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Can Japan and China be allies in a very near future?



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Feb 3, 2011
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With some lately news from Japan which may suggest Japan is leaning closer on China and eventually, will get out of the control of U.S. Japan is already having a panel set-up in Jan 2011 to study whether is feasible to have their own navigation system or to use China Beidou system; the study is likely to complete in June 2011 :taz:
can Japan gets out of U.S. circle or control ???

Japan to Set Up Advisory Panel on China Issues

Tokyo, Feb. 4 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan will form an advisory panel of experts on issues related to China, officials said Friday.
The move is designed to help Japan consider how to promote relations with China at a time when next year marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said at a news conference.
The government will consider the matter thoroughly by collecting a wide range of views from experts, including those from the private sector, Edano said.
The move is also intended to consider ways to mend the ties that soured after a collision in September involving a Chinese trawler and Japanese patrol ships near disputed islands in the Ease China Sea, sources familiar with the situation said.
The panel will hold its first meeting on Sunday, the officials said.

With some lately news from Japan which may suggest Japan is leaning closer on China and eventually, will get out of the control of U.S. Japan is already having a panel set-up in Jan 2011 to study whether is feasible to have their own navigation system or to use China Beidou system; the study is likely to complete in June 2011 :taz:
can Japan gets out of U.S. circle or control ???

Japan to Set Up Advisory Panel on China Issues - JIJI PRESS

That makes about as much sense as South Korea cutting its alliance with the US or the Pakistani public wanting to cut ties with China. There is no reason to believe Japan would improve ties with China at the expense of ties with the US. Conditions would certainly not resemble in the slightest what they are today if it did happen.
Japan's biggest desire is to state the normalization. But Americans will not give up control of the Japanese.
The sky will not fall. There is no free lunch.
If the British Empire do not become weak, it will never give India's freedom.
If the USA does not leave East Asia, Japan will never be get freedom.

If Japan want escape the control of the USA, Japan will need other countries to help it. Which country can help it? Only one choice------China!

Chinese and Japanese economies are complementary, And the USA and Japanese economies are competitors.
Although the Chinese people and Japanese people quarrel with each other, but they also need each other. The two governments are aware of that.

Japan is a powerful country, China is a powerful country too.
China has no ability to independently control East Asia, Japan also has no ability.
they must cooperate for the common interests.

China and Japan will eventually become a partner, the same as France and Germany.
With Japan's geographic position, dependence on imported food and dependence on US for aerospace technology, it will no longer have the ability with defend Japanese airspace independently from large modern air forces within 5 years. In addition, Japan's navy is heavily geared towards anti-sub warfare, making it unprepared to independently deal with opposing carriers. In this state, Japan has no rational choice but to switch allegiance from US to China.
With Japan's geographic position, dependence on imported food and dependence on US for aerospace technology, it will no longer have the ability with defend Japanese airspace independently from large modern air forces within 5 years. In addition, Japan's navy is heavily geared towards anti-sub warfare, making it unprepared to independently deal with opposing carriers. In this state, Japan has no rational choice but to switch allegiance from US to China.

China did not as strong as the strength of the USA, China has no ability to control Japan.
Japan and China will be partners, equal partners, the same as France and Germany.
hm i m sure there is a posibility and but its not gonna happen anytime soon. well i am really surprised to see my chineese brotheres discussing japan with such fondness because in other forum one of them claimed china has two enemies which need to be wiped out from the maps of the world. one startes with "J" and other starts with "I".
China did not as strong as the strength of the USA, China has no ability to control Japan.
Japan and China will be partners, equal partners, the same as France and Germany.

Japan import 85% of its food. We also have a far better air force both quantitative and qualitative while our navy is set to overtake theirs in 5 years. Therefore if we blockade Japan, we can kill 85% of their population, which is easy to do if the US leaves. In terms of technology, Japanese have better chip design but we can manufacture the chips. In top 18 semiconductor foundries 2008, 10 of the top semiconductor device manufacturers were located in China: 6 mainland, 4 Taiwan. 1 was in Japan. We have no generation gap with Japan or US in any technology.

Japan's geography has dictated that it will never threaten China mainland, without already having a foothold in Asia through a weak country being conquered first (Korea).
hm i m sure there is a posibility and but its not gonna happen anytime soon. well i am really surprised to see my chineese brotheres discussing japan with such fondness because in other forum one of them claimed china has two enemies which need to be wiped out from the maps of the world. one startes with "J" and other starts with "I".

Yes. There are many Chinese people hate Japan.

It have been a large-scale online survey:
1st, 40.1% Chinese people least favorite Korea.
2nd, 30.2% Chinese people least favorite Japan.
3th, 18.8% Chinese people least favorite Indonesia.
4th, 9.7% Chinese people least favorite USA.
5th, 6.5% Chinese people least favorite Vietnam.

about India? Indians can not enter the top 10...
Strange? Lol... Because most Chinese people are not interested in Indians.

What is reason for India to become China's enemy?
Yes. There are many Chinese people hate Japan.

It have been a large-scale online survey:
1st, 40.1% Chinese people least favorite Korea.
2nd, 30.2% Chinese people least favorite Japan.
3th, 18.8% Chinese people least favorite Indonesia.
4th, 9.7% Chinese people least favorite USA.
5th, 6.5% Chinese people least favorite Vietnam.

about India? Indians can not enter the top 10...
Strange? Lol... Because most Chinese people are not interested in Indians.

What is reason for India to become China's enemy?

thanx for the data. i really wish both indians and chineese leave each other alone so that both can concentrate on economic development.
i'm surprised to see 'I' here! :o
While the most hated country, India can not enter the top 10.
But the most favorite country, the 1st is Pakistan.

And the 3th favorite country is Japan...
So The relationship between China and Japan is complex...

China and Japan need to cooperate with each other for economic development, but can not be completely forgotten history...

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