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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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Trade, as in INDEPENDENT, very much is an important factor in determining if one is dealing with a true nation-state. And when other countries trade with Taiwan without consulting China, like how the US does it, then that contribute to the perception that Taiwan is a true nation-state. Not only do we trade with Taiwan, we sell military stuff to Taiwan as well. You do not do that to provinces or territories. You sell military hardware to nation-states.

That is a despicable way of debating: Putting words into people's mouths. I have surrendered nothing.

Trading can be with any one individual, group, company, city or province! It is not a determining factor!

there is nothing as much as what you said. you are diverting into another area off the course of relevance to the debate. very despicable indeed on you!

Open another thread on the same old man then we continue!
Trading can be with any one individual, group, company, city or province! It is not a determining factor!
Of course trade is ONE OF SEVERAL determining factors. Why is that too difficult to understand?
And we're glad that your several hundred years history was also burn at the same time when your ancestors have record Vietnam's pass with chinese caracters...maybe amount those books you have burn you might found traces of legitimacy to validate your claim on Islands in SCS...:rolleyes:

Yes, in ancient time our document confirmed that "Ko chi bien" (sea of Kochi people - SCS) chinese copied and stated in old map of China " Jiao Zhi sea". It's indirect evidence.

Even hear about Bopomofo?
Even hear about Chinese number 一 二 三 (1,2,3)?
Even know what Taiwanese keyboard looks like?
Even know what this Chinese [零] (0) means?

You are so adorable.
I wonder what they have taught you at school.

Chinese [零] (0) means "nothing". Chinese calculate with 一 二 三 ... 十 ...万... no where is [零]. Number 0 is invented by Indian in calculation system, chinese copy from Indian.

Without Pin Yin and Latin number (1,2 3...) chinese can have the keyboard is biggest by size in the world with thaousand words. With out number O invented by Indian chinese can't learn mathematic.
Chinese invaded in to Viet, our chatracters for writing and book were burn, they are cultural crime. Both of you France and China were beating and ran away with bloody heads.

If the Mainland Chinese were to abandon Latin alphabet pinyin, then they can always go back to the Tongyong Pinyin that was created a hundred years ago and used in Taiwan until 2009, so your remark about the worlds biggest keyboard is just silly, and also, 1 2 3 is middle eastern.:whistle:

If Vietnam did have their own writing language eons ago but were wiped out by the superior Chinese military forces, then why didn't Vietnam reinvent their own Writing language when they broke free from Chinese rule?

"China language <> people in difference area of country can not understand each others."
Not true, the whole reason for Mandarin to be the official language in China is so they CAN understand each other:disagree:

"China writing system <- > inferior and backward with too much character in compare with other writing"
China's writing system is probably one the main reasons why China is not separated into small nation states like Europe today, so its pretty ingenious.

"China cultural < - > cultural of Ah. Q."
lol wut?

and regards to all the copy copy copy, Many Western European nations copied Great Britain before they became innovative likewise with Japan and Korea, China is merely doing the same thing; copying is the foundation for innovation.

"China girls owned by Korean, African friends and others too. I reminder you that the number Hua people is dropped in Vietnam because Chinese girls in Hua ethnicity gone to Taiwan very much."

Your own silly anecdotal doesn't make it true, last time I checked, African men are not popular among East Asian girls because their black - yes it's stupid - , and maybe those people who left Vietnam, just want to go to a better and developed nation like Taiwan :D.

here is writing system in ancient time of Vietnam.
For the matter that Chinese marriage with African friends I dont like to post photo here, if you like discuuss with me, I will turn back.

Yes, in ancient time our document confirmed that "Ko chi bien" (sea of Kochi people - SCS) chinese copied and stated in old map of China " Jiao Zhi sea". It's indirect evidence.

