

problem is that japan is a small country that has next to nothing in term of natural resources. japan will always need markets for her products and will always need to innovate in order to develop products she can sell to world.

dont you believe for 1 sec that china is not content with the status quo where the US has defense arrangement with japan.

the moment the US said it will not "protect" japan..in less than a second Japan would go nuclear...and that alone will not be in the interest of Uncle Sam or Uncle Wang
i stated before the fact that in the clinton years japan was bamboozeld. US businesses went into China and had a foothold before most Japanese top guns. japan just smarting up to US relations with china vis a vis japan

So you're saying that China could have been Japan's cash cow? A Japanese dominate market had the US not "bamboozeld" Japan?

I'm curious.
So you're saying that China could have been Japan's cash cow? A Japanese dominate market had the US not "bamboozeld" Japan?

I'm curious.

Economic and Trade is not a Zero-sum game. China and Japan can cooperate to make money.
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