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Can a Muslim say "Merry Christmas"?

OK lets analyse this...

First the defination of 'MERRY' -
1. Cheerful and lively: "the streets were dense with merry throngs of students".
2. (of an occasion or season) Characterized by festivity and rejoicing: "he wished me a merry Christmas".

Defination of 'CHRISTMAS' - The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25

So to conclude; Merry equals to "cheerful", christmas is a festival; Are muslims so hell-bent we can't wish someone to be cheerful on their day of happiness? NO we're NOT... It's equal to saying good morning or good day to a non muslim. It's NOT shirk.
Let me ask you?

If none Muslim greet you with Assalamualaikum, do you reply with waalaikumussalam or just Walikum. :undecided:

I give reply of kindness with kindness. Many non Muslims/Atheists did congrats me happy Eid although they don't believe in Islam or any Islamic beliefs. Many atheists say Merry Xmas to each others when most of them don't even believe in Jesus(PBUH) or any of his teaching. Non muslims are also creation of Allah and we should deal with them with kindness. Islam is the religion of humanity and we should not make Islam as religion of extremism. Our character and kindness impress others more than our religious sermon and lectures :)
Prophet ISA/Massih (pbuh) is part of Islam and world knows it very well.

I do have doubts, while wishing hindus their religious events.. because, i don't believe in any of them.... and it happen so often on this forum.

I also like to mention that it is not they way of Muslim; to follow any thing simply for the sake, that majority is doing it.

It is also very important for Muslim to learn knowledge and best way is to travel across the globe.
Only reading on forums will mostly mislead you.

Mr. Jinnah and Dr. Iqbal were the visionaries and it is not by chance that both of them have LIVED in both hindu and western societies.
You can't build vision in the comfort of your houses, being fed on double dose of misinformation delivered to you at your drawing room.

All Muslims P.S: Recently, immigrants from India are feeding Christian societies against Muslims, while fake Mullahs made by RAW are feeding Muslims with wrong info and Ahadees.
Let me ask you?

If none Muslim greet you with Assalamualaikum, do you reply with waalaikumussalam or just Walikum.

Original Post By Al-zakir

I read in Bukhary if a non-muslim greets you with Assalamu Alaikum and if you are muslim your answer will be only Walaikum not walaikumsalam.
If Athiests/Agnostics could say Merry Christmas I don't see why Muslims can't say it either.
Original Post By Al-zakir

I read in Bukhary if a non-muslim greets you with Assalamu Alaikum and if you are muslim your answer will be only Walaikum not walaikumsalam.

Did you!!...realy?

The book you are referring is not word of God.

I believe there is no harm in returning the greetings..... same way.

Actually, i find it more wrong to greet in any other way than 'Salam-Alikum'... BUT!! since the non-Muslim recipient might feel offended, its better to greet the people in their local way.
Merry Means

Full of or showing high-spirited merriment
"have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"
Offering fun and gaiety
"a merry evening"
Quick and energetic
"a merry chase"
Slightly intoxicated

Source Wordweb Dictionary

I do not think there is any reason you shouldn't say Merry Christmas if you can say Happy Christmas. But honestly I am not of any opinion yet.. I need to learn more about the topic to be able to respond.

But as a simple rule of life, if you have 1% doubt that something is not right and 99% of your mind says its okay then have a "cost benefit" analysis to guide yourself. Will you earn 1% chance of doing shirk for saying a word? My analysis is NO. One must not do shirk even if it costs him his own life.
Where did you get the banner of Zakir Naik from? I mean anyone can make a banner that can be convincing.
I got that from Zaki Naik's official page on facebook.
Original Post By Al-zakir

I read in Bukhary if a non-muslim greets you with Assalamu Alaikum and if you are muslim your answer will be only Walaikum not walaikumsalam.
Ahhh....no. When I wish someone "Merry Christmas!" I'm wishing that they are happy on their holiday.

Why shouldn't I be happy, too? They are, after all, celebrating the birthday of someone who was a really popular and cool rabbi! That some followers carried his viewpoint to extremes, others mixed it with Greek and Roman religious practices, and politicians and emperors used it to manipulate people - that's not what's being celebrated on Christmas.
I have a question to Muslims brothers:

Imagine you have a Christian or Jewish wife and she had children too!!

How would you greet them?

BTW.. ZAkir Naik is another RAW operative.
If i say Good Day to someone; does that mean I agree with everythig he DOES on that day? That DR ZAKIR poster doesn't make sense...
I have a question to Muslims brothers:

Imagine you have a Christian or Jewish wife and she had children too!!

How would you greet them?

BTW.. ZAkir Naik is another RAW operative.

Can you profe that Zakir Naik is a Raw agent?

Greet who the baby or the wife? wife and baby greet with love. and adhan to the ears of the baby because the child would be muslim. Answer to a hypothetical question.

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