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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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I hope so but am a bit skeptical when I see Xi Jinping wearing Mao suit very often recently. Does he want to go back to Mao period?
The suit called "中山装 Chinese tunic suit/Zhongshan suit/Chinese Suit", a formal Chinese suit for Chinese man, cheongsam dress for Chinese woman. Or Tang suit for all Chinese.
I must admit, u have a good imagination~!

Yes, that was a great shame. But luckily you have Vietnamese keeping up your civilization. :azn:
Still dreaming... Don't forget u still have millions of South Vietnamese living in the West, i'm sure they also save ur civilization very well.
Chopstcks invented by Bai Yue where is bamboo is available, Hans chinese eat dumplings with hands.



And these records are thousands year ago, before the middle dynasty invaded BaiYue.

Also people of BaiYue are Han Chinese.
paper, compass, printing, gunpowder/artillery are technologie, but Han zi is civilization & culture Identity..it's two different things: Westerner and Chinese both like Boeign 747 Jumbo jet but Western will never use Hanzi nor we chinese will use English as our writing.

What bug me is that for centuries, we have shared our culture and knowledges with them, let alone of their war crimes of the pass even now we chinese are just aliens to them but they like to continue using Kanji.

That's an absurd logic mate.

Americas, Europe and Africa uses Latin scripts when it's not their native script. Most of the Muslim world uses Perso-Arabic derivedscript when it's not their native script? Most of South Asia and South East Asia uses Sanskrit derived script when its' not their native script as well?

Just like most of East Asia uses Chinese script? As long as legality is concerned I doubt that China have exclusive rights to the script since most all 3 East Asian races have common origin.
What's the point for them to keep using Kanji since we're enemy for centuries, I would rather want to see them as Aliens as Koreans when this last have changed Han characters to Korean one.

Then you could sound out of your mind.

Kanji is in the blood of Japanese, not even mentioning without it Chinese modern language would never come into being the way it looks like today.


And these records are thousands year ago, before the middle dynasty invaded BaiYue.

Also people of BaiYue are Han Chinese.

I am not sure 箸=Chopstcks is still a Chinese word as you.ve abandoned it for a too long time. 箸hashi is used on daily basis for all Japanese.
I am not sure 箸=Chopstcks is still a Chinese word as you.ve abandoned it for a too long time. 箸hashi is used on daily basis for all Japanese.
Who said Chinese has abandoned old words? How much u know China and her culture and education?
U didn't know in China school,the Chinese lesson of from elementary school to high school always teach "文言文/白话文"(Classical Chinese and old Chinese poetry),they taught old Chinese words and students must learn it. When im a kid, i spent 11 years to learn these old Chinese words and that's my Chinese teachers taught us.

Today u hard to find these old Chinese words using in modern life,but Chinese school always keep teaching Chinese young students to learn them, and Chinese ppl who received basic education must know these words.

The old Chinese words in below Chinese textbook, much more difficult than u see Kanji in Japan.

You are making false claims. Kuaizi (chopsticks) is a Chinese invention. We eat with kuaizi and our porcelain spoon - another ingenious invention which can stand on its own. Our spoon has more versatile uses than a western spoon!



You lie.
Spoon is invented by Viet and people in South East Asia first. Which has been made from Coconut, the Coconut tree is available in Vietnam.




you just fail to understand what I wrote.

How can those coconut junks be compared with our indigenous designed and well crafted Chinese spoons made with porcelain!

It is a civilization apart!
This is an outright silly 'discussion'. China can no more legally stop Japan from using Kanji any more than the West can stop China from building aircrafts and cars, or use Morse code and certain computer languages. Chinese boasts about China having those high speed rails, so was the train invented in China?

Before an act can be made 'legal' there must be readied enforcement mechanisms in the event of violation. So who, meaning an extraordinary body, like an impartial court, that is available to hear arguments and adjudicate? Then once adjudication is done, who is another extraordinary body to enforce judgement? What is the penalty for refusal to obey? Financial levy? How much? Genocide of the Japanese? Am certain the Chinese members here would applaud such an act towards an 'inferior' Asiatic.
I can never get chopsticks to work. :hitwall:
I can never get chopsticks to work. :hitwall:
Never used a fork until I got to the US way back in 1975 and am proficient with both. However, people often confuse proficiency with ease of learning, which is not true. Proficiency simply mean you are better than novice level at using <something>. Not the same as 'expert'. The task or the tool may be easy or difficult, but proficiency simply mean you devoted some time into learning the task/tool beyond whatever its initial demands.

From strictly an engineering perspective, the fork is superior to the chopsticks. It is indeed more expensive to manufacture in terms of both labor and material, but it offers a much shorter and shallower learning curve to use, much quicker in ease of use, and can move more volume per movement than a pair of chopsticks. The fork's design is more amenable to hybridization like the 'spork'. Anyone who has ever gone camping or ever been issued a survival kit know the utility of the 'spork'. The chopstick pair is restricted to its shape since the day it was created. The fork is more durable and therefore more amenable to reuse. The chopstick pair is usually made out of wood and eventually will wear out.
I am not sure &#31672;=Chopstcks is still a Chinese word as you.ve abandoned it for a too long time. &#31672;hashi is used on daily basis for all Japanese.

&#31672; is actually still be using in South China.
Why do you think the KMT are so desperate to get it back?

Power and money, those Russian Oligarchs is what KMT wants to be.

The history has proven that KMT never gave a damn about China, except power and money.

Chiang robbed all gold from Mainland to Taiwan and blown out all the factories, and leaves all Mainlanders starving to death.

I can understand that some HKers sometimes loathed that Mandarin culture wanna completely assimilate the Cantonese culture.

But you have to understand that Guanhua is always the standard Chinese dialect, it just keep evolving, and only today's Guanhua in Beijing area has some Manchurian accent, so the theory that Mandarin evolved from the Manchian language is completely bullsh!t, it is just a type of Guanhua with Manchurian accent.

HK has colonial traces left by Brits, that's why its old British model has stagnated Hong Kong since 1997.

CPC wanna fix those problems in HK, it is better for HK to produce more scientists and enginners than overpopulated with lawyers and business crooks.

It is not about to force HK people to abort Cantonese, i also like Cantonese, an interesting dialect with a lot of sense of humor, but it is about to speak the standard Guanhua better to better integrate with the rest of China.

Most HK people can write traditional Chinese without any problem, so speaking Guanhua shouldn't be a problem as well.

All HK people should support CY's policy and to integrate better with Mainland China.
You are making false claims. Kuaizi (chopsticks) is a Chinese invention. We eat with kuaizi and our porcelain spoon - another ingenious invention which can stand on its own. Our spoon has more versatile uses than a western spoon!



So, do you guys always use wooden chopsticks. I have used chopsticks to eat noodles and dumplings. Wooden chopsticks are more easy to use compared to plastic chopsticks

All HK people should support CY's policy and to integrate better with Mainland China.

Beside of foreign controlled political parties and NGOs. Mainland China also have their mistake too. I have a good will by tell everyone the root of the problem and how to fix it.

Embrace Confucianism, took real identity of real China, as an East Asian country!
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