That is exactly my point. So we dont claim that Hindus ruled India, or Sikhs ruled India or Budhists ruled India.
No one but Pakistani's use this amazing analogy! "We ruled you for 1000 years"!
No one else says that, not Hindus, not Christians, not Muslims, not Sikhs.
Only Pakistani's! You claimed so as well. So my question, are you blood related to the Mughals? Because if not, you dont get the claim to say 'You ruled India'.
In the contemporary history, neither Hindus, nor Sikhs ruled the whole of India - It was only Muslims who ruled India.
The British established the true Christian faith as they used to say, against the Mohammaden rule and majority heathen Hindus. And they used the word Mohammaden and not Islam, because they wanted to project that Islam was not God's true religion and it was only an initiation of Muhammad (SAW).
The Anglo-Indians, at the time of British rule, used to say with pride that they rule India, and many still reminisce about it.
You may be an odd one out who want to project the united-ness of India by saying that the Indians ruled India. This is historically not always the case. Who were Aryans, Achemedians etc etc.
If Indians as you say, claim themselves to be only Indians and not Hindus etc, then why was Ashoka's emblem picked up and not the Muslim or Sikh emblem. These were equally Indian.
Why did Vande Mataram become the national song, which was written by an anti-Muslim Hindu writer who wrote it in a book which highlighted acrimonious anti-Muslim bias.
The stuff that you guys project inside India to unite and raise the Indian nationalism does not work in the manner in other countries.