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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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The claim was that Hindus and Buddhists cannot be mutually antagonistic.
That claim is historically false.
Very false.

It is true for the largest part of history, except may be for very brief periods.

No you did me a favor, since it is crystal clear from my quote that I was talking about extremists, not mainstream Hindus. I specifically equated the Hindutva crowd to Islamists and Zionists.

I know what you were talking of and what you wanted.

And you failed.

And vsdoc agreed that he had "crossed swords" with uncompromising Hindutvadas.

And it was likely very different from what you would imagine.

and no Hindu has anything against Parsis or their religion. Shiv Sena is as "extremist Hindu" as they come and he told you what they do.
Wait.... were there no terrorist attacks before the Burma incident?

Who is retaliating against who?

And since you live in the UK, you should know your previous post was illegal under British law. Just hope that no one reading this forum reports you for it.

The muslims in Burma were always weak and isolated, what terrorist attacks?
Is it a crime in peaceful dharmic religions to marry arabs?


But those you would have to transport whole population of arabia to Pakistan for marrying in order to have a viable population with arab genes.
These are the facts.

The Hindu/Buyddhist angle was very much a part of the conflict. See link above. And I am sure I can dig up instances of Buddhist attacks on Hindu temples in Sri Lanka also.

Seriously?? A facebook page?? We have seen many like this before.. Latest was one Pakistani Guy posting picture of desecration of Holy Quran in Kashmir!! :lol: Most of people here had a good time on that!!

Some hard facts you got!!
Then why did the mard-e-momin surrendered to grass eating Indians in 1972 without putting up any resistance and why did they surrendered to Christians in Spain.

Are you seriously effing sick in the head, do you even know what happened in the inquisition? If you think that's a joke then you must be mentally retarded.


But those you would have to transport whole population of arabia to Pakistan for marrying in order to have a viable population with arab genes.

So you're saying that we are not arabs and we own the land? Okay fair enough.
BBC News - Q&A: Communal violence in Burma

What is the nature of Burma's communal violence?

Over the last year there have been two major sites of communal conflict in Burma.

In 2012 widespread rioting and brutal clashes between Rakhine Buddhists and Muslims, largely thought to be Rohingya Muslims, devastated parts of western Rakhine state.

It was the rape and murder of a young Buddhist woman that May which sparked off the deadly chain of events. Violence escalated as Muslims and Buddhists attacked each other. The confrontations re-ignited in October.

Rakhine Buddhists and Muslims blame each other for the violence which left almost 200 dead and displaced thousands. Many Rohingyas fled and crossed the border with Bangladesh.

In March 2013 central Burma was the site of violence between Buddhists and Muslims, which left more than 40 people dead.

It started at a Muslim-owned gold shop where a Buddhist couple had gone to sell some jewellery. A dispute over the price escalated into a bigger fight and after a Buddhist monk died as the result of an attack, a sustained mob assault on Muslim areas began.

Entire Muslim neighbourhoods were razed and about 12,000 Muslims are thought to have fled their homes. The rioting also spread to other towns in the area.
The version where Buddhism once dominated India but is all but extinct now in India.

Buddhism never dominated India. It was the religion practiced by the emperor (Ashok) and his family and he did not try to impose it on others - was like walking into the footsteps of his grandfather - Chandragupta Maurya who had converted to Jainism but never campaigned for others to join.

And I know where you are getting the idea of Buddhism persecution - from the single reign of Pushyamitra Shunga - but there is no proof of any persecution and it is a mere idea because he was a Hindu Brahmin and had worked hard to strengthen the prevalence of Hinduism. That is only an idea, a many times refuted one.

Apart from that controversial piece of idea about that single reign, there is no talk of Buddhists facing trouble in India in any of the history books. If you have anything to show to the contrary from some well authenticated history book, I would welcome it!

Otherwise, you should think about it yourself, if Hindus hated Buddhists, why would they name Gautam Buddh as the 9th avatar of Vishnu and put him on an equal footing and respect with Lord Krishna?
The version where Buddhism once dominated India but is all but extinct now in India.

