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Can an Islamic State be Secular?

Jinnah was only one of the people involved in the creation of Pakistan. He was simply the vehicle through which the larger purpose was to be served.
Is it necessary to blow up public places to defend Islam ?

Not at all.

It is, by these acts, my religion Islam is being bashed in the whole world. Yet, I don't see why I should leave my religion and become something else. Just because of a few "Idiots" who blame Islam for the wrong doings of Muslims? Period.
One of our most persistent national myths — put forward by both the state and its detractors — is that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam.

So it is just a myth and nothing else. I see. So the million Muslims died just to create another secular state outside of India?
So it is just a myth and nothing else. I see. So the million Muslims died just to create another secular state outside of India?

Haan tey hor ki :P

My grand father died saying We gained pakistan for Muslims... Pakistan ka matlab kya La ilaaha illallah.... All the literature in this regard is false.... No one wanted Islam they just fought for piece of land....
So it is just a myth and nothing else. I see. So the million Muslims died just to create another secular state outside of India?

Million of Muslim died for the ethnic cause. Not for the cause as defined by the Brotherhood movement. In fact these Wahabi/Moududis opposed Pakistan during independence.
Pakistan is technically a secular state. Our laws are based on English common law except few amendments and our constitution is not Shariah constitution. This is why the Brotherhood supporters want to destroy this country. But they will fail , Shariah will never take it's hold in Pakistani soil.
Islamic state can be secular. If following things are implemented.
1. Restrict mullahs activity to religious studies and preaching.
2. No fatwa on anything. It is like interfaring states affair.

Forgive me if it is offensive.

Well if Islamic state follow your prescription then it will automatically be secular. :coffee:
Sharia Law is the right solution to Pakistan - not a version of TTP - not a version of any fanatical Mullah but the True Essenes of Islamic system with democratic values.

Pakistan already got good combination laws in place however implementation in true essence may be an issue. Some of the man made laws is not against Islamic law. For example: Traffic law can be also be Islamic law because it prevent accident as well as enforce good driving discipline.
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Pakistan already good combination law in place however implementation in true essence may be an issue. Some of the man made law is not against Islamic law. For example: Traffic law can be also Islamic law because it prevent accident as well as enforce good driving discipline.

I asked a simple question but no body answered... So I m asking you... as the article suggests that Islamic state is equivalent to secular state then why not we fight for Islamic state instead of secular state??
To all those who hate Islam and Pakistan to be related in any way.. Let me ask you a simple question. Why you people always jump up and start this endless nonsense.
Ok some of you may not like Sharia But i think you (elite class) damn care the whether the poor pakistani is dying of hunger, murdering children because he cannot feed them or suicide... Just you people know one thing that is to start these kinds of nonsense endless debates and tell the poor pakistanis that look this is your problem... you poor illitrate associate your self with Islam or sharia so how come your problems can be solved. how come you can get opportunity to earn to feed your family, to educate your kids. So you secular extremist comeup with a simple solution i.e. just ignore islam and Sharia and don;t bring them into your daily life and your all problems will be solved in a minute.....
what are you trying to say? if they are not doing it in the name of islam, then in what name are they doing all these?

Yes they are doing it in the name of Islam but Islam never endorsed it and as good Muslim you have right to demise them to protect Islamic principal form enemy of Islam. If you believe that they are doing it Islamic cause then you are confused with your faith my friend.

Munafiq also act, eat, dress and pray like Muslims yet they are worst than Kafir as fer Qur'an and Sunnah. It will be foolish to believe that Munafiqs aren't around anymore.

We have Muslim born criminal too. NO!!! :coffee:
I asked a simple question but no body answered... So I m asking you... as the article suggests that Islamic state is equivalent to secular state then why not we fight for Islamic state instead of secular state??

Well it depend on once personal believe. Those of us inspired by Islam will vote for Islamic state however those belongs to secular belt will oppose. We are to fight(with logic) for Islamic state because it's duty of true Musalman.

Secularism(western style) can not go along with Islamic believe because Islam is the only true and last religion for man kind as fer Qur'an and Sunnah. Now who is man enough to change the declaration of Qur'an. :coffee:
Well it depend on once personal believe. Those of us inspired by Islam will vote for Islamic state however those belongs to secular belt will oppose. We are to fight(with logic) for Islamic state because it's duty of true Musalman.

Secularism(western style) can not go along with Islamic believe because Islam is the only true and last religion for man kind as fer Qur'an and Sunnah. Now who is man enough to change the declaration of Qur'an. :coffee:

Pretty easy talking about Islamic state for others while you sit and enjoy western freedoms? Put your money where your mouth is and go live in an Islamic country if you love it so much.
Two Nation Theory

One of our most persistent national myths — put forward by both the state and its detractors — is that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam.

Your post was very much informative and provided a good reading.I am just confused and in the same time curious about one thing.
If Pakistan was not created in the name of Islam then why the state is called an Islamic Republic?
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