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Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

I don't think so. Saudi Arabia is a citadel of Al-Islam and non-Muslims are unwelcome there. It's a Holy place fir the Muslims, almost like a big Masjid. But the French claim to be the beacon of human rights, freedom and democracy so when it comes to Al-Islam, why does behave like a racist country?

So don't you think saudi is bigger racist by not welcoming non Muslim at all ?
what do you say about Chinese province which is doing the same as France ?
If police can't interpret your face throught the doctor mask that's a fine.

Yes, only specific personnel have the right to "see your face".
A doctor travelling from the hospital to a clinic may wear the mask "in public" without violating the law.

Anyway, the discussion on the legality/morality of the burqa ban is a topic unto itself and there's no point rehashing it yet again.

What's disturbing here is the vigilante angle. This is like mobs in Pakistan lynching people for blasphemy.
Yes, only specific personnel have the right to "see your face".
A doctor travelling from the hospital to a clinic may wear the mask "in public" without violating the law.

Anyway, the discussion on the legality/morality of the burqa ban is a topic unto itself and there's no point rehashing it yet again.

What's disturbing here is the vigilante angle. This is like mobs in Pakistan lynching people for blasphemy.

Except noone is dead. A slight technicality.
I don't think so. Saudi Arabia is a citadel of Al-Islam and non-Muslims are unwelcome there. It's a Holy place fir the Muslims, almost like a big Masjid. But the French claim to be the beacon of human rights, freedom and democracy so when it comes to Al-Islam, why does behave like a racist country?

People have their interpretations, secular in Turkey also means scarf is banned in Government buildings. Same like Saudi Arabians have their own interpretations on who is really a muslim/Arab - and claim to be an Islamic sharia state despite kingdoms being forbidden in islam. So the French will define secularism as they see fit - like the Saudi Arabians do with various definitions of Islam. There is no universal agreement on what secularisms entails either.

And there are non muslims in SA - were are you getting your info. Arabs are famous for hiring foreign construction contractors. If you meant citizenship - They dont give it to non Arabs.
So don't you think saudi is bigger racist by not welcoming non Muslim at all ?
what do you say about Chinese province which is doing the same as France ?

Makkah and Madinah is only for Muslims not for every one but other than that Non Muslims can go any where in Saudi Arabia
I don't think so. Saudi Arabia is a citadel of Al-Islam and non-Muslims are unwelcome there. It's a Holy place fir the Muslims, almost like a big Masjid. But the French claim to be the beacon of human rights, freedom and democracy so when it comes to Al-Islam, why does behave like a racist country?

The french have been fighting for democracy and enlightement since the end of the 18th century.Democracy is not about people flocking to western nations and behaving like medievals.We built our societies to move forward not back in time and if some don't like they can go back to their nations.

If KSA is the bastion of Islam,France is the bastion of modernism and medieval barbarians are not welcomed.
Don't think so.
Claiming to be a doctor is a crime if you are not one.
But putting on a face mask is not a crime. If someone interprets that to be a doctor, that's their problem.

You are free to interpret it anyway you want, but here is the law as per wiki.

As of 11 April 2011, it is illegal to wear a face-covering veil or other mask in public places such as the street, shops, museums, public transportation, and parks. Veils such as the chador, scarves and other headwear that do not cover the face, are not affected by this law and can be worn.[4] The law applies to all citizens, including men and non-Muslims, who may not cover their face in public except where specifically provided by law (such as motor-bike riders and safety workers) and during established occasional events (such as some carnivals). The law imposes a fine of up to €150, and/or participation in citizenship education, for those who violate the law.[5][6] The bill also penalises, with a fine of €30,000 and one year in prison, anyone who forces (by violence, threats or by abuse of power) another to wear face coverings; these penalties may be doubled if the victim is under the age of 18.[1][5][7]

Muslim women have been given priviledge to wear in inside car while going for prayer. :)
So don't you think saudi is bigger racist by not welcoming non Muslim at all ?
what do you say about Chinese province which is doing the same as France ?

No, Saudi Arabia is not racist. It's a holy land for the Muslims. Non-Muslims are not welcome there but everywhere else is fine. We don't allow non-Muslims in our Masaajid and Muslims have no right to be in churches. Simple.

Why don't the French ban Christian nuns from wearing hijab?
No, Saudi Arabia is not racist. It's a holy land for the Muslims. Non-Muslims are not welcome there but everywhere else is fine. We don't allow non-Muslims in our Masaajid and Muslims have no right to be in churches. Simple.

Why don't the French ban Christian nuns from wearing hijab?

Their country, their rules, their culture. When in Rome, do as the Romans do :undecided: or don't migrate to western countries.
It's strange I never get to see any burqa clad women in France, especially Paris, whenever I go there! :what:
No, Saudi Arabia is not racist. It's a holy land for the Muslims. Non-Muslims are not welcome there but everywhere else is fine. We don't allow non-Muslims in our Masaajid and Muslims have no right to be in churches. Simple.

Why don't the French ban Christian nuns from wearing hijab?

christian nuns are banned too from wearing face veil...check my post above ..
the whole city cant be masjid.. muslims should not go to our holy cities then...
also, what are muslims doing in sikh holy places.. vacate them.
In my opinion, Muslims shouldn't wear veils in Europe because it makes others suspicious but in the Muslim countries it don't.
Makkah and Madinah is only for Muslims not for every one but other than that Non Muslims can go any where in Saudi Arabia

makka and madina itself was built by non muslims and also the kaaba.
also whole of saudi and holy muslim land is under the shoes of america.
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