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Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

Hahahaha and we manage to stop the chinese offensive were many fail to do so and as for modernization take a good look at the Philippine Army special Forces and the Philippine Marines they have modern equipments similar to the US Army with the exception of tanks and anti air and anti tank weapons but budget is already being allocated again like all the twekan trash bin propaganda you pretty much suck at your job faker go ahead show us your true colors you fake filipino twekan trash bin
You sound like a total retard. During the Korean War, China was fighting while they were poor. Look how far China now. Our modernization program is total crap.

The Chinese are decades ahead of us. If you think super duper Philippine military will defeat China, well get your head out of your ***.
I am just asking you, what a mere 2,6 billion US dollar for five years plan of modernization can do and can buy? Even a single modern frigate like DZP or Fremm alone will cost around 1 billion US dollar including packaging for maintenance, missile system and spare part and crew training, let alone your wish to procure around a squadron of fighter, 2 units of SSV, submarine forces, and another expensive stuff like modern medium Helicopter, AAV like LVT7A, 155 cal Howitzer and so on. From all of countries in South East Asia, is only you Philippine who taking the long road to modernize their military might. And yet, here you people are still bragging about to crush the Chinese military forces and dream big to challenge them frontally in South China Sea dispute and almost bringing instability and chaos around ASEAN region with your people selfishness. What an armed forces who comprises of WW II era destroyer escort Navy, OV-10 Bronco leads air forces and V-150 armored car army can do?

What i can see for the time being about the Ph. behavior about SCS dispute is like, your talking is big but your actions and commitment to make up to your words is almost zero or even non-existent at all. Even the Cambodja doesn't give a shit about your guys, and can your remember what Malaysian do to your guys when the crisis around Sabah is happened, they ignore you at all and don't care at all about your territory integrity, they put their ships around your naval border and conducting several naval raid into your territory and what your navy can do when those shit happened?
He's a dead brain idiot who gives Uncle Sam "happy fun times."

Zero_balls can only boast and cheerlead at the same time. Isn't that amazing???
If you think super duper Philippine military will defeat China, well get your head out of your ***.
I honestly don't wish for the Philippine to fight China, but they would if they have the yank military backing. First, the yanks wouldn't lose much as they are far away, but Philippines have a lot more to lose under Chinese missiles. My point here is, Philippines is just a scapegoat for the yanks, nothing more nothing less. Also they have everything to lose. It's best not to fight a neighbor who is much superior than you are.

Do it your self trash bin
Here is something for you to play with

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I am just asking you, what a mere 2,6 billion US dollar for five years plan of modernization can do and can buy? Even a single modern frigate like DZP or Fremm alone will cost around 1 billion US dollar including packaging for maintenance, missile system and spare part and crew training, let alone your wish to procure around a squadron of fighter, 2 units of SSV, submarine forces, and another expensive stuff like modern medium Helicopter, AAV like LVT7A, 155 cal Howitzer and so on. From all of countries in South East Asia, is only you Philippine who taking the long road to modernize their military might. And yet, here you people are still bragging about to crush the Chinese military forces and dream big to challenge them frontally in South China Sea dispute and almost bringing instability and chaos around ASEAN region with your people selfishness. What an armed forces who comprises of WW II era destroyer escort Navy, OV-10 Bronco leads air forces and V-150 armored car army can do?

What i can see for the time being about the Ph. behavior about SCS dispute is like, your talking is big but your actions and commitment to make up to your words is almost zero or even non-existent at all. Even the Cambodja doesn't give a shit about your guys, and can your remember what Malaysian do to your guys when the crisis around Sabah is happened, they ignore you at all and don't care at all about your territory integrity, they put their ships around your naval border and conducting several naval raid into your territory and what your navy can do when those shit happened?

Well am telling you its in phases its not the end of modernization and other reason is priorities defense unlike in your country defense is 3rd on the list of top priorities and as for Cambodians they do what they have to do and we have to do what we need to do if being a client state of china is in there best interest why judge them? and sir the Philippine Army's Armored Division is made of Simba and Scorpions and ACV300 the V150 are last in the list so your wrong and as for the BRP Rajah Humabon she old but she will be decommission soon making way for newer ships and as for the Sabah we claim it yes but on International law means only what those people did was not supported by the Philippine Government at all they did on their own.

They can ignore us all they want i mean everyone but in the end of the day we still here and we have to make due of what we have and what need. As long as we are not threat to others we golden.

