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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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The debate about numeric zero concept, invented by Indian.
when in the past true Han Chinese used the word wúrù (無入 lieraturally. I quote again for you: The word wúrù (無入) rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians, literally means "no entry" or "null enters".

When you stated : "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"? Base on your idiot logic the word 空 , it doesn't mean empty, no zero. :enjoy:

Oh ha ha ha, look at this, a freaking, stupid, brazen Vietnamese still haven't admit its foolishness, so Hardcore~

"天空" is a word and "空" is a character, these are different you stupid monkey. Chinese is really too difficult for a single-celled organisms like you to learn. And who don't you go check what literally means you idiot, oh no you can't, since you only got a 空 brain.

You are Nan Man, you can't understand what does it means when original Han Chinese have been writing in ancient time about zero:

Oh my, so "Mr.stupid-fool-Dare-to-be-a-Chinese-teacher" got nothing leave but only racial attack~
The most ridiculous part is that a Vietnam dare to call a Southern Chinese "Nan Man"! Oh meu deus, You are really the funniest bastard I have ever seen, really. And this idiot Vietnamese still dare to try to tell a Chinese what "original Han Chinese" and "true Han Chinese" are, how pity.

Don't forget that you has been admitted that you were slaves of Mongolian, Manchus, etc and your face is thicker than wall.

Don't attempt to change the subject because you have already out of basis you idiot, besides Mongolian and Manchus are all Chinese, we are all included in the Chinese ethnics group you stupid fool. You have no business in this history. Also even in Yuan and Qing dynasty there were huge amount of Han and other ethnics senior officials. If we were slaves, then what were you, rubbish? Ha, said the idiot whose ancestors lost their country for thousand year.

Also one Dong Yi boy here, insect don have human brain to say about us.

Dongyi is a really old concept stored in the history book, I suppose your tiny stupid brain never a friend with evolution.
He is not a thing, don´t take too personally.

I am sorry but I cannot consider that organism as a normal person.

And I'm sorry about that curses related to Vietnamese above, I didn't mean that.
I am just feel angry about how could this guy continually speak such stupid things.
It is like someone who tell you that you are not "true Vietnamese" " you were slaves" and "Vietnamese people live on trees like monkeys" such thing like these. I'm sure you have the same feeling with mine.
Respond to: jhungary

Could you be more ignorant and ridiculous? Chinese language is not Chinese' creation? Who else could you
indicate helped Chinese invent Hanzi while themselves not speaking Chinese and of course having no idea of Chinese?

Chinese actually should be called "Hannese", because it's Han Chinese' language, Hanzi was created by Han Chinese' ancestry Hua-Xia ethinicity(华夏族)that had never ever been indo- or mongo- or any other ethinicity related.

The earliest discovered to date and highly mature written Chinese language oracle bone inscriptions emerged over 3000 years ago, not mentioning the much much earlier burgeoning stage (believed to date back 6000 years ago, ever found character-like engravings such as: “火”、“⊙”、“井”、“圭”、“▽” among which “⊙” was identical to “日” in oracle bone inscriptions on fragments of pottery dated 7000—7500 ago unearthed in southern China).
So, during those Chinese cultural and historical development process, where were your claimed indo- mongo- involvements? When and how did those elements contribute to the birth of Hanzi? You invented history by yourself, right?

Chinese is Chinese, we've never had any East Han Language 東漢語 or South Han Language, ancient Chinese passed on from generation to generation uninterruptedly and gradually evolved into Modern Chinese.
普通话(Mandarin) is of course Chinese 漢語, it's just a standard modern Chinese with standard accent based on northern Chinese dialects. See, you have such a shoddy knowledge of Chinese language and Chinese history, you think your points any bit of worth?

Han Chinese undoubtedly and absolutely own the patent for creation of Hanzi.
just saw so much envy and jealousy out there!

As for use of Kanji by Japanese, again, it's not the problem of permitting or forbidding, it's just so funny and absurd.
Will your government adopt such a mixed language as "I like 功夫(kungfu), I've been 练xercising 武术(martial arts) for years. ", given that you can just simply express "练xercise" in your own word as "exercise".
I guess almost every nation in the world except Japan won't do it.
Respond to: jhungary

Could you be more ignorant and ridiculous? Chinese language is not Chinese' creation? Who else could you
indicate helped Chinese invent Hanzi while themselves not speaking Chinese and of course having no idea of Chinese?

Chinese actually should be called "Hannese", because it's Han Chinese' language, Hanzi was created by Han Chinese' ancestry Hua-Xia ethinicity(华夏族)that had never ever been indo- or mongo- or any other ethinicity related.

