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Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

Oh I'm hurt. Boo hoo, a dirty Vietnamese is mocking my country. I'm so sad I want to cry.:laughcry:

Indonesia is already the "leader" of the group & it's already a fact. You don't even have a single evidence to back up your claim.

And the Italian used to conquer the known world. The secret word is USED TO. Your past victories means nothing today. Now Vietnam is insignificant in the Global arena compared even to Philippines. :rofl:
Keep laughing like idiot ,who cares, dont come to sub-Mekong region and look for job when Kra canal finish , :pop:

I bet I have already given you a post telling that why our economy can still be progressing (insyaALLAH) while your project finished as well. In short, our port is not a hub port like Singapore....Singapore economy get bigger because of being a hub port. If your port replace Singapore as a hub in SEA region.....because it can reduce the cost of many ship........it can also of course smooth our trading to China, Japan, US, etc....why not :D
I dont think Australia will happy to see a stronger Indonesia . Australia is a strong ally of US (sine they r white and speak English), so they wont let u trade well with US-Japan.

U can't hope ur GDP will increase by boosting trading with ur enemy's ally, dude . US will abandon u high and dry and let Australia harass u for good.:pop:
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I dont think Australia will happy to see a stronger Indonesia . Australia is a strong ally of US (sine they r white and speak English), so they wont let u trade well with US-Japan.

U can't hope ur GDP will increase by boosting trading with ur enemy's ally, dude . US will abandon u high and dry and let Australia to keep harassing u for good.:pop:

We have trade deficit with Aussie.....they exports a lot of meat cow....with 240 million in our population....huge market for them. Aussie get benefit from our economy.......There is No reason of why they want to see any trade war with us happens in the future.....:azn:
We have trade deficit with Aussie.....they exports a lot of meat cow....with 240 million in our population....huge market for them. Aussie get benefit from our economy.......There is No reason of why they want to see any trade war with us happens in the future.....:azn:
Sub-Mekong region can be a huge market to replace Indonesia if they think u r threat to them. VN-Camb-Laos trade with Australia still little coz we have some political issue (communism-so called 'democracy' )
Sub-Mekong region can be a huge market to replace Indonesia if they think u r threat to them. VN-Camb-Laos trade with Australia still little coz we have some political issue (communism-so called 'democracy' )

They have already seen us as a threat for so long.....thats why they tapped us....for your information...the tapping happens in 2009 only for weeks....during our plan to acquire Kilo class Russia submarine......but they keep doing trade with us since very long time. It is also why they allow US to put a base in Darwin....Aussie is far away from China....Not China that They are afraid of....but Us...:coffee:
They have already seen us as a threat for so long.....thats why they tapped us....for your information...the tapping happens in 2009 only for weeks....during our plan to acquire Kilo class Russia submarine......but they keep doing trade with us since very long time. It is also why they allow US to put a base in Darwin....Aussie is far away from China....Not China that They are afraid of....but Us...:coffee:
Just bcz u r not strong enough to be a real threat. U cant use Kilos to invade Aussia, bro
Just bcz u r not strong enough to be a real threat. U cant use Kilos to invade Aussia, bro

I dont know why they see us as a threat either...but maybe they just learned a lesson from Soekarno era.......So, they seem to prepare for the next potential combatan leader of us (worst scenario).. :woot:.... btw in term of tapping they just want to project our military development and make a military budget which is suited to counter our military strength for the near future..because military hardware needs time to be realized......they want to be one or two step ahead of us

But since USA has already been there......I bet Aussie should feel save for long long time :D

And there is no reason of why we should make any military conflict either to them....no territorial dispute left after East Timor get their independent :coffee:
My friend, it's you who are delusional and need to understand group dynamics. In a group dynamics, a natural leader will emerge in order for any successful bloc or union to sustain itself. You cannot have a bunch of snake running around without a clear objective and agenda set out by the leader. Yes, ASEAN has rotating chairman but he is just a public speaker and does not have direct influence over its members. The "behind-the-door" politics will dictate which country to lead ASEAN. Currently, Indonesia has the most potential due to the vast resource, size, and status in international forum. In ASEAN, only Indonesia is represented in the G-20 and that say a lot to the interest of ASEAN.

If Indonesia leaves ASEAN, who will represent the interest of ASEAN in G-20 summit?
as I already said, you are one of those clueless outsiders. The bold part is the main policy of ASEAN. You can forget the rest. Nobody wants Indonesia to represent the group. Nobody asks anybody to "lead".