You sound like a total retard. During the Korean War, China was fighting while they were poor. Look how far China now. Our modernization program is total crap.

The Chinese are decades ahead of us. If you think super duper Philippine military will defeat China, well get your head out of your ***.

And that's why your moron did i say we Filipinos are going to defeat china? if anything china will start the war first but that's other issue. One we are not going to start wars because the Stand of the Philippines under international law and by peaceful means and two the Philippines is modernizing for credible defense meaning we are updating our current weapons, Doctrines, technologies to better defend ourselves i mean what part of this can you imps not understand?
That's why i call you a trash bin because your post any many like yourselves in this forum are full of $hit.

And this post proves ones again that your no filipino your just other twekan imp trash that needs to attention KSP kulang sa pansin

And that why you people are evil morons

God you people are so stupid for one China is doing all of the Saber ratting around here the Philippines is just modernizing its forces and please you guys are weak against America you only last years on head on battle and lose much more than anyone good luck being the most hated country in the Planet
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No nation can be a beacon of others and even to his own people if they espouse Islamofacism. Islamofascism is backward, hate-mongering and genocidal ideology. Its a lucky thing that Sukarno had give Indonesian some sense earlier, else Indonesia will be worse off.

Over the years, the secularism of Sukarno somehow waned, and some sector among Indonesia try to bring the country to stone age by preaching hate and self-vicitminzation. While Indonesia has potential to be great, her treatment of minorities need to be better address. She cannot win respect in SE Asia if Christian keep being attacked and at the same time, her Muslim openly preach hate against Christian.

I also see Islamofacsim a hurdle to development. Turkey developed because she is secular and ditch the Taliban style Islam. Countries that espouse radical Islam got bad karma and people live in misery, other than Gulf states with a lot of oil. Indonesia still has a long way to go secularize.


You have to check Pew Research about Indonesian and their view toward Islam....It will make you even feel more scary about us he,he :omghaha:. Based on that US research center....Iran is nothing compare to Indonesian Muslim based on praying parameter...(Dont count Turkey...they are really so secular). And by the way Any Pious Muslim is a fair person....we dont like to step to an ant...so why do we have to make something unfair to other humankind... For your information Arab and Chinese helped flourished Islam in here. If you go to Palembang...People there looks like you guys....but they are Muslim of course.... Dont generalize Muslim...we also dont like Al-Qaeda, and narrow minded Muslim either

This is the story to understand the link between China and Indonesia in term of spreading Islam

Zheng He and Islam in Southeast Asia

A statue of admiral Zheng He in Melaka, Malaysia. Picture: Agency
Darul Aqsha
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SOME ninety years prior to the expedition of Italian navigator Christopher Columbus to the New World, on July 11,1405, Chinese explorer Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) set sail to explore the known world for the first time by order of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

In the early 15th century, the Ming dynasty had built one of the most powerful fleets in history. Comprising 62 junks and 100 lesser vessels and carrying almost 30,000 men, Zheng He accomplished a total of seven great naval expeditions. He crossed the seas to the Western Oceans from China to the western part of Archipelago, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and reached the east coast of Africa.

The voyages covered a total of 160,000 nautical miles or more than 296,000km, visiting more than 50 places and countries and opening up over 41 international shipping lines.

Zheng He's great naval voyages enriched the world's geography and pushed the sciences of navigation to levels never known before.

In addition, Zheng He's voyages were also aimed at setting up close and friendly diplomatic relationship, developing cultural and trade exchanges, as well as establishing and strengthening maritime communications with other countries.

Humble origins

Zheng He was born in 1371 from the nationality of Chinese Hui. His original name was Ma He or Ma San Bao. After living in the western region of China, his ancestors had moved and settled in Kunming, Yunnan.

One of his ancestors was known as Zaidinsyeh Shamsuddin, a prince of Xian Yang of the Yunnan province during the Chinese Yuan Dynasty.

Looking on his family name of Ma, Zheng He obviously was a Muslim. His family adhered to Islam for generations. His great grandfather, Bay-An, his grandfather, Charameddin, and his father, Myrikyn were "Hajis", meaning that they had performed the Haj pilgrimage in Mekah.

He rendered his service to Prince Yan, who later became Emperor Yungle of the Ming dynasty. He successfully won battles throughout the country. Therefore he was conferred upon "Top Court Eunuch of Great Influence" with surname "Zheng". After Emperor Yungle, he later serve under the next two Ming emperors.

