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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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Kanji in kerala is a food item,like a gruel.
Even today we are still nowhere near the level of influence as Ancient China...to be realistic, we won't reach that stage again anytime soon.
Durant's point - and he was writing in the 1930s after touring "weak" China - is that Westerners would have to learn Chinese to match what he thought was the superior intercultural communication offered by ideogrammic writing rather than alphabetic.

Yes, that happens a lot. If you want to learn a language you need to do a lot of self-study, since there is no guarantee of the other side not wanting the same thing from you (practice in speaking another language).
Exactly. But my friend learning Japanese told me she had an advantage over everyone else: since she was very pretty, Japanese men kept asking her out on dates. She had her full-time post-graduation job lined up by the middle of her junior year!

The answer is obvious. If you are going to hire an English teacher, you want someone who speaks English as their native language. For most Pakistanis, English is their third or fourth language.
Oh, I get it. As a kid I improved my spoken English by copying the precise intonation of my Pakistani neighbors. (I think they were educated at Cambridge.) My experience is simply too far outside the norm.
Oh, I get it. As a kid I improved my spoken English by copying the precise intonation of my Pakistani neighbors. (I think they were educated at Cambridge.) My experience is simply too far outside the norm.

Is English not your native language? Is it Hebrew?
Not really I have deleted their comments and yours that are trolling and flamebait and given them infractions, if you want to continue discussing this then send me a pm as it is getting off topic, you should also tone down on your language.

Really double check yourself because being a monitor is being impartial to your countrymen you should tell them that i only respond in kind.
Indeed, the popular Western historian-philosopher Will Durant speculated decades ago that this application of Kanji was so useful that the West would have to learn Chinese to compete internationally, rather than the Chinese learn English.

It can be tough though, for us Westerners to learn Chinese from Chinese. Instead, the Chinese I met wanted to try their English out on me. (An exception was my German language teacher. She was a Chinese citizen but much to her embarrassment she never learned to write in her native language.) I understand Americans trying to learn Japanese have had similar experiences.

BTW, the only hints of job offers I got for work in China (both Taiwan and mainland, roughly 20 years ago) involved teaching English there. Why Chinese would want to employ an American to do so at more than the salary they'd offer a Pakistani left me puzzled.

Based on FMV (fair market value) same applies to indians or other teachers from different countries. For diplomatic purpose and diversity in cultural exchange I think.
Japanese sticking to Kanji is just a demonstration of sense of inferiority, they're not confident of their own writing,
although Kana is a complete writing system totally compatible with Japanese language.

Every kanji are explained and can be displaced by Kana, the use of Chinese characters was distorted by Japanese
because Chinese and Japanese are totally different languages one being monosyllabic and one being multi-syllable,
not mentioning the different sentence structuring ways.
hence, Kana was born to correctly and simply express their own spoken language meaning Kanji is actually completely

But, unlike Koreans with strong national pride and self-esteem, abandoning Hanzi and adopting their own at last although long nourished from Chinese civilization, Japanese still get stuck in their sense of cultural inferiority, they just don't believe in their own intellect.
Never used a fork until I got to the US way back in 1975 and am proficient with both. However, people often confuse proficiency with ease of learning, which is not true. Proficiency simply mean you are better than novice level at using <something>. Not the same as 'expert'. The task or the tool may be easy or difficult, but proficiency simply mean you devoted some time into learning the task/tool beyond whatever its initial demands.

From strictly an engineering perspective, the fork is superior to the chopsticks. It is indeed more expensive to manufacture in terms of both labor and material, but it offers a much shorter and shallower learning curve to use, much quicker in ease of use, and can move more volume per movement than a pair of chopsticks. The fork's design is more amenable to hybridization like the 'spork'. Anyone who has ever gone camping or ever been issued a survival kit know the utility of the 'spork'. The chopstick pair is restricted to its shape since the day it was created. The fork is more durable and therefore more amenable to reuse. The chopstick pair is usually made out of wood and eventually will wear out.