Already posted link to Hindu-Buddhist conflict in Sri Lanka.

There is the mainstream reality and there are exceptions.

You have a rather hard time differentiating them.
I don't malign anyone who considers China their motherland above all else, including their religion. No loyalty to Bodh Gaya, Mecca or the Vatican can be above that. If someone is more loyal to the Dalai Lama than China they can f*ck off and die.

And you saw the quotes from the official spokesperson from the Chinese government, they used the word "Jihad" repeatedly when describing the Xinjiang attacks.

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement itself uses religion as their motivation in their official statements. Their entire goal is to set up an Islamic state.

Now tell me why would the Chinese government say and widely report these things? Even though they have the power to do otherwise. Is it a conspiracy?

Watch it.

Actually the CCP's history currciculum is responsible for innoculating Uyghurs with separatists propaganda.

The Soviets created the Uyghur ethnic group from Turkic Muslims in the Tarim Basin in 1921 at Tashkent and wrote nationalist histories of the Uyghur people in order to promote separatism among the Uyghurs so they could absorb Xinjiang as a Soviet republic and take it from China. Previously the Uyghurs were just known as Turkis.

Before that there was no separatism in Xinjiang. All conflict came from the outside (Uzbeks from Kokand raided Kashgar several times). The Qing dynasty used mullahs and feudal Begs to rule the population and they applied religious law upon the Turkic Muslims while the Qing held political power. The warlord Yang Zengzin continued the policy of using mullahs and inoculating them with religion in order to prevent separatism. In fact Yang warned the Turkic muslims that the Soviets were godless Russians who would mislead them and their women, and he promoted mullahs and traditional islamic education while cracking down on pan turkism and pro russians. It worked very well.

It was reformist, modernist Jadidist Pan Turkists who promoted separatism and wanted to reform Islam in central asia.

Anyway, the communist party today adopted the Soviet created category of "Uyghur" and is teaching Soviet created nationalist Uyghur history to Uyghur children in Xinjiang. Uyghur children in Xinjiang learn history created by Soviet propagandists and identify themselves with a label created by the Soviets to promote separatism. The CCP adopted this Soviet crap wholesale after they won the civil war.

The Communists Uyghur separatists who were backed by the Soviet Union like Ehmetjan Qasim, and who created the Soviet puppet East Turkestan Republic during the Ili Rebellion are regarded as "proletarian heroes" in the current history written by the CCP since they fought against the KMT during the Chinese Civil War. Ehmetjan Qasim's forces massacres thousands of ethnic han in Dzungharia. The Second East Turkestan Republic and their Soviet allies also broadcasted vile anti Han messages, encouraging Uyghurs to slaughter Han.

I'm not kidding, go look up how Ehmetjan Qasim, the Ili Rebellion and the Second East Turkestan Republic are viewd by the CCP history books. They are hailed as communist revolutionaries against the KMT LOL. This is the BS that the CCP teaches to Uyghur children.

Before the 1950s Xinjiang was just called Xinjiang. Everyone knew that Dzungharia used to belong to buddhist Dzunghars and Tarim Basin to the Uyghur. And guess what the CCP did. They slapped the name "Uyghur autonomous region" on the whole province and made Uyghur language official all over it, including Dzungharia where Uyghurs aren't native. Now Uyghur kids are taught they are native to Dzungharia and no wonder they (misleadingly) think they are being swamped by Han migrants.

I believe the dumb@ss history curriculum, Soviet ethnic classification and renaming of the entire province have alot to do with contributing towards separatist sentiments.
Now tell me why would the Chinese government say and widely report these things? Even though they have the power to do otherwise. Is it a conspiracy?

Personally, I think that is a bad move by the Chinese government.

While it certainly makes it easier to oppose them if you declare them as jihadis, the better approach, in my opinion, is to frame it as a purely ethnic conflict and play down all religious connotations by the other side. That's just my opinion, but the Chinese government has its own approach.
So you're saying that we are not arabs and we own the land? Okay fair enough.


