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Can Japan and China be allies in a very near future?

We cannot be allies. In the very near future Japan and China will become competitors in all fields. There are only a limited amount of resources. There are also too many Japanese. Don't for a second think that Japan is a small country. It has the same population as Russia.

Our goal should be limiting Japan using all methods possible including military and economic from 1.) building an operational nuclear weapon, 2.) building an operational delivery vehicle, 3.) building an operational stealth fighter 4.) developing unconventional next generation weapons, both kinetic and electromagnetic and 5.) prematurely gaining independence from the US.

At the rate we are developing, destroying the Japanese air force on the ground will become a reality in 8 years. During this time our goal should be to limit Japan's military development as much as possible and force it to continue buy US planes while moving up the value chain and suppressing Japan's economic growth in non-service sectors. In 2020-2030, our stealth fighters, heavy transports and carriers will already have been mass produced and entered service. This is the crucial window where US has not yet deployed next generation weapons, F-35 is just beginning to be delivered, and US faces severe internal problems with its pension, debt and natural resources. It would be like the US of 1980-2000: nearly invincible air force due to a combination of superior quality and quantity. It would be a crime against humanity to not use this great opportunity.
We cannot be allies. In the very near future Japan and China will become competitors in all fields. There are only a limited amount of resources. There are also too many Japanese. Don't for a second think that Japan is a small country. It has the same population as Russia.

Our goal should be limiting Japan using all methods possible including military and economic from 1.) building an operational nuclear weapon, 2.) building an operational delivery vehicle, 3.) building an operational stealth fighter 4.) developing unconventional next generation weapons, both kinetic and electromagnetic and 5.) prematurely gaining independence from the US.

At the rate we are developing, destroying the Japanese air force on the ground will become a reality in 8 years. During this time our goal should be to limit Japan's military development as much as possible and force it to continue buy US planes while moving up the value chain and suppressing Japan's economic growth in non-service sectors. In 2020-2030, our stealth fighters, heavy transports and carriers will already have been mass produced and entered service. This is the crucial window where US has not yet deployed next generation weapons, F-35 is just beginning to be delivered, and US faces severe internal problems with its pension, debt and natural resources. It would be like the US of 1980-2000: nearly invincible air force due to a combination of superior quality and quantity. It would be a crime against humanity to not use this great opportunity.

True, Japan and Korea, both nations are insane with full of right wing Ultra-Nationalists.

We will castrate their ability to become military powerhouse, so this would bring the eternal peace in Asia.

I think USA should stay in Japan for another 10-20 years to make sure that they don't develop any nuclear weapon.
first you chinese internet warriors need to stop spending your break time on PDF talking horse $hit and get back to work and build me a mouse that will last longer than a month...before you start talking about big bad mighty china "controlling" Koreans, Japanese and vietnamese.

chinese better hoping for a prosperous and democratic korea and japan... a "poor" and cornered korea and japan will b china's worst nightmare
first you chinese internet warriors need to stop spending your break time on PDF talking horse $hit and get back to work and build me a mouse that will last longer that month...before you start talking about big bad mighty china "controlling" Koreans, Japanese and vietnamese.

chinese better hoping for a prosperous and democratic korea and japan... a "poor" and cornered korea and japan will b china's worst nightmare

I was telling the truth, Japan is not suitable to become a military Superpower. You see what happened in WWII, you guys got nuked when you were trying to do something beyond your own capability.

It is better to stick with economy rather than thinking of becoming a military Superpower.
first you chinese internet warriors need to stop spending your break time on PDF talking horse $hit and get back to work and build me a mouse that will last longer than a month...before you start talking about big bad mighty china "controlling" Koreans, Japanese and vietnamese.

chinese better hoping for a prosperous and democratic korea and japan... a "poor" and cornered korea and japan will b china's worst nightmare

As I see it, we don't really have to deal with you, when we can talk to the guy holding the leash. Kind of irrelevant what you say or think.

and if you want a mouse that doesn't break, try spending more than 10 bucks on it . You get what you pay for.
True, Japan and Korea, both nations are insane with full of right wing Ultra-Nationalists.

We will castrate their ability to become military powerhouse, so this would bring the eternal peace in Asia.

I think USA should stay in Japan for another 10-20 years to make sure that they don't develop any nuclear weapon.