Should Vietnam delegate the SC Sea dispute to Indonesia? Why should Indonesia represent Vietnam in G20 summit? and why should Vietnam give its own rights to a foreign country? To Indonesia? as many think its economy is a bubble.

Indonesia’s Economic Bubble | The Diplomat

At present, as far as I know Vietnam holds the ASEAN secretariat chairmanship and the speaker when dealing with Russia, Western Europe, Africa, America, India and more.

You are delusional.
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Oh I'm hurt. Boo hoo, a dirty Vietnamese is mocking my country. I'm so sad I want to cry.:laughcry:

Indonesia is already the "leader" of the group & it's already a fact. You don't even have a single evidence to back up your claim.

And the Italian used to conquer the known world. The secret word is USED TO. Your past victories means nothing today. Now Vietnam is insignificant in the Global arena compared even to Philippines. :rofl:
What claim?
Vietnam never says it wants to become a leader of the group, neither Indonesia. Just you. :rofl:
Should Vietnam delegate the SC Sea dispute to Indonesia? Why should Indonesia represent Vietnam in G20 summit? and why should Vietnam give its own rights to a foreign country? To Indonesia? as many think its economy is a bubble.

Indonesia’s Economic Bubble | The Diplomat

The writer is a journalist bro.....its the way a journalist "SOME TIME" make money.....by sometime making a report which is contrary to general current argument.....( I was a former journalist though.....believe me...we are pressed to make a report that has "news gravity" on it ....oh I remember my hard working life once again......:cray:).

Good reports usually are made by a good institution like OECD, World Bank, IMF, even think thank and banking analist is a good one as well,...as they will be careful not to make any mistake that can undermine their institution if the projection is wrong :coffee:
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Three continents? That's only because they made it three continent. The total land mass is less than that of China at the same time period.

As to Han Chinese, we are only all Han Chinese is because we didn't fall like the romans. Did you know at the start, even people from the Beijing and Canton were considered barbarians. The start of China was just the center of China. Han was the first lasting dynasty with central government and as time wore on, the other nationalities stopped existing and we are all Han.

Like Franks are germans, but today no Frank decedents consider themselves German like their ancestors did.

Besides, did you not hear we had subjects all of Asia, sans PARTS of India, middle east and east Africa.

I will discuss the economy aspect in the response to JH below.

National honor? Americans are protesting a war that only killed 5000 over 10 years, imagine that much dying in 2 days in a war with China.

You think US deals with Mexico on equal bases? Lol, maybe read history a little, do you know how California was added to America?

I'm not going to go further, because all your crap are never going to happen and biased. Name me one country the US has blockaded with a navy or economy comparable to China in recent times. They barely enforce it on Iran, and Iran economy doesn't matter much to the US.


Now on to you, China doesn't matter, even a greece slow down affected the world. Do you know how many starbucks and walmart are in China and where Walmart gets its goods?

Now imagine starbucks losing all their stores and so did walmart in China and worse, losing their supply.

Their stock would be worthless, they would have to massive lay off. That's only two companies. Stock markets crash, imagine Lehman brothers but way worse.

I can't believe for someone that suppose to have all this experience would say these ignorant things. Are you sure you are who you say you are? Redneck reasoning is good on the farm, but not in the real world.

I don't want to get into the whole thing, but ask anyone with education in the financial field what would happen if China was somehow blockaded.

The world can't do without any country, if France disappeared, then the Euro market would crash and then the world, India, Philippines all country are important in the equation.

Firstly onto Rome yeah,Romans ruled in 3 continents over hugely diverse cultures.China only over chines.And much of ur landmass was desert and still both controlled around 4.36% of world's landmass.In case in terms of impact u are nowhere close.China remained in china-so remain ther as u always have and don't bother the rest..Also why u keep comparing urself to a long dead empire is also amusing because if u think ur a roman empire one can only say LOL.Ur not even insignificant speck relatively at ur current state.Ur armed forces can't challenge USA and economy is based on exports and investments,and ur a tech thief.So chinese fanboy keep ur pipedreams to urself.Behave or be encircled.Those are ur options.