The earliest discovered to date and highly mature written Chinese language oracle bone inscriptions emerged over 3000 years ago, not mentioning the much much earlier burgeoning stage (believed to date back 6000 years ago, ever found character-like engravings such as: “火”、“⊙”、“井”、“圭”、“▽” among which “⊙” was identical to “日” in oracle bone inscriptions on fragments of pottery dated 7000—7500 ago unearthed in southern China).
So, during those Chinese cultural and historical development process, where were your claimed indo- mongo- involvements? When and how did those elements contribute to the birth of Hanzi? You invented history by yourself, right?

Chinese is Chinese, we've never had any East Han Language 東漢語 or South Han Language, ancient Chinese passed on from generation to generation uninterruptedly and gradually evolved into Modern Chinese.
普通话(Mandarin) is of course Chinese 漢語, it's just a standard modern Chinese with standard accent based on northern Chinese dialects. See, you have such a shoddy knowledge of Chinese language and Chinese history, you think your points any bit of worth?

Han Chinese undoubtedly and absolutely own the patent for creation of Hanzi.
just saw so much envy and jealousy out there!

As for use of Kanji by Japanese, again, it's not the problem of permitting or forbidding, it's just so funny and absurd.
Will your government adopt such a mixed language as "I like 功夫(kungfu), I've been 练xercising 武术(martial arts) for years. ", given that you can just simply express "练xercise" in your own word as "exercise".
I guess almost every nation in the world except Japan won't do it.

Dude, if you simply say because the word Chinese (the language) is the word Chinese (the people), then Chinese language must be of decentant of Chinese, well, i can't help but laugh at your ignorant

The History of Chinese (the language) is based on a script of Indo-Sino-Tibetan (I was wrong before not Mongol, as i was just remembering stuff.)

Sino-Tibetan languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The prospect of Chinese is a direct descentant of such language.

The Term East Han Language is a Anglo-Chinese Term referring to Language of China, South Asia, and South East Asia. Which is what considered as the origin of the modern Chinese.

Do bear in mine, there are different between the origin of the language (中國) and the country the OP was talking about (中國)

While the 中國 create the language of modern Chinese that 中國 is not the modern China 中國, that was an ancient China which does not exist anymore (Broken up into different country). While the OP was calling the modern China to act on it, if you fail to see how pathetic it was, then i can't help you.

I did not make up history, but seems to me, you know nothing about it

Will your government adopt such a mixed language as "I like 功夫(kungfu), I've been 练xercising 武术(martial arts) for years. ", given that you can just simply express "练xercise" in your own word as "exercise".
I guess almost every nation in the world except Japan won't do it

as i said before, language change and evolve due to time, cultural and residenial inference.

In English there are no word for the example you mention above as they cannot be more cultural influenced. For example, we say We can go yum cha (飲荼) today. That is we do not have a specific term for "Going to a Chinese Restaurant" in English. We adopted the term Yum Cha as this is the new word we use, about 40 years ago, no one(or not many) in the USA would know what does it mean by Yum Cha, but now, almost everyone know.

We don't just change our language because of a country's influence. More prominant example are D'Oh (From Homer Simpson), Commando ( from Popular TV Series FRIENDS) and rickroll (From modern youtube usage). Those English word are newly inducted because of cultural reference.

But not just English do it, almost all language did the same too. In Spanish, we never have the word Hollywood (We do but different pronouniciation) in Spanish, if we want to speak the word "Hollywood" it will not be Hol-Li-Wood, but rather Ho-Gee-Wo-Odd. But most spaniard use the word Hollywood (English) instead of Hollywood (Spanish) now a days.
Both France, China were beating and ran away from Vietnam with bloody heads, dirty enemies.
Try again to understand and explain why in ancient time true Han people looked down at you as Dong Yi barbarian, in Han Ji the word Yi combined Han Ji character indicated to insects.

France, China and U.S all did have some fun with those monkeys in the jungles```but for us humans jungles are not nice places to live so we all left, and leave barren, destoried and agent Orange affacted ceatures behind
Dude, if you simply say because the word Chinese (the language) is the word Chinese (the people), then Chinese language must be of decentant of Chinese, well, i can't help but laugh at your ignorant

The History of Chinese (the language) is based on a script of Indo-Sino-Tibetan (I was wrong before not Mongol, as i was just remembering stuff.)

Sino-Tibetan languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The prospect of Chinese is a direct descentant of such language.

The Term East Han Language is a Anglo-Chinese Term referring to Language of China, South Asia, and South East Asia. Which is what considered as the origin of the modern Chinese.

