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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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Can you explain the bold part as to how Indian muslims haven't gelled with the rest?

Many reasons.
How many communal clashes have the Muslims been involved in?
Are Muslims allowed separate laws from the rest of the citizens of this country?
Which religious groups people are most involved in bomb blasts?
Go to old delhi or old hyderabad, and you hear fireworks every time India lost a match to Pakistan.
Did or did not Muslim mobs vandalize Budha statue in UP, Amar Jawan Jyoti(a salute to Indian soldiers) to 'protest' against Rohingya riots(something not even related to India)?

These are just some of the mundane examples that I can give off the top of my head.

Though that is not to say that all Muslims are like that, but safe to say that a substantial number of them are.
Then we should practice one child policy on Muslims or at least 2 child policy since they are even larger than Zhuang ethnic, which does practice one-child policy.

You don't live in China, but tension between Muslims and locals are for unknown reason increasing! I don't know why! Muslims are becoming increasingly vocal about their practices, such as forbidding their neighbors from eating pork, drinking, looting restaurants that serve pork! There are numerous reports of such incidents. They were never so aggressive before. Maybe they are emboldened by how powerful those jihads are? I have no clue!

The most ridiculous thing is in 2007, the year of pig, the word "pig" could not be even mentioned in China's TVs, so it's not year of pig any more! lol This caused outrage among Chinese. Do we have to abandon our millenniums' of traditions to appease such tiny population that was imported from outside world?

Welcome to the club.

This is how they expect you to behave and they get outraged if you don't yield.

It is downright "Islamophobia".
I never minded Judaism because they never try to convert others. In fact it is very hard to join their religion.

Whereas even in HK which is filled with Chinese Buddhists and Chinese Folk religion, you get Christianity trying to spread very strongly. And it's not even the Westerners, but rather converted Chinese people themselves who have been trying to convert me. The polite ones get a polite "no". The rude ones get something else.

At least they're not hurting you, and you're safe and have freedom..........had you been in a Muslim majority country you would be either forced to convert or flee from the country......
Faced with forced conversion, torture, Hindus flee Pakistan; seek refuge in India : Neighbours, News - India Today
Pakistani Hindus flee to India claiming persecution – The Express Tribune

Islam is different.....Islam is 'peaceful'
Apparently you slept through your Indian history classes. All those empires through the ages just sprouted "peacefully".

Grabbing territory is not equivalent to forcefully converting people to an alien set of beliefs that YOU perceive is perfect.

If I believe that my stream of Buddhism is the best in the whole world, it is what I am happy with; it doesn't mean that I take an army of tanks and batter Egyptians, Yemenis or Greeks and force them to become what my identity is.

It is totally incomprehensible as to how you find forceful imposition on others, justified just because your community says so.
That completely kills the idea of a different religion doesnt it?-
One wonders if God is same why different paths to him-

such a narrow mindedness.....

anyway , according to u r logic how about following hinduism which is one of the oldest religion on earth....
almost every religion has a founder , but hinduism doesnt have any founder so it implies it must be started by god himself...
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