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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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The Burmese have been fighting against Buddhist Karen, Buddhist Kachin, against the Kokang Chinese in 2009, and the Burmese massacred ethnic Chinese under Ne Win's regime. Girls were burned alive in schools.

Theravada Buddhist Burma has also been at war with Theravada Buddhist Thailand countless times in its history. Burma also went to war with China multiple times in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Mahayana Buddhists also have nothing to do with Theravada Buddhists.

You think the Burmese would actually care if you murder an innocent Laotian Buddhist over what Burmese Buddhists do? The Burmese have been at war with almost all their minority ethnic groups including Buddhist ones and against other Buddhist countries as well.


The Burmese Buddhists would actually be very happy if you massacre Karen, Kachin and other minority ethnic Buddhists in Burma. The Burmese have been fighting against them for over fifty years and haven't been able to get rid of them.

The Burmese would also be very happy if you massacre Buddhists Laotians too, previously they fought against the Lao and took them over as well.


So why are people unaware of these, do the Chinese media not cover such stories?

They were Hindu and then Buddhists before they were converted. As were the vast majority of Pakistanis.

That proves we own the land, it's ours to do whatever we like with it so don't cry about 'invaders' taking over :D
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Frankly no amount of brainwashing by forum members could have made more of an impact than terrorist attacks against my motherland.

And don't say that Chinese media is controlled by Zionists, and that they invent an attack every few months.

No attacks = No animosity. Simple.

Uh I don't remember you bashing Atheism when the Soviet Union was sponsoring Communist Uyghur separatists against China.

The Soviet sponsored Uyghur separatist Rais Abdulkhakovich Tuzmukhamedov was a notorious BSter and anti China propagandist during the Cold War. The Uyghur separatist Ehmetjan Qasim held membership in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and he started mass murders against ethnic Han in Dzungharia with Red Army support.
So have you been warned, my friend.

Stay in your own middle eastern owned lands and you are free to preach whatever you want.

Come to Buddhist and Hindu lands and we will take appropriate actions to strike back without mercy.

What happened in Burma is simply a caution sign.

Don't take our patience for cowardice.

Burma WAS cowardice, because you're mobs only killed unarmed civilians I don't see what's there to be proud of :O
Why would I be secretly offended? I am offended, are you so intellectually bankrupt that you need to resort to taking jibes about rape victims?

We can all see who the douche is here.

Look at this thread & the condition she's in. Tell me what kind of analogy that's perfectly capture this thread other than a "group of strangers doing unsightly things to her." So you do feel offended :). Don't take it seriously. Seriously don't, you just embarrass yourself later on going serious over a joke.

Mod please close this thread cause it no longer have any mention to the situation on Myanmar :closed:.

Burma WAS cowardice, because you're mobs only killed unarmed civilians I don't see what's there to be proud of :O

Burmese citizens that does the killing not the government. Although you can argue about the government indecisiveness on the issue.
And if you read my quote, I specifically identified the extremist Hindutvas, not mainstream Hindus.

The entire Hindutva ideology is to reject "alien" faiths and Zoroastrianism is not an indigenous Indian religion, ergo it is alien.

You left out this part of vsdoc's quote:

Well, let's not get sidetracked.

You try your not so subtle trick.

And it bombed.

India gave refuge and succor to Parsis and Yemeni refugees when they had to unfortunately run from Islamic bigots from their own countries.

We can see the difference in how they have paid back.

One group is staunchly Indian.

Some others claim to oppose us "politically".
That proves we own the land, it's ours to do whatever we like with it so don't cry about 'invaders' taking over :D

But according to most pakistanis on this forum, they are descendant of Arabs and only Azlaf and Arzal are autochthonous.
Today, you cannot even differentiate between a Hindu and Budhist because the ideologies are similar. You will not know where one ends and the other begins.

And we are talking about modern times, let alone even a couple of centuries back.