Do bear in mine, there are different between the origin of the language (中國) and the country the OP was talking about (中國)

While the 中國 create the language of modern Chinese that 中國 is not the modern China 中國, that was an ancient China which does not exist anymore (Broken up into different country). While the OP was calling the modern China to act on it, if you fail to see how pathetic it was, then i can't help you.

I did not make up history, but seems to me, you know nothing about it

the question for you is very simple``is if the language Chinese was not created by Chinese then who did? you really should to suggest those history and archeological books and documents to be rewritten with your sheer stupidity and ignorance``

Chinese language is 'Indo-Sino-Tibetan' `?? lol, really funny, you better to find this fiction novel and let us to entertain too``

according to your monoric theory, you can safely to say that English lanugage is not English, Russian language is not Russian, Italian language is not Italian, French lanuage is not Franch```lol

can you be more stupid and retard?
France, China and U.S all did have some fun with those monkeys in the jungles```but for us humans jungles are not nice places to live so we all left, and leave barren, destoried and agent Orange affacted ceatures behind

Vietnam is indeed a nice place to live, with jungle still covering a large part of Vietnam, while China slowly becomes a place where breathing can be deadly in places such as Beijing.

I am sorry but I cannot consider that organism as a normal person.

And I'm sorry about that curses related to Vietnamese above, I didn't mean that.
I am just feel angry about how could this guy continually speak such stupid things.
It is like someone who tell you that you are not "true Vietnamese" " you were slaves" and "Vietnamese people live on trees like monkeys" such thing like these. I'm sure you have the same feeling with mine.

Come on, I see you also used offensive language, exchanging a war of words. So you both may tone down a bit.
the question for you is very simple``is if the language Chinese was not created by Chinese then who did? you really should to suggest those history and archeological books and documents to be rewritten with your sheer stupidity and ignorance``

Chinese language is 'Indo-Sino-Tibetan' `?? lol, really funny, you better to find this fiction novel and let us to entertain too``

according to your monoric theory, you can safely to say that English lanugage is not English, Russian language is not Russian, Italian language is not Italian, French lanuage is not Franch```lol

can you be more stupid and retard?

Wow, standard Chinese Name calling, you can tone down the retard, moron or whatever and still do the job did you know that, but Chinese here usually without any cultural upbringing, i think it's only understandable to have such a mouth mouthing off from a person.

Dude, if you have to resort to name calling before your point even begin, did it say you just lost the agrument already??

the question for you is very simple``is if the language Chinese was not created by Chinese then who did? you really should to suggest those history and archeological books and documents to be rewritten with your sheer stupidity and ignorance``

If you are to read the wiki page i quote, you would know the Old Chinses originated form Zhou Dynasty (周朝) which by then it included the area of now tibetian, now part of North-Western China, and now part India/Burma


Those people gave birth to the Modern Chinese Language we use nowadays, which is a fact even some of your fellow countrymen agree. And not ALL OF THEM ARE in modern China.

Chinese language is 'Indo-Sino-Tibetan' `?? lol, really funny, you better to find this fiction novel and let us to entertain too``

Hmm, then looks like the Chinese History i learn in Schooling in China are nothing but some Fantasy Novel then, Do remember i gone to school you yourselve go, so maybe your version of history are also a work of fantasy then??

according to your monoric theory, you can safely to say that English lanugage is not English, Russian language is not Russian, Italian language is not Italian, French lanuage is not Franch```lol

Well, first of all, my theory is not moronic, if you find it moronic, you should point out how moronic it is.

Secondly, EVERYBODY KNOWS English language is a Northeast germanic Language and French a type of Latin (As with Portugese and Spanish). And Italian is a Romanic Language(Which is also a form of Latin).

So Yes, English is not English, French is not French, Spanish is not Spanish.
And yes, English was not a whole new invention and yes, so does Spanish, French, and Portugese. So. What is your point?
@jhungary what is this indo-sino-tibetan script you mentioned about. I never read about any similarity of Indic scripts with Chinese writing system.
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Oh ha ha ha, look at this, a freaking, stupid, brazen Vietnamese still haven't admit its foolishness, so Hardcore~

"天空" is a word and "空" is a character, these are different you stupid monkey. Chinese is really too difficult for a single-celled organisms like you to learn. And who don't you go check what literally means you idiot, oh no you can't, since you only got a 空 brain.

I wonder about your stupidity. When "空" stand alone , it's no word ? doesn't have any meaning ? only one Han Ji character ? but wiki said kōng (空 with meaning for "empty") :rofl:

Oh my, so "Mr.stupid-fool-Dare-to-be-a-Chinese-teacher" got nothing leave but only racial attack~
The most ridiculous part is that a Vietnam dare to call a Southern Chinese "Nan Man"! Oh meu deus, You are really the funniest bastard I have ever seen, really. And this idiot Vietnamese still dare to try to tell a Chinese what "original Han Chinese" and "true Han Chinese" are, how pity.