As for national pride and money,Yes thats what hitler thought about britain and america,after bloodshed in ww1-''they will never commit a single soldier again to continental europe''.What do u think,u will just move around and grab the world and apparently because u think the world is afraid of bloodshed,it will hand over control on a plate to a arrogant imperialist thug like CCP?Just try using force and see the alliance that is piled up against you.
You thiunk you will commit military aggression and because of a few businesses no one will strike back-hah.If USA and its european allies shut down imports from china,sure they will suffer heavily at first.But eventually recover and move on to other import destinations even with losses.You on the other hand and ur economy will be reduced to a basket case with no one to take ur goods.The tipping point is how far are u going to push till people decide enough is enough and its worth taking self-damage to tecah u a permanent lesson.
As for california,if u knew history u would know that was over a century ago.Not current situation.U see USA claiming canadian or mexican land as theirs?Novice.
Firstly onto Rome yeah,Romans ruled in 3 continents over hugely diverse cultures.China only over chines.And much of ur landmass was desert and still both controlled around 4.36% of world's landmass.In case in terms of impact u are nowhere close.China remained in china-so remain ther as u always have and don't bother the rest..Also why u keep comparing urself to a long dead empire is also amusing because if u think ur a roman empire one can only say LOL.Ur not even insignificant speck relatively at ur current state.Ur armed forces can't challenge USA and economy is based on exports and investments,and ur a tech thief.So chinese fanboy keep ur pipedreams to urself.Behave or be encircled.Those are ur options.

As for national pride and money,Yes thats what hitler thought about britain and america,after bloodshed in ww1-''they will never commit a single soldier again to continental europe''.What do u think,u will just move around and grab the world and apparently because u think the world is afraid of bloodshed,it will hand over control on a plate to a arrogant imperialist thug like CCP?Just try using force and see the alliance that is piled up against you.
You thiunk you will commit military aggression and because of a few businesses no one will strike back-hah.If USA and its european allies shut down imports from china,sure they will suffer heavily at first.But eventually recover and move on to other import destinations even with losses.You on the other hand and ur economy will be reduced to a basket case with no one to take ur goods.The tipping point is how far are u going to push till people decide enough is enough and its worth taking self-damage to tecah u a permanent lesson.
As for california,if u knew history u would know that was over a century ago.Not current situation.U see USA claiming canadian or mexican land as theirs?Novice.

Perhaps you can and should try to persuade the US and the EU to follow your analysis to the full。

Let me know if you are treated as a sage or a beggar。
The writer is a journalist bro.....its the way a journalist "SOME TIME" make money.....by sometime making a report which is contrary to general current argument.....( I was a former journalist though.....believe me...we are pressed to make a report that has "news gravity" on it ....oh I remember my hard working life once again......:cray:).

Good reports usually are made by a good institution like OECD, World Bank, IMF, even think thank and banking analist is a good one as well,...as they will be careful not to make any mistake that can undermine their institution if the projection is wrong :coffee:
I agree with you. Indonesia and Vietnam are developing countries, we both have a long way to go to get there where Singapore today is. We both share the same goals: to get our countries to become prosperious nations, to turn ASEAN to a respected group, and to keep our region as a peaceful place.

Indonesia and Vietnam are facing multiple challenges, economics is one of them. We both try to solve with different approaches. Don´t fall into the trap of outsiders and provocateurs, who think one member should impose their wills on others because this member is BIG and MIGHTY.

Arrogance is the first step to self destruction.
What claim?
Vietnam never says it wants to become a leader of the group, neither Indonesia. Just you. :rofl:

Your claim is that Indonesia is not a natural leader of ASEAN. While in reality it is.

I agree with you. Indonesia and Vietnam are developing countries, we both have a long way to go to get there where Singapore today is. We both share the same goals: to get our countries to become prosperious nations, to turn ASEAN to a respected group, and to keep our region as a peaceful place.

Indonesia and Vietnam are facing multiple challenges, economics is one of them. We both try to solve with different approaches. Don´t fall into the trap of outsiders and provocateurs, who think one member should impose their wills on others because this member is BIG and MIGHTY.

Arrogance is the first step to self destruction.

This is coming from a guy spouting nonsense that Vietnam can defeat Thailand & can defeat China again because...?

BTW Arrogance is when you have Nothing to back up your boast.

While Indonesian is feeling Confident in the World Stage because of its new found Economic & Political prestige.
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i agree with you, right now Indonesia should focusing more to make herself much more richer than ever and build up her military posture

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