The Sri Lankan issue was completely ethnic/racial in nature, not religious.
Any thought to the contrary, is distorting of facts to suit your viewpoint.

This happened within the last three decades.

Tamil extremists destroyed Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka

Also, feel free to browse the thread about Hindu/Muslim minorities in Vietnam.

To be honest, it is an alien faith - but it is one of the two faiths that are accepted as a 'defacto' Indian faith. In public perception, Parsis and Jews are as much Indians as Hindus are.

"First they came for the communists..."

You were not posting the facts.. You told here that you are talking about politics not religion.. Then you should have known that LTTE was formed in the line of ethnicity rather than a religion.. They never cared about religion.. You were trying to twist the facts just to suit your arguments.. Nice way to go...

These are the facts.

The Hindu/Buyddhist angle was very much a part of the conflict. See link above. And I am sure I can dig up instances of Buddhist attacks on Hindu temples in Sri Lanka also.
Look at this thread & the condition she's in. Tell me what kind of analogy that's perfectly capture this thread other than a "group of strangers doing unsightly things to her." So you do feel offended :). Don't take it seriously. Seriously don't, you just embarrass yourself later on going serious over a joke.

Mod please close this thread cause it no longer have any mention to the situation on Myanmar :closed:.

I don't know about you, but I find nothing funny about a rape victim. Wait you are not that Indonesian high court judge are you? That would prolly explain your sick "sense of humour".
So why are people unaware of these, do the Chinese media not cover such stories?

That proves we own the land, it's ours to do whatever we like with it so don't cry about 'invaders' taking over :D

? Western media is international, Chinese media is not. Most people don't watch Chinese media.
Oh Good Lord!

Please learn the history of Buddhism in India before making such statements.

Mahatma Buddha, also known as Shakya-Muni, is considered the 9th of 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu - the most revered one among the Hindu Trinity.

The ones who joined and campaigned for Buddhism when barely anyone knew about it, were none other than the Jains and Hindus of India.

It was Ashok who sent his sister to Sri Lanka to introduce Buddhism there, and his many children and relatives to the South East Asia.

So what version of history you have learned?
The claim was that Hindus and Buddhists cannot be mutually antagonistic.
That claim is historically false.
Very false.
The sole reason why Hindu kings went against Budhists is because the Budhists did not yield to the Brahmins authority. The people were never antagonistic. What you speak of, is dead beyond years.

For centuries there has been no issue...as I said, they are like country cousins, you dont know where Budhism ends and Hinduism begins and vice verce.
But according to most pakistanis on this forum, they are descendant of Arabs and only Azlaf and Arzal are autochthonous.

Is it a crime in peaceful dharmic religions to marry arabs?
The Uighur conflict, like all conflicts, is religious as well as ethnic. Why would you malign Hui and other Chinese Muslims because of the Uighur situation?

Do you malign all Buddhists because of Tibetan terrorism?

I don't malign anyone who considers China their motherland above all else, including their religion. No loyalty to Bodh Gaya, Mecca or the Vatican can be above that. If someone is more loyal to the Dalai Lama than China they can f*ck off and die.

And you saw the quotes from the official spokesperson from the Chinese government, they used the word "Jihad" repeatedly when describing the Xinjiang attacks.

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement itself uses religion as their motivation in their official statements. Their entire goal is to set up an Islamic state.

Now tell me why would the Chinese government say and widely report these things? Even though they have the power to do otherwise. Is it a conspiracy?
So what version of history you have learned?

The version where Buddhism once dominated India but is all but extinct now in India.

The sole reason why Hindu kings went against Budhists is because the Budhists did not yield to the Brahmins authority. The people were never antagonistic. What you speak of, is dead beyond years.

For centuries there has been no issue...as I said, they are like country cousins, you dont know where Budhism ends and Hinduism begins and vice verce.

Already posted link to Hindu-Buddhist conflict in Sri Lanka.
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