In ancient time, Han people were living in Middle Terrain of mainland china (true or original Hans), people living in surrounding area were called : Four Yi. Cantonese were called Nan Man. You are Cantonese Pandi, is just Hanized recently.

Don't attempt to change the subject because you have already out of basis you idiot, besides Mongolian and Manchus are all Chinese, we are all included in the Chinese ethnics group you stupid fool. You have no business in this history. Also even in Yuan and Qing dynasty there were huge amount of Han and other ethnics senior officials. If we were slaves, then what were you, rubbish? Ha, said the idiot whose ancestors lost their country for thousand year.

You no need to be angry. My comment is related to our debate in other thread.
I wonder about your stupidity. When "空" stand alone , it's no word ? doesn't have any meaning ? only one Han Ji character ? but wiki said kōng (空 with meaning for "empty") :rofl:

In ancient time, Han people were living in Middle Terrain of mainland china (true or original Hans), people living in surrounding area were called : Four Yi. Cantonese were called Nan Man. You are Cantonese Pandi, is just Hanized recently.

You no need to be angry. My comment is related to our debate in other thread.

I'm tried of your "Chinese lesson", why don't you keep your mouth shut and get the heck out with your stupid brain.

Did I say that "空" is not a word you blind fool? How could anyone be that stupid like you.
"天空" = sky
"空" = empty
天空 =/= 空; sky =/=empty
See, so simple, extremely easy to understand. And you, a Vietnamese who knows nothing about Chinese, dare to argue with me a Chinese speaker about Chinese language and keep making nonsenses. In the name of God why don't you just K yourself and put an end of your worthless life.

Ancient Han is Ancient Han, (modern) Han is Han; they are 2 different concept you idiot.
You are talking what should be stored in the history book you immature stupid monkey.
As a Cantonese YOU are really the Namman (and you stupid fool don't even speak Chinese). Besides my ancestors were from the Northern China, your brain is really full of racist rubbish.

Your other comment is also stupid nonsense, as always.
To: jhungary

You think you're smart by playing trick of confusing and converting concepts? you just make yourself a fool.

Let's just stick to Kanji using right, ok? which is what this thread is about.
You claimed "China did not have patent on Chinese as in any other modern language in the world. Hence China did not own the exclusive right to Chinese Language." so I assume you declared Hanzi was not invented by Chinese people hence couldn't be banned for use by Japanese, right?

Later you claimed " The History of Chinese (the language) is based on a script of Indo-Sino-Tibetan", citing Wikipedia resource,
have you ever had a look at the Wikipedia title "Sino-Tibetan languages" and its content? where is your claimed "Indo-", and where is the part of written Chinese based on Indo-Sino-Tibetan script?

You understand the concepts of spoken language and written language at any rate, right? Chinese language belonging to Sino-Tibetan language family only means the languages under this category share some common phonetic characteristics and rules of grammar, but they still are different and independent languages incomprehensible to each other.

Written language is not naturally born at the same time with spoken language, like Hanzi was born 3000 years ago and Kana was created around 500B.C. and they were different even being among the same language family like written Chinese and Tibetan are totally different and of course were created by Chinese and Tibetan respectively.

As for the origin of Hanzi, and the difference between ancient and modern China,
one thing you should always keep in mind is that China is a place mainly populated by aboriginal Han Chinese ever since this vast land first had human beings and till today!
The history of China is mostly the history of Han Chinese, the culture including language history of China is cultural history of Han Chinese, Chinese language whatever ancient Chinese or modern Chinese is all and only referring to Han Chinese language.

China is not Egypt which is divided by ancient and modern Egypt composed of different nationals with different language and culture.
Chinese governments may have changed many times, the reigning size of land may varied accordingly, however, Han Chinese always there,
Chinese language always there unchanged, and of course Han Chinese culture never broken and changed by other cultures.
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So desperate!
You just keep lying and inventing history to make yourself comfort?

Indo contributing to the Sino-Tibetian langauge ? you're brainless?
you don't know Indo-European language family is totally different from Sino-Tibetan language family?
since the two language don't share any common phonetic and grammatical characteristics, then where is the indo-influence in Chinese? basic logic!

oh, "indo-sino-tibetan script", how genuine! then written Chinese, Tibetan and Indic were both developed from this script, although they three just don't recognize and share any similarity from each other today!

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