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Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

thats an expensive fun, but if you can go to paris, why not spend 150 euro....totally worth it..

Lol it's not like i am gonna go to france just to pick fights, I have friends there and the tourism in france looks amazing especially the villandry gardens.

To get into a fight with "Islamophobes who beat on women who can't fight back" i might but not to break the law.
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To get into a fight with "Islamophobes who beat on women who can't fight back" i might but not to break the law.

would you also fight with the Islamists who beat up women for not wearing burqua or for wearing modern dresses like in your avatar ?? I yes then I would say you are honest.
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yes it is crime.... lol...

Don't think so.
Claiming to be a doctor is a crime if you are not one.
But putting on a face mask is not a crime. If someone interprets that to be a doctor, that's their problem.
Don't think so.
Claiming to be a doctor is a crime if you are not one.
But putting on a face mask is not a crime. If someone interprets that to be a doctor, that's their problem.

If police can't interpret your face throught the doctor mask that's a fine.

and would return in those countries too where it is banned

Yea, right.
Same reason the Saudi Arabians are - its their nation.

I think all nations can learn from how Arabs treat their workers.

I don't think so. Saudi Arabia is a citadel of Al-Islam and non-Muslims are unwelcome there. It's a Holy place for the Muslims, almost like a big Masjid. But the French claim to be the beacon of human rights, freedom and democracy so when it comes to Al-Islam, why does it behave like a racist country?
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