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Bus carrying engineers reportedly exploded on Wednesday.

Pakistan need to extensively carryout what causes the explosion , whither its just a accident or any dirty hands from outside involved to disrupt development by Chinese in Pakistan. Very recently in Bangladesh too few Chinese died due to "accident ".
If this image is correct then this looks like a accident. No sign of fire The curtains are still hanging and untouched. These would have been blown out or burnt.

might be an LPG cylinder. they are very unsafe and multiple tragedies happened in the past as well. people full of Wagon are burned alive due to these cylinders.
It needs to be one very explosive LPG
It's not the same bus, this is from a landslide apparently. Also the backside doesn't match confirmed images.
Good point. Also noticed the image is of a NATCO bus which cover the northern areas. A bus carrying engineers would be smaller type [like Toyota Coaster] and owned by some other company.

It needs to be one very explosive LPG
Sadly it is very probable that this was a terrorist act perpetuated by Pakistani Islamic warriors. The region of Kohistan that this event took place is hot bed of Islamic radicals. Most of PDF will of course refuse to accept this and instead start hurling abuse at me because facts often are not easy to digest. It is possible that there might be external - read Indian involvement but the fact is I don't see a vegetarian Gangu traipsed from India holding 10 kg of high explosives. Those who did this in indeed this is terrorist incident will be locals.

The underlying issue we have in Pakistan is most of the population has been inculcated with the Islamic identity as OPPOSED to nation state. The problem with Islamic identity is it is TRANS-NATIONAL. Imagine having Chinese population loyal to a identity that is NOT China specific but global. That means your public buy into trans-national causes.

How does this relate to this? Well all you need to do is start crying about China's mistreatment of MUSLIMS [Uighurs] and you will have the faithfull wanting revenge. I have come across Islamists of Pakistani origin in UK and they have zero loyalty to Pakistan. Their favourite causes are exclusively orientated by a world view through the Islamic prism and NOT by nationalism so this is their pet causes in order -

  • Palestine
  • Syria
  • Uighurs
  • Rohingya

If this incident had happened in Balochistan then I would suspect the ethnic Baloch terrorists of BLA but this is Kohistan a very religiously conservative region.
The relentless spread of religious violence in Diamer district

In early August, unidentified men burnt down 14 schools in various parts of Darel, its neighbouring valley called Tangir, as well as Chilas, the headquarters of Diamer district. Many of these were educational institutions for girls. Some were built only recently and were awaiting their first students to enroll.

Diamer is the gateway between Gilgit-Baltistan and the rest of Pakistan, he explains, so the simultaneous attacks on so many schools could have been caused by national factors as much as by local ones. These factors, according to him, could be connected to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which links the two countries through Gilgit-Baltistan. Or, he says, these could be linked to the Diamer-Bhasha Dam being planned on the border between Diamer and Kohistan.

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12 Are Killed in Pakistan Bus Explosion, Including 9 Chinese
At least some of the passengers were engineers traveling to a Chinese-funded hydropower project in the country’s remote northwest.

July 14, 2021Updated 8:10 a.m. ET
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — At least nine Chinese nationals were killed in Pakistan on Wednesday when their bus fell into a ravine after an explosion, officials said.

At least some of the Chinese passengers were engineers working at a hydroelectric project in Dasu, an area in the country’s rural northwest.

Two Pakistani paramilitary soldiers and one Pakistani laborer were also killed, local officials said, and 41 others were wounded.

The exact cause of the explosion was not immediately clear. In a statement, Pakistan’s foreign affairs ministry said the bus had fallen into the ravine “after a mechanical failure resulting in leakage of gas that caused a blast.” It said an investigation was underway.

China’s embassy and a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs initially described the explosion as a bomb attack but later modified their statements to leave open the possibility of an accident. The embassy’s statement called for a thorough investigation and warned Chinese citizens in Pakistan to be vigilant and to go outside only if necessary.

The Dasu Hydropower Project is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a global effort to invest in infrastructure that is even greater in scope than the Marshall Plan, the United States’ program to rebuild Europe after World War II.

One Chinese company involved in the project, China Gezhouba Group, could not be reached for comment. A spokesman for another one, China Gansu International Corporation for Economic and Technical Cooperation, said that he had no details about what happened in Dasu.

Pakistan has a complex relationship with China, which has pumped billions of dollars into the country’s infrastructure projects.

In April, a suicide bomber struck the parking lot of a luxury hotel in southwestern Pakistan, killing at least four people. A Chinese delegation that included the country’s ambassador to Pakistan had been staying at the hotel but were not there at the time of the attack.

Only good thing in this is that if it is an act of terror then unlike Pakistanis who consider blood of their people cheap Chinese won't do the same

They would go for revenge unlike us and that is the only good thing in this whole incident

The Chinese are looking for answers and considering this an attack even though by the looks of it as an accident … as per South China Post.

As you may know if a farangi died in an accident like that they send their whole investigation team to throughly investigate and conclude the reason behind such an accident similarly I hope Chinese will be sending their team also to assist the local team.

The “timing and the victims” of this incident made it “very suspicious” … I do not know if it is possible to have a black box similar to the ones we have on airplanes on buses carrying sensitive subjects so that it can record ALL vital stats of the Bus as well as save the camera feed from inside and outside the bus to help in investigations in case of accidents such as this …
Another sad news
I think foreigners were chines engineers, now china will not going to sit idle
They want to stop the progression of Pakistan. Israel also did this by assasinating Egyptian engineers. We need to protect our scientists. We should assign police escorts for them and ISI agents to shadow them and do counter intelligence to figure out who they are going to attack
Dasu Hydropower project is within the Kohistan region which is known as hot bed of Islamic radicals. There have been girls schools burnt, police killed etc. The map below makes this clear and anybody can google for the Islamic jihadi issue in this Diamer-Kohistan region.


Kohistan and Diamer (Dasu to Chilas)

Why: In the area of the Karakoram Highway between Dasu and Chilas there is serious poverty and a lack of education and gender equality, even by Pakistan standards. There were many attacks in this region in the past, and though the area is now relatively safe and the Karakoram Highway is frequented by tourists, it still sees some issues such as the burning of girls’ schools in 2018.

Allowed to visit: Tourists can drive along the Karakoram Highway. Foreign tourists can now move freely in Chilas. Public transport usually has an armed guard riding along within this region. Solo travelers may receive a security escort in the area around Dasu town. Note that you need an NOC for any of the side valleys off the KKH in this area, such as Darel.
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