Just 10-20 years is enough. By 2020-2030 our opportunity time would be set to launch our own Operation Island Storm, Operation Noble Anvil and Operation Japanese Freedom with Shock and Awe after an expected Japanese terrorist attack on our fishing boats. The Japanese government will be harboring those terrorists and will be refusing to turn them over.
first you chinese internet warriors need to stop spending your break time on PDF talking horse $hit and get back to work and build me a mouse that will last longer than a month...before you start talking about big bad mighty china "controlling" Koreans, Japanese and vietnamese.

chinese better hoping for a prosperous and democratic korea and japan... a "poor" and cornered korea and japan will b china's worst nightmare

You are right.
If China and Japan and Korea, the three idiots continue to fight each other, East Asian civilization will never have the hope of revival.

Chinese people need a strong China, Because, Not only Domestic Chinese need a strong China, overseas Chinese also need a strong China!
Japanese people need a strong Japan, Because, Not only Domestic Japanese need a strong Japan, overseas Japanese also need a strong Japan!

It is our responsibility, We should not continue to capricious.
I was telling the truth, Japan is not suitable to become a military Superpower. You see what happened in WWII, you guys got nuked when you were trying to do something beyond your own capability.

It is better to stick with economy rather than thinking of becoming a military Superpower.

I do not think re-armed Japan would threaten China.
Hey. Now China is not World War II China. We are not so weak, Japan and China inability to hurt each other. We will maintain a balance, we can cooperate in this balance.

Japan and China can not perish each other, If you do not want to always have an enemy neighbor, One day you must choose to cooperate.

1406, Zhang Fu conquer Vietnam, He killed many Vietnamese.
If the Vietnamese hate us because of the massacre 1406, Can we feel wronged?

“had invaded China“ Japanese people is not the ”now“ Japanese people.
You are right.
If China and Japan and Korea, the three idiots continue to fight each other, East Asian civilization will never have the hope of revival.

Chinese people need a strong China, Because, Not only Domestic Chinese need a strong China, overseas Chinese also need a strong China!
Japanese people need a strong Japan, Because, Not only Domestic Japanese need a strong Japan, overseas Japanese also need a strong Japan!

It is our responsibility, We should not continue to capricious.

I still agree. We in East Asia are still stupid to be bickering with each other like children. But really what is to be done?
There is no east asia. There is China, Vietnam, North Korea, and US puppet colonies. We're not arguing with them. We're arguing with the puppetmaster that's just talking with their mouth.
As in my view J&C always allies together despite any arguments,fights even war between us because we now in a world which we are sharing the same wordending 'nese' made by westerners with depreciate meaning.
Why are you so hate the Japanese?

I think it is universal among us Chinese. Having been raised in the west, I too share the same feeling. It was something that was passed down from one generation to the next. The atrocities committed by Japan are considered to be historically recent, therefore the pain and resentment are still there.
Just to make this clear. I and, I suppose others as well are just having issues with thier politicians and its military. I firmly believe that they still owe us a sincere appology.

Despite what happened during the war, Japanese people in general are just like anyone of us. In fact, I dare say, majority of the ones I have met, has been nice, friendly and well mannered. What we must be clear about is, we mustn't blame and blindly criticize the majority when it was the minority in power that started it. It's citizens were manipulated and had no idea of what went on at the time and they too have suffered at the hands of the Americans.
I think it is universal among us Chinese. Having been raised in the west, I too share the same feeling. It was something that was passed down from one generation to the next. The atrocities committed by Japan are considered to be historically recent, therefore the pain and resentment are still there.
Just to make this clear. I and, I suppose, others as well are just having issues with thier politicians and its military. I firmly believe that they still owe us a sincere appology.

Despite what happened during the war, Japanese people in general are just like anyone of us. In fact, I dare say, majority of the ones I have met, has been nice, friendly and well mannered. What we must be clear about is, we mustn't blame and blindly criticize the majority when it was the minority in power that started it. It's citizens were manipulated and had no idea of what went on at the time and they too have suffered at the hands of the Americans.

Exactly right. :tup:

The Chinese people will never forget the atrocities committed against us, by the Imperial Japanese army during WW2.

That said, I have no real problem with Japanese individuals. The individuals of today, are not responsible for the crimes of their ancestors.

As long as Japan does not re-militarize, then China and South Korea will learn to live with them, as cooperative neighbours in East Asia.
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