I thought you have burn all chinese text books that your ancestors wrote? how you still got a chinese copied of the map...LMAO:rofl:, that what we want Japanese to do as you, instead of burn chinese text book, they should abandon Kanji so they can start new life without Kanji and if they decide to burn their history wrote with Chinese...we will be even more delighted.
Chinese [&#38646;] (0) means "nothing". Chinese calculate with &#19968; &#20108; &#19977; ... &#21313; ...&#19975;... no where is [&#38646;]. Number 0 is invented by Indian in calculation system, chinese copy from Indian.


&#38646; = 0 = nothing, you stupid fool.
You are really that one who knows "0".

Also &#38646; has other writing style [&#12295;]

Now I know why so many Vietnamese are haters, because you guys are taught by shitty educational system.
All you have learned are jokes from the other universe.
How can the above link be gambit's definition? what are you thinking with? other parts of your body than your brain?

So what! Oxford defines "Nation" but not " Nation-State"
we are arguing the Taiwan's legitimacy to be called an " Nation-State"
Dont BULLSH*T here again&#65281;

of course your are bullshitting out of logic!

My 0.2 cent!

My statement on posting #90 is sufficient to refute Taiwan as a NATION-STATE!

How many highly visible membership in international orgs that Taiwan has? Olympic committee: none. United Nation: None

Embassy level relationships with the 5 UNSC members: None!

Lol, calm down, when you are mad, you make no sense of your post. I have to read it 3 times to understand what youare saying.

1.) Gambit quote this article. It is, his interpretation of the article, hence it's his definition. Unless, in his interpretation, he clearly states that he DOES NOT AGREE the above definition, if so, i believe we will not be here and talk about it.

2.) The word "Nation State" is a compound noun, hence it can be broken down into two word.

If you want the Oxford Dictionary definition of "Nation State" then here it is

"a sovereign state of which most of the citizens or subjects are united also by factors which define a nation, such as language or common descent: Nepal emerged as a nation state in the eighteenth century"

Definition of nation state - nation and politics (British & World English)

So, is Taiwan a Sovereign State which most of the citizens or subjects united by factors which define a nation?

Let's break down and look shall we?

Requirment 1.) Did Taiwan Have a sovereign government?

Yes, they do. Their government are the supreme power of their own land. No other political entity can supercede their authority, hence satisified the meaning of Sovereign State "Sovereign mean supremem ruling as mention before"

Requirment 2.) Did Taiwan have a united Population?

Yes, they do, Most (As in the definition in oxford) Taiwanese speak Mandarin. And they are of common Descent (98% Han Chinese) and they have the same family and culture background within each other. So this said about that,

Requirment 3.) Did they have their own land (Hence own state)

Yes they do. The boundary is clearly set forth by the Taiwaneses government. Beyond that, there ar border control with Taiwan Immigration, they also have their own Passporet with their name on it, anyone who are not a TAiwanese Passport holder and/or Visa holder subject to Border Control of Taiwan Government. And TAiwan Citizen are free to use their Passport to Travel the world and the world also accept Taiwan Passport as a valid Travel document except for 8 Country or States

China (Duh)
Hong Kong

Well, consider there are 193 country in the world as well as UN member, this is really not much.

So, It also do satisifed the meaning of Nation State under Oxford Dictionary.

3.) Your Statment on #90 mean nothing.


the definition of "state" according to the quote by gambit's link:

"A state refers to a legal/political entity that is comprised of the following: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) a government ; and d) the capacity to enter into relations with other states."

No Taiwan is not a "nation-state" because it fails to enter into full-fledged diplomatic / functional relationships with a vast majority of international orgs / countries in the world

No. Taiwan have enter into relationship with many country and MANY MORE International Organisation in the world


First of all, NOT MANY COUNTRY REGONISE TAIWAN. That does not translate to Taiwan does not enter into relationship with many country. There are official dipolmatic relation (Embassy and so on) but there are also regular relationship. (With representation office and so on) The fact is, while most country regonise and endorse One China, that does not mean they do not have a relationship. EVEN PRC MAINTAIN RELATIONAIONSHIP WITH TAIWAN. Or how else Chinese tourist come to Taiwan every year. Where do they get their visa? Where do they get their entry permit? You must have some kind of diplomatic relationship for you (A Mainland Chinese) to visit Taiwan. Or you are gonna tell me you use your PRC passport and you can enter Taiwan without border control?? If you do, i would say you are dreaming. Or you meant to say there are no Chinese Visitor visit Taiwan every year??