I see you are an engineer!
fork and chopstick have their own advantages, I normally use both at the same time when eating. :rofl:

back to the topic: Japanese will laugh when hearing this silly demand.
You know nothing about Chinese history. During Chinese Division period&#65292; who is qualified to represent whole china and who is the real china and who are really chinese, those questions are very serious questions for us. Even the barbarians claims that they are chinese and the offsprings of yanhuang. such as &#40092;&#21329;&#65292;&#22865;&#20025;&#65292;&#21256;&#22900;&#12290;

Currently, a lot of Taiwanese often say that they are real chinese because they think they keep the real chinese culture to represent china. Mainlanders are barbarians and offsprings of Max.
You confused ethnicity, race, and nationality.

Generally speaking, ethnicity and race are closely related and often used interchangeably. But nationality is different. It is associated with a nation-state.

What is a Nation-State?
nation-state differs from a "state" or a "nation" for a couple of important reasons:

A nation refers only to a socio-cultural entity, a union of people sharing who can identify culturally and linguistically. This concept does not necessarily consider formal political unions.

A state refers to a legal/political entity that is comprised of the following: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) a government ; and d) the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

This distinction is an important one because we, as political scientists, must be able to account for both political and socio-cultural factors in a political entity. Using the term nation-state, permits this investigation.
Essentially, a nation-state is an entity to which a person usually holds allegiance IN SPITE OF his/her original race/ethnicity. So for an immigrant country like the United States, is there such a thing as a 'United States nationality'? Yes, technically speaking, and it is usually call 'American nationality'.

In other words...


Despite the fact that US Navy Commanders Choi Hee-dong and Jeffrey Kim are of Korean ethnicity and of the Asiatic race, both men are of 'American nationality' because they hold allegiance to the nation-state called United States of America.

Get it?

Both men can rightly call themselves 'real Koreans' in spite of their allegiance.

2nd Korean-American Captain of US Aegis Ship Named
Born in Seoul, Kim, 40, immigrated to the United States with his family when he was aged just nine,...

Progress warms heart of sailor back in native S. Korea for exercise - News - Stripes
When U.S. Navy Cmdr. Heedong Choi left South Korea as an infant, the nation was still struggling to rise out of poverty.

Get it?

I have been to mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. For Taiwan and Singapore, there are undoubtedly strong Chinese influences in both nation-states, or countries. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore never denied it. Neither did Kishore Manubani, Singapore’s Ambassador to the UN. But it would be absurd for any of the Chinese members here to say to Lee's face that he is not a 'real Chinese' and he is 4th generation Singaporean. Same for the Taiwanese. But in spite of their origin, either by birth or by immigration status, the Singaporeans and the Taiwanese are fully capable of distinguishing themselves from their mainland Chinese origins by virtue of their political allegiances.

So what exactly is a 'real Chinese' as posited here? It is an artifact borned out of arrogance and ignorance with a tint of racism in it. It falsely implied from that arrogance that unless a person of Chinese origin, either by birth or by immigration status, acknowledges an inherent 'superiority' of mainland China and Chinese, he has no claim to his origin and must submit to being an 'inferior' individual. That arrogance is from intellectual and emotional immaturity.

China is a nation-state and Chinese can speak for China. Taiwan is a nation-state and Taiwanese can speak for Taiwan. Singapore is a nation-state and Singaporeans can speak for Singapore. None can speak for a nation-state to which he does not hold political allegiance. And yet all can rightly claim to be Chinese as real as each other can.

Get it?
China is a nation-state and Chinese can speak for China. Taiwan is a nation-state and Taiwanese can speak for Taiwan. Singapore is a nation-state and Singaporeans can speak for Singapore. None can speak for a nation-state to which he does not hold political allegiance. And yet all can rightly claim to be Chinese as real as each other can.

Taiwan is not a nation-state!

When China and the U.S. formally established diplomatic ties in 1979, the communiqu?had the following words: "The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan ... The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China."