During his voyages, his fleet visited many Asian and African countries, including the kingdoms of Brunei, Melaka, Java (Semarang and Surabaya), Palembang, Aceh in Sumatra, Pontianak (West Kalimantan), Sri Lanka, and Jeddah and Mekah in Hijaz.

Ma Huan, Zhen He's Muslim interpreter and writer who mastered Arabic and had accompanied him during his expeditions, wrote chronicles on the social life and customs of local communities he encountered in ports they visited. He recorded them in his book "The Overall Survey of the Ocean Shores" written in 1416.

In his expeditions, Zheng He was accompanied by a number of officials who were also Muslims. At the time when his fleet first arrived in Melaka, there were already Chinese Muslims living there. Ma Huan called them "tángrén". The similar communities they met were also living in other ports such as in Semarang and Surabaya in Java. At their ports of call, they actively promoted the spread of Islam, established Chinese Muslim communities and built mosques.

According to an acclaimed Indonesian philologist Slametmuljana, Zheng He established Chinese Muslim communities, first in Palembang, then in San Fa (West Kalimantan), and subsequently he founded similar communities along the northern parts of Java, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines. They propagated Islam according to the Hanafi school of thought (madzhab) in Chinese language.

In 1430, Zheng He had already successfully established the foundations of the Hui religion Islam. After his death, Haji Yan Ying Yu became the leading man behind the Chinese Muslim community overseas, and he delegated a few local Chinese as leaders, such as trader Sun Long from Semarang, Peng Rui He and Haji Peng De Qin. Sun Long and Peng Rui He actively urged the Chinese community in "Javanisation".

They encouraged the younger Chinese generation to assimilate with the Javanese society, to take on Javanese names and way of life. Sun Long's adopted son Chen Wen, also named Radin Patah, is the son of last King of Majapahit and his Chinese wife. Chen Wen is believed by some historians to be the same Raden Fatah who had a Chinese mother and was a student and/or cousin of Sunan Ampel (one of Walisongo, the nine Muslim saints who promoted Islam in Java in 15th and 16th centuries) and was the first Sultan of Islamic sultanate of Demak.

In Surabaya, some 300km east of Demak, Ma Hua categorised communities in the city in three groups. He observed that one of the groups was Muslim community who lived in clean and healthy life style compared to the two other groups.

Prof Dr Hamka, an influential Indonesian Muslim scholar, once said in 1961 that "the development of Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia is closely related to a Chinese pious Muslim, who is none other than Admiral Zheng He".

Besides that Zheng He gave high respect for temples and places of worship of other religions. The Galle Trilingual Inscription stone tablet, erected by Zheng He around 1410 in Sri Lanka, records details about contributions of gold, silver, and silk that he made at a Buddhist mountain temple. Meanwhile, a commemorative pillar at the temple of the Taoist goddess Tian Fei, the Celestial Spouse, in Fujian province, records details about his voyages.

After his death, Chinese naval expeditions were suspended. The Hanafi madzhab that Cheng Ho and his people propagated lost almost all contact with Islam in China, and gradually was totally absorbed by the local Shafi'i madzhab.

When Melaka was successively colonised by the Portuguese, the Dutch, and later the British, Chinese were discouraged from converting to Islam. Many of the Chinese Muslim mosques, including in Singapore and Semarang (Java) became San Bao (Sam Po Kong) Chinese temples (viharas) commemorating Zheng He. After a lapse of 600 years, the influence of Chinese Muslims in Melaka and other places declined to almost nil.

Maritime dedications

Zheng He had dedicated his whole life to navigation, pioneering and linking up "the Silk and Ceramic Roads on the Ocean". He had strengthened the mutual understanding and friendly relationship between China and the Western countries, pushed forward and promoted the economy of various cities in South and Southeast Asia to prosperity.

In 2005, a mosque with Chinese architecture named "Masjid Cheng Ho" was officially open in Surabaya.The Construction Committee of Cheng Ho Mosque of Surabaya in the Indonesian province of East Java wrote in its brochure (2003): "Eunuch Sanbao's success in going west, which he made 600 years before, will live up to his reputation in history and spread far and wide forever."

The Brunei Times
Can you believe some people in Asia go to the PH to learn English? I hope ZW is the exception and not the pinoy norm, otherwise those poor students are being scammed.

Wow and you short cut my Name? hahahaha stupid imp

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