So, all in all, without even touching the word "Capacity" you are wrong.

Palestine does not have an Embassy to 5 UNSC member as well, do you consider palestine a Nation State?


1. you accepted is a condition to establish "statehood". Thank goodness that jhungary guy is still at a loss!

2. Of course PR China will do everything possible to stop the rest of the world playing the " 2- China" card! So far China is doing just fine making Taiwan incapable to establish any prominent political representation in highly visible orgs etc!

LOL Read my post before you comment i am at a loss.

Trading a conditon for "statehood"? you are re-inventing a new term here!

So you have surrendered your argument. Taiwan by definition is NOT a "nation-state"!

YOu guys may establish another thread on China - Taiwan status like the gist of discussion above.

We are drifting far away from the topic. I'm out of here b4 the strict mod takes action!

Trading can be with any one individual, group, company, city or province! It is not a determining factor!

there is nothing as much as what you said. you are diverting into another area off the course of relevance to the debate. very despicable indeed on you!

Open another thread on the same old man then we continue!

You looks piss, good, that mean you are losing the agrument
here is writing system in ancient time of Vietnam.
For the matter that Chinese marriage with African friends I dont like to post photo here, if you like discuuss with me, I will turn back.

First of all, I'm asking why didn't the Vietnamese reuse their written language instead of just using Hanzi for a thousand years. Clearly the Vietnamese had plenty of time between Chinese domination to reinstate Vietnamese characters.

And second, I don't deny there are interracial marriage between Chinese women and African men -there are interracial marriage for all race - , but it's a very small percentage, East Asians tend to be very conservative, also, I don't get what you mean by "owned", it seems pretty demeaning to women.
Lol, calm down, when you are mad, you make no sense of your post. I have to read it 3 times to understand what youare saying.

1.) Gambit quote this article. It is, his interpretation of the article, hence it's his definition. Unless, in his interpretation, he clearly states that he DOES NOT AGREE the above definition, if so, i believe we will not be here and talk about it.

2.) The word "Nation State" is a compound noun, hence it can be broken down into two word.

If you want the Oxford Dictionary definition of "Nation State" then here it is

"a sovereign state of which most of the citizens or subjects are united also by factors which define a nation, such as language or common descent: Nepal emerged as a nation state in the eighteenth century"

Definition of nation state - nation and politics (British & World English)

So, is Taiwan a Sovereign State which most of the citizens or subjects united by factors which define a nation?

Let's break down and look shall we?

Requirment 1.) Did Taiwan Have a sovereign government?

Yes, they do. Their government are the supreme power of their own land. No other political entity can supercede their authority, hence satisified the meaning of Sovereign State "Sovereign mean supremem ruling as mention before"

Requirment 2.) Did Taiwan have a united Population?

Yes, they do, Most (As in the definition in oxford) Taiwanese speak Mandarin. And they are of common Descent (98% Han Chinese) and they have the same family and culture background within each other. So this said about that,

Requirment 3.) Did they have their own land (Hence own state)

Yes they do. The boundary is clearly set forth by the Taiwaneses government. Beyond that, there ar border control with Taiwan Immigration, they also have their own Passporet with their name on it, anyone who are not a TAiwanese Passport holder and/or Visa holder subject to Border Control of Taiwan Government. And TAiwan Citizen are free to use their Passport to Travel the world and the world also accept Taiwan Passport as a valid Travel document except for 8 Country or States

China (Duh)
Hong Kong

Well, consider there are 193 country in the world as well as UN member, this is really not much.

So, It also do satisifed the meaning of Nation State under Oxford Dictionary.

3.) Your Statment on #90 mean nothing.