Taiwan - an Inalienable Part of China

Get it?
Taiwan is not a nation-state!

Get it?

Actually Taiwan IS a nation-state. You have confused the term with Sovereignty.

Until China can assert Control to Taiwan, Taiwan will stays as a Nationa State with it's own governing power.
The fact nobody regonise their government (Your explation above) only make it not a country (ie no sovereignty of their own nation) But since it's a seperate entity than China, they can be called a "Nation State"

The meaning of a Nation

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory"

Definition of nation - nation, politics and ethnic group (British & World English)

The meaning of Sovereignty

"supreme power or authority"

Definition of sovereignty - power and nation (British & World English)

Well, Taiwan is a large group of people united with the same background, history, culture, political belief, and share the same language. You can call Taiwan is a nation according to Oxford Dictionary.

But you cannot call Taiwan a sovereign country unless it have supremacy over their own soil.

Nation-State is in the middle of being a Nation and being a Sovereign state. Which Taiwan currenly is a self governing nation (Last time i check Mainland China have no authority over Taiwan). Which is the exact meaning of Taiwan being a Nation State.

So, frankly, you are wrong, Taiwan is a nation state until they either gain independence and turn into a full country (or sovereigned nation) or merge with Mainland China to form a united China.
But, unlike Koreans with strong national pride and self-esteem, abandoning Hanzi and adopting their own at last although long nourished from Chinese civilization, Japanese still get stuck in their sense of cultural inferiority, they just don't believe in their own intellect.

Well said, using Kanji means that their society can't function without Chinese writing, they should be shame of themself. why not use "Romanji" or alphabet-ji as vietnam since they embrace western culture to compensate their cultural inferiority.
Well said, using Kanji means that their society can't function without Chinese writing, they should be shame of themself. why not use "Romanji" or alphabet-ji as vietnam since they embrace western culture to compensate their cultural inferiority.

and now chinese embrace also to use Pinyiun to using key bord and computer of western culture to compensate their cultural inferiority. :enjoy:
and now chinese embrace also to use Pinyiun to using key bord and computer of western culture to compensate their cultural inferiority. :enjoy:

Pin yin is just a process to ease beginner or westerners to learn our language, it's just like a bridge that facilitate us. But Vietnamese don't even know how to compensate their cultural inferiority because they don't have culture at all beside imported or nicely said imposed by Chinese..your ancesters were forced to learn Chinese....then in French period, they imposed to use western charaters...you Vietnamese have to obeit nicely up until now...LMAO:rofl:
Actually Taiwan IS a nation-state. You have confused the term with Sovereignty.

Until China can assert Control to Taiwan, Taiwan will stays as a Nationa State with it's own governing power.
The fact nobody regonise their government (Your explation above) only make it not a country (ie no sovereignty of their own nation) But since it's a seperate entity than China, they can be called a "Nation State"

The meaning of a Nation

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory"

Definition of nation - nation, politics and ethnic group (British & World English)

The meaning of Sovereignty

"supreme power or authority"

Definition of sovereignty - power and nation (British & World English)

Well, Taiwan is a large group of people united with the same background, history, culture, political belief, and share the same language. You can call Taiwan is a nation according to Oxford Dictionary.

But you cannot call Taiwan a sovereign country unless it have supremacy over their own soil.

Nation-State is in the middle of being a Nation and being a Sovereign state. Which Taiwan currenly is a self governing nation (Last time i check Mainland China have no authority over Taiwan). Which is the exact meaning of Taiwan being a Nation State.

So, frankly, you are wrong, Taiwan is a nation state until they either gain independence and turn into a full country (or sovereigned nation) or merge with Mainland China to form a united China.


the definition of "state" according to the quote by gambit's link:

"A state refers to a legal/political entity that is comprised of the following: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) a government ; and d) the capacity to enter into relations with other states."

No Taiwan is not a "nation-state" because it fails to enter into full-fledged diplomatic / functional relationships with a vast majority of international orgs / countries in the world
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