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C-130J crashes in Gwalior

That's incorrect, I don't know the details of the arrangement with the IAF but in most cases depot level maintenance is handled by the OEM routine maintenance by the IAF.

The contract states that LM will supply maintenance and training for two years. You could be right about routine maintenance. In any case, the reason for the crash has not been determined yet, so ascribing blame is premature.
There No Big deal Because Its Single crash And we Buyed Six More of these And Many more in Future :coffee::coffee:
The point is not about single crash, the basic thing which should come to our notice is, first accidents with navy around 3 in number and now spree shifted toward airforce. It can be a deliberately done accident.
Sad Incident Indeed , my the Pilots Rest in Peace .

However how did this happen ? this plane is designed for crash Landing even if it has 3 Engines blown out ,a bird strike cannot take this plane down like this .. so either it is a technical Fault or Human error( I have respect for IAF Aviators but they still are human ) .
Above is a doctored photo.
Its Italy: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/...NC56J-W9cxAGyHssQMha8iTlGgbB2OfoIkODJCg_amFWA

Stupid media. :hitwall:
( very very sad day, RIP those men of valor who died, fortunately aircraft appears lightly loaded, appears Garuds among those killed in the crash..very sad. I don't think engine failure can be a cause, even with multiple engine failures, they can easily set it down on a rather rugged patch of ground without any serious damage. Some other technical issue perhaps, should be investigated asap and corrective measures taken, aircraft is still in warranty if technical problem due to manufacturing error, the aircraft will be replaced but extremely well trained lives cannot be. Sad day.

A saboteur at Gwalior would be highly unlikely, I don't see how someone can penetrate multiple layers of security in one of IAF's principle bases, I wouldn't rule it out though. I think time for a serious effort to get to the root of these things.

I think blaming IAF pilots or maintenance at this stage is rather silly and stupid, we had two squadron commanders and wing commanders, clearly the aircraft from both ATC and ground witnesses suffered a catestrophic fire of some sort, to me this looks like a serious failure of the aircraft itself. Sure the fighter wing has had accidents due to pilot error but they have training defeciencies but as far the C-130J is concerned, only the best among tranport pilots are chosen to fly these, the C-17 and other heavies, it requires significant amount of training and practical exeprience/plenty of hours before one is given the keys to such a behemoth, to me the pilots are the last ones to be looked at. This is a serious failure in the aircraft itself.

Let's investigate the aircraft for failures and I am sure it will be proven that it was an aircraft failure. We'll get the bird back as part of manufacturers' warranty with the next batch of 6 being built now.

I know it may be hard for many here to believe but IAF does have professionals at work and they take their work very seriously, if the failure of the bird wasn't as catastrophic as it appears, they would have landed it on a rough patch, they have plenty of training to do that.
Sad Incident Indeed , my the Pilots Rest in Peace .

However how did this happen ? this plane is designed for crash Landing even if it has 3 Engines blown out ,a bird strike cannot take this plane down like this .. so either it is a technical Fault or Human error( I have respect for IAF Aviators but they still are human ) .
sabotaged what else it could be. They are being operated in Afghanistan with half technical facilities, forget India. Our government is hiding it.
The contract states that LM will supply maintenance and training for two years. You could be right about routine maintenance. In any case, the reason for the crash has not been determined yet, so ascribing blame is premature.

I did not 'ascribe' blame I was merely challenging an assumption on your part. I can't think of any instance of a professional air force allowing the OEM to handle routine maintenance.
The point is not about single crash, the basic thing which should come to our notice is, first accidents with navy around 3 in number and now spree shifted toward airforce. It can be a deliberately done accident.
Mechanical Incidents Are Bound Too Happen Mate If compare India with Us. USA Lost Far more Life's In these Incidents Than India.But this did not give India excuse We should try to Control Incident By Adding Technology This Will Minimize It
No Its Not the Case I bet you These Type of of technical Expensive Stuff are Fly ed By Experience Pilots Dont make Any Conclusions until Report Comes Out. there thousand reason A Plane Could Crash
C130 is a new induction....never new we had experienced c130 pilots.
There was no evidence for any bomb. In any case, Pakistani planes crash too, including the ones from America, so spare us this condescention that our military is only now evolving from primitive things to modern stuff. By and large, the IAF operates far more sophisticated toys than the PAF, and has done so for decades.

The dust has literally not settled, and some people are already looking to score points.

There was nothing wrong with the plane. A case of mangoes contained nerve gas which paralyzed everyone in the plane.
Mechanical Incidents Are Bound Too Happen Mate If compare India with Us. USA Lost Far more Life's In these Incidents Than India.But this did not give India excuse We should try to Control Incident By Adding Technology This Will Minimize It
USA also has a greater fleet, but I don't think such technical failure can happen so often that also with new brand aircraft and submarines. If you cannot take care of six aircrafts why to order more. Of course work load is one parameter but this aircraft is well proven and does not require much maintenance.
Government is hiding it.
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