You people, at least Ashraf among you claim to be arab's progeny. Who am i to judge.

Are you seriously effing sick in the head, do you even know what happened in the inquisition? If you think that's a joke then you must be mentally retarded.

Selective amnesia.
Yup. And do you know why?
Because overwhelming majority of sinhalese are Budhists and LTTE Tamils were Christians and Hindus.
The conflict was not one between the religions but between the ethnicities - the Tamils and the Sinhalese. Otherwise the Indians from other states would also have been involved would they not?

Also, feel free to browse the thread about Hindu/Muslim minorities in Vietnam.
Oh yeah. I am not about the cham minorities.
I am not going to bother about what happened centuries ago am I?

"First they came for the communists..."
All Dharmic faiths have a place in India coupled with Jews and Parsis.
India is the Parsis home. No one can even say that they belong anywhere else apart from India.
Christians though being of abrahamic faith have consolidated their position in India and Indians by building up institutions and being literate. They made their bed here and sleep on it.

The exceptions are the evangelical christians who target tribals.

Only the Muslims have not gelled in as well as the rest of them.

The Hindu/Buyddhist angle was very much a part of the conflict. See link above. And I am sure I can dig up instances of Buddhist attacks on Hindu temples in Sri Lanka also.
There have also been attacks on Sri Lankans visitors/tourists in Tamil Nadu...now would you put that up to being Budhists or because they are Lankans.
The answer is the same as above, temples were targetted because they were frequented by the LTTE and their families.

You are making religion an issue when it isnt even close to being a reason for conflict between LTTE and Sri Lankans. The issue was race/ethnicity in totality.

Hindus and Budhists are like Bread and butter now.
As mentioned above, ALL the Hindus revere Budha.
The version where Buddhism once dominated India but is all but extinct now in India.

Already posted link to Hindu-Buddhist conflict in Sri Lanka.

The SL issue is due to race - where a particular race claimed themselves as the chosen ones to rule Sri Lanka and had changed their history to suit this - That is Sinhalese were the chosen ones(not Tamil Buddhist as well) to rule the island and this history was manipulated 2000 years back - That is the reason why Raja Raja Chola in the 11th century while funding a large Buddhist temple in a place called Nagapattinam in Tamilnadu destroyed Anuradhapura, the seat of this Sinhala Buddhism - Do read about Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism.

And the most recent protests against SL muslims is exactly due to this Sinhala Buddhism.

Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalist Ideology: Implications for Politics and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka | East-West Center | www.eastwestcenter.org
Seriously?? A facebook page?? We have seen many like this before.. Latest was one Pakistani Guy posting picture of desecration of Holy Quran in Kashmir!! :lol: Most of people here had a good time on that!!

Some hard facts you got!!

People clutch at any straw when they are desperate.

Buddhism never dominated India. It was the religion practiced by the emperor (Ashok) and his family and he did not try to impose it on others - was like walking into the footsteps of his grandfather - Chandragupta Maurya who had converted to Jainism but never campaigned for others to join.

And I know where you are getting the idea of Buddhism persecution - from the single reign of Pushyamitra Shunga - but there is no proof of any persecution and it is a mere idea because he was a Hindu Brahmin and had worked hard to strengthen the prevalence of Hinduism. That is only an idea, a many times refuted one.

Apart from that controversial piece of idea about that single reign, there is no talk of Buddhists facing trouble in India in any of the history books. If you have anything to show to the contrary from some well authenticated history book, I would welcome it!

Otherwise, you should think about it yourself, if Hindus hated Buddhists, why would they name Gautam Buddh as the 9th avatar of Vishnu and put him on an equal footing and respect with Lord Krishna?

This has been pulled out of thin air and spread by our Marxist and Islamist apologist historians like Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib just so that no one dares talk about the bigotry of the Islamic invaders.

And no doubt, the global Islamists have latched on to it.

Though at other times they claim:

Two wrongs don't make a right.

But then these people are so inconsistent, its not even funny.

they tie themselves in knots all over, they also say exactly the opposite of everything that they say.
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