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Burqa ban in Switzerland comes into force; Muslims face fines up to $10,000

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Only those Pakistanis who accept that Pakistan is wrong in not allowing other religions to be propgated in Pakistan can respond on this post. Other wise they just should accept the swiss decision and do what they do best.
They would never allow european women to follow european culture in saudi arabia.

And guess what? I would not go to such a shithole because i dont agree with their way.
I wonder why those freaks try to come here and then demand their ridicolous custums to be accepted?
Europe is gathering to preserve their culture tradition and heritage.

There are many white anglo Saxons worried about the islamification of certain western nations be it UK or France.

Switzerland is a stunning country which I have visted twice. I hope it never changes.

Every nation has a right to enforce its own laws . This is not racism its a basic national right and identity.

Swiss don't want burqas or mosques we need to respect this
On Topic. Those Muslim women who cannot compromise on their right of wearing Burqa should leave Switzerland. Very simple.

Can a Caucasian Christian wear a Bikini in Saudi? At least can they wear a skirt? At least can they wear a shirt and trouser without a head scarf?

Why should a Christian follow Muslim practices?
Stupid analogy. Saudia Arabia is a theological state while Switzerland dont claim to be a country running as per scripture of Christianity and has no official state religion. These western countries criticise saudia arabia for restricting personal freedom of people when they are exactly doing the same thing
On Topic. Those Muslim women who cannot compromise on their right of wearing Burqa should leave Switzerland. Very simple.

Stupid analogy. Saudia Arabia is a theological state while Switzerland dont claim to be a country running as per scripture of Christianity and has no official state religion. These western countries criticise saudia arabia for restricting personal freedom of people when they are exactly doing the same thing

easy question, can i go with my girlfriend (we arent married) in pakistan in same clothes that we wear in italy?
Having been to Switzerland many times I cannot recall ever coming across a Muslim girl wearing a burka. The vast majority are ethnic European Muslims i.e. Bosnians, and then you have the Albanians, both groups females hardly ever wear Islamic attire, let alone a Burka.
I think this was more of a case of preventing any such trend in the future.
Anyway, I echo what others have said, it is their country.
easy question, can i go with my girlfriend (we arent married) in pakistan in same clothes that we wear in italy?

why not .. Pakistan is not even secular country but i have seen many western in western clothes . Its your misconception if you think all Pakistan women are in veil as some of them even wear western clothes. Its all about freedom and free choices of people. If taliban are extremist who force women to wear veil then you are also extremist if you force women to take off their veil if they wear it by their own choice

why not .. Pakistan is not even secular country but i have seen many western in western clothes . Its your misconception if you think all Pakistan women are in veil as some of them even wear western clothes. Its all about freedom and free choices of people. If taliban are extremist who force women to wear veil then you are also extremist if you force women to take off their veil if they wear it by their own choice

wearing veil is not italian culture. Its an insult outside church. It i an insult against italy. And even worse is to cover face. Whoever covers face is a terrorist. Its that easy.
wearing veil is not italian culture. Its an insult outside church. It i an insult against italy. And even worse is to cover face. Whoever covers face is a terrorist. Its that easy.
No one is forcing italian girl to wear it. Jeans is not Pakistani dress so should i take off your jeans when you travel or visit to Pakistan..dont be stupid. Poople should have freedom to wear, to eat as they wish as long as they dont impose their like/dislike on others. I dont see how a girl wearing hijab take your right of wearing bikini
No one is forcing italian girl to wear it. Jeans is not Pakistani dress so should i take off your jeans when you travel or visit to Pakistan..dont be stupid. Poople should have freedom to wear, to eat as they wish as long as they dont impose their like/dislike on others. I dont see how a girl wearing hijab take your right of wearing bikini

she can carry a bomb or guns under it.

I would not sit in an airplane where such people are allowed for example. I dont talk with people who dont show their face. This behavior is seen as hostile for me.
she can carry a bomb or guns under it.

I would not sit in an airplane where such people are allowed for example. I dont talk with people who dont show their face. This behavior is seen as hostile for me.
Well all people need to show their identity and need to be inspected when they go through airports, banks, courts and any such sensitive place for safety reasons and there is no such exemption for women in veil. secondly You could have wearing suicide jacket so that mean we should put ban on wearing jackets?

Its just personal hatred and bigotry of people as they want to impose your own like/dislike on others so very much same like these extremists religious nuts
Well all people need to show their identity and need to be inspected when they go through airports, banks, courts and any such sensitive place for safety reasons and there is no such exemption for women in veil. secondly You could have wear suicide jacket so that mean we should put ban on wearing jackets?

Its just personal hatred and bigotry as you want to impose your own like/dislike on others so very much same like these extremists religious nuts

thats not true. And you know it. They come from their shitholes and first thing they do is to act like the shitholes they come from.

I dont accept this and wont tolerate this. Its not hatred. Its plain and simple realistic thinking.

There was never any positive from them towards our nations. Not now and not in the past. We are enemies since many hundred years. We know how they are.

This is italy. And it will stay that way. We wont allow those pacman ghosts to ruin our beautiful nation.
lol @ people getting mad at banning burqas yet Pakistani applicants are forced to agree to silly & irrelevant conditions to renew a Pakistani passport like being forced to declare Ahmadis as non-muslims. Don't really have the moral high ground till all religions including Ahmadis in Pakistan get equal rights.
Anyway burqa is not part of Islam and more of an Arab/Afghan thing .
Your nose is sniffing Burqas?? You seriously to get a life bro. :)

If he's smelling things which aren't there he might be having a stroke.:lol:

hijab has been misused to smuggle weapons has been growing

Hijab is to cover just the head, the burqa is the one which looks like there is a tent moving around. Learn the difference before trying to sound smart. Cheers.
Good, every country needs to ban the burqa.
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