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BSF shot dead a Pakistani women on Indo-Pak border

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Important questions:
1. What was she doing so close to an enemy border?
2. Was Pakistani Border Security Force sleeping that they could not see their own citizen moving so close to border?

BSF followed standard protocol.. can anyone deny that....

Indian neighbors on both side have a tendency to get attracted towards India, while there agencies sleep. Onus is onto BSF, to kindly send them back.
People practicing Necrophilia have a severe mental disorder.
That is social news of Pakistan which Indians are not allowed to post.

Im sure there are many Necrophilia cases in India as well. Should we also make threads on everything that is shocking and gross in India, for instance like feeding rats with milk?

Was there any chance when you left us spare of this BS? Even your own countrymen have criticized you many a times before and I quoted in some other thread 3-4 days before and you brought old rant against India in this thread again.

Moderators are a bit biassed. Initially i thought that they are good . so i promised them not to troll. But then they showed true colour. Its inherent in them.

Fair enough if they are biased towards nationality but disgusted when it comes to social problem despite of nationality.

And they are endorsing them
You are right bro.

Was there any chance when you left us spare of this BS? Even your own countrymen have criticized you many a times before and I quoted in some other thread 3-4 days before and you brought old rant against India in this thread again.

Fair enough if they are biased towards nationality but disgusted when it comes to social problem despite of nationality.

And they are endorsing them
hopefully it was an indian lady that they shot dead - rather than one of ours.
hopefully it was an indian lady that they shot dead - rather than one of ours.

So you think it is better that an Indian lady went inside Pakistan without the notice of your troops, and then returned?
It is OK that an Indian die, even if it proves your border security to be incompetent. Great logic!
She could be the one that great ZH talked about with tears in his eyes. She must have felt that this is the time to go to her pious land. So she went. But after seeing the land she felt that, it is not as green as she was dreaming all along. So returning back to Kafir land with heavy heart. Unfortunately, BSF might not have seen ZH's sob story so they didn't know that it was her.
It's more likely that the Indian soldiers attempted rape on the woman. When she fought back, they shot her in cold blood. It's deplorable.
LeT know about Secular Congress Party ! According to Indian Secular and Human rights groups Killing a terrorist before she/He kills as many Indians as possible is WRONG.Its fake encounter . Its called communalism :ashamed:

Again another woman coming to India. What is happening? Good job BSF.
BTW Rip.....
Ok i have a question. What if a Sucide Bomber is Kid ? say below 10 yrs old ? What should be our action and What Human Rights groups want to say on this question !
Taliban in Pakistan are training children for combat . There is no diffrence between Taliban and Govt in charge in Pakistan any way. How can some one even allow it to happen. Poor kids they are been betrayed abused Physically, Sexually and Mentally too. Same happens to Naxal girl children ,girls and women. These retard groups should be shown no mercy . What if these small kid sent on a mission to kill someone. Do u want to kill them or give them chocolates ? Terrorist is a Terrorist .

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I lost count of how many uneducated and jobless ****** shmucks this forum seems to attract

What a troll fest. And it's hilarious to see some people celebrating over an unarmed woman being shot (and we don't even know her name or nationality)

Behavior of losers with too much free time
I might not post regularly at all on this site but a year ago the trolling was pretty bad and now it's gone down to ****. I am really disappointed at senior members on both sides of the aisle. This site really needs to get dedicated mods that will ban everyone and anyone who is trolling. At Pakistanis if your rangers shot at the woman you guys would be acting exactly like us and giving the same reasons why we had to shoot her. At all Indians who want to have some respect left, just don't feed the trolls.
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