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Bus carrying engineers reportedly exploded on Wednesday.

Express tribune is saying it was an accident:

"The incident occurred after the driver lost control of the vehicle that was carrying 18 people while taking a sharp turn. The passenger van then veered off into the Indus River in the Pani Bagh area of Upper Kohistan, and got submerged immediately, said the official."
Images from Dawm (Dawn updated it's article and removed these images, so treat them as unconfirmed/unrelated)

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OK just now DAWN changed their headline too ....now saying it was an accident..no terrorism involved

Yousufzai had earlier said that there had been an explosion in the bus but said the cause had not been ascertained. Later, he confirmed to Dawn.com that it was in fact a collision, adding that a rescue operation was under way.
It’s an accident news coming in.
Please do not spread rumours.
And right on cue the indians already celebrating on social media.
Express tribune is saying it was an accident:

"The incident occurred after the driver lost control of the vehicle that was carrying 18 people while taking a sharp turn. The passenger van then veered off into the Indus River in the Pani Bagh area of Upper Kohistan, and got submerged immediately, said the official."
That is referring to a different incident earlier in June, also according to the same article DPO is investing the cause currently.
That definitely looks like India's act! I can tell by the way bus is damaged!

No it’s an accident confirmed by multiple sources.
May they rest in peace.
Thank God it's not a bomb ... just an accident.
Again it is not confirmed whether it is an accident or a Bomb yet as the investigation into the cause is underway, many conflicting reports however.
Change the news headline.

Indians and libturds already giving this news a wrong angle all over the net

Agreed but let’s wait official news, even though this does look like an accident with another vehicle.
Dawn report

At least 8 persons, including Chinese engineers, died and several others were injured on Wednesday near the Dasu hydropower plant in the Upper Kohistan district of Khyber Pakhtunkwha.

Upper Kohistan Deputy Commissioner Arif Khan Yousafzai told Dawn.com that the incident took place early in the morning around 7:30am when a coaster was carrying over 30 workers, including Chinese engineers, from the Barseen camp to the plant site.

He said foreign engineers, Frontier Corps personnel and local labourers were aboard the bus when an explosion due to an incident involving two vehicles took place. However, the cause of the explosion has not been ascertained as yet, he said.

He said the site had been cordoned off by police and Rangers.

The injured were being shifted to Upper Kohistan District Headquarter Hospital, officials said.

A senior police officer told Dawn.com that it was unclear what had caused the incident, adding that mobile networks are not functional in the area which was making it difficult to get information.

"At the moment we are not clear what exactly happened, whether it is blast or an accident," the official said, adding that once police complete initial investigation, the situation will become clear.

He said KP police chief Moazzam Ansari has left for Upper Kohistan on a helicopter.

Meanwhile, the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda), did not clear the nature of the incident either. In a statement, it termed the incident an "accident".

The Wapda spokesman did confirm that employees of a Chinese company were travelling in the bus, adding that rescue efforts were under way at the site of the incident and the injured were being shifted to a hospital.

The spokesperson added that the Wapda chairperson had left for Dasu to oversee the rescue work.

This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources, such as concerned, qualified authorities and our staff reporters.
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