No. Taiwan have enter into relationship with many country and MANY MORE International Organisation in the world

Foreign relations of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First of all, NOT MANY COUNTRY REGONISE TAIWAN. That does not translate to Taiwan does not enter into relationship with many country. There are official dipolmatic relation (Embassy and so on) but there are also regular relationship. (With representation office and so on) The fact is, while most country regonise and endorse One China, that does not mean they do not have a relationship. EVEN PRC MAINTAIN RELATIONAIONSHIP WITH TAIWAN. Or how else Chinese tourist come to Taiwan every year. Where do they get their visa? Where do they get their entry permit? You must have some kind of diplomatic relationship for you (A Mainland Chinese) to visit Taiwan. Or you are gonna tell me you use your PRC passport and you can enter Taiwan without border control?? If you do, i would say you are dreaming. Or you meant to say there are no Chinese Visitor visit Taiwan every year??

So, all in all, without even touching the word "Capacity" you are wrong.

Palestine does not have an Embassy to 5 UNSC member as well, do you consider palestine a Nation State?

LOL Read my post before you comment i am at a loss.

You looks piss, good, that mean you are losing the agrument

Here comes all these loads after loads on BS again, Loser!

Of course trade is ONE OF SEVERAL determining factors. Why is that too difficult to understand?

not authoritative! Taiwan lacks the capabilities to declare as an independent country PERIOD
Here comes all these loads after loads on BS again, Loser!

not authoritative! Taiwan lacks the capabilities to declare as an independent country PERIOD
You have presented not a single credible argument/source to support your .02c opinion. You misunderstood the geopolitical context of 'capacity' hilariously to be quantity. I dare say you have not even basic political science education.
You have presented not a single credible argument/source to support your .02c opinion. You misunderstood the geopolitical context of 'capacity' hilariously to be quantity. I dare say you have not even basic political science education.

For Mainland Chinese it was blasphemous to say Taiwan is an independent entity from PRC. :laugh:
Chopstcks invented by Bai Yue where is bamboo is available, Hans chinese eat dumplings with hands.

Portugal missionaries did it with help of Vietnamese Christian pops from 16th century. The intonation marks is based on ancient Vietnamese character " Ch&#7919; Khoa &#273;&#7849;u" invented by Viets. The copy right of Vietnamese Latin Alphabet should belong to Vatican.

Ancient Vietnamese Characters in comparation with neigbor country writing system.


Fundamental voices.

Feel even sorrier for you than before that Vietnam language is actually invented by non-Vietnamese.


Back to the topic.

No China can't stop Japan from using Hanji.

Rather, as many mentioned earlier, China should encourage the Japanese to use it.
I hope so but am a bit skeptical when I see Xi Jinping wearing Mao suit very often recently. Does he want to go back to Mao period?

Yes, that was a great shame. But luckily you have Vietnamese keeping up your civilization. :azn:

Unlike Vietnamese extremists (such as the fanatic in this forum), e.g. once they abolish Chinese language as their own language (as it should), they adopt yet another one created by yet another foreigner, leaving them history-less, when China embraces new ideas, they normally wouldn&#8217;t abolish the old one completely.

In fact, it is well-understood by the Chinese that without Mao, China would still be in chaos and subject to foreign invasion and colonization, at least for much longer time. It is also well-understood that Mao caused damage to China.

A well balanced approach is the key.

A bit knowledge for you: so called Mao suit is actually invented by Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan) and the mainlanders and Taiwanese alike call it Zhongshan suit.

Mao suit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The modern Chinese tunic suit is a style of male attire known in China as the Zhongshan suit (simplified Chinese: &#20013;&#23665;&#35013;; traditional Chinese: &#20013;&#23665;&#35037;; pinyin: Zh&#333;ngsh&#257;n zhu&#257;ng) (after Sun Yat-Sen), , and known in the West as the Mao suit (after Mao Zedong). Sun Yat-sen introduced the style shortly after the founding of the Republic of China as a form of national dress although with a distinctly political and later governmental implication.

As I mentioned at least 100 in this forum: western Chinese "experts" are mostly jokers. And their bad students don't have their own independent thinking capability and researching capability, and keep showing off their ignorance all over the place. Pretty pitiful.

.. and only Westerner "experts" bring political content into it.
Unlike Vietnamese extremists (such as the fanatic in this forum), e.g. once they abolish Chinese language as their own language (as it should), they adopt yet another one created by yet another foreigner, leaving them history-less, when China embraces new ideas, they normally wouldn&#8217;t abolish the old one completely.
If the Chinese were to abandon their language, by whatever means, would the Chinese be capable of producing another one -- from the proverbial scratch? Not likely. They still need a template to create the new language. That is how languages evolve over time, like how French, Spanish, and Portuguese are closely related. So there is nothing 'wrong' or 'shameful' for the Viets to adopt a new language based upon another language. As long as the (new) language serves the people -- and it did served the Viets well -- it will act in no less capacity to unify the people as when they were under the old language.

In fact, it is well-understood by the Chinese that without Mao, China would still be in chaos and subject to foreign invasion and colonization, at least for much longer time. It is also well-understood that Mao caused damage to China.

A well balanced approach is the key.
True. Raise one crony and kill one critical patriot. Very well balanced, indeed. So well 'balanced' that it kept China in social and technological limbo until Mao's death.
It's not that whether Kanji is allowed for use or not, it's just that it's absurd Japanese still sticks to an unnecessary and incompatible foreign writing form till today.

Simple fact: monosyllabic Hanzi is not for multi-syllable Japanese.
For example: Hanzi "&#23665;"("mountain") pronounces single syllable "&#643;æn", in Japanese, with two syllables "j&#593;m&#593;"(Kana:&#12420;&#12414;), so, how can you use one Chinese character to express two-syllable Japanese? The purpose of writing system is to record human sound, record all syllables in
Here, obviously, spoken Japanese "j&#593;m&#593;" needs another character, directly add another Hanzi? no way,because each Hanzi has its own meaning, 1 plus 1 will end up with a different new word, they won't be "mountain" anymore!

Another example:
Hanzi: "&#39135;"(single syllable) (verb "eat"), in Japanese "&#39135;&#12409;&#12427;"(Kanji-Kana combination,three syllables)(pure Kana:"&#12383;&#12409;&#12427;", ie, Kanji "&#39135;" can be displaced by Kana "&#12383;").
Why the Kanji-Kana combination? one is of course the multi-syllable reason, one is because of the different rules of grammar between Chinese and Japanese!

Japanese verbs need to transform through sticking suffix to fulfil tense and honorific function.
here, "&#39135;&#12409;&#12427;" will change to "&#39135;&#12409;&#12391;&#12356;&#12427;" ("eating"), "&#39135;&#12409;&#12390; &#12367;&#12384;&#12373;&#12356;" ("please eat") accordingly,
while in Chinese, only auxiliary word or adverb used, no verb-transformation, like: "&#39135;&#27605;"("finish eating"), "&#39135;&#32039;"&#65288;"eating"&#65289;,"&#35831;&#39135;" ("please eat").

Already clear now? The Japanese borrowed Hanzi wrong in the first place, later had to create their own writing system Kana which is actually a kind of simplified Hanzi or partial strokes of Hanzi however losing meanings. This is the correct way of learning from other cultures through drawing inspiration to create your own.

The absurdity is that the Japanese should have been switched to their own intact and independent writing system after Kana was born, however, they still stubbornly and sickly obsessed with Kanji, every time they learn a Kanji, they have to learn its Kana equivalence first, each Kanji is explained and translated into kana which is why the incompatible Kanji can co-exist with Kana, because there is a hidden translation system there!

Most nations have their borrowed vocabulary however with modified writing form to maintain the integrity of their own language, such as "Kongfu" "Tofu",etc., only the Japanese massively planted other written language directly in their own,
could you imagine using this kind of combination expression "I like &#21151;&#22827; so much" everyday every sentence?

Japanese government ever talked about abolishing Kanji, but they thought that would damage the national intellect, eh, amusing and pathetic.
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