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BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

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it has nothing to with your civilian government your army is the one who's making nawaz dance like a puppet in fact the whole unga script was written by the ISI , and now your foreign minster is blaming us for the ceasefire violation so that the un and other intentional org's holds plebiscite and monitor the whole of kashmir that is your plan we are aware but you will fail of course as always
Yeah, yeah, the Army Is Evil,ISI is evil, ISI is the incarnation of Satan on Earth, they are responsible for everything.

Why would the Army want a drama now? Now, at this very moment, why? Their Kashmir ambitions, if any, can wait until Zarb-e-Azb is over and the country is politically stable. It doesn't make sense to anyone except brainwashed Indians.

As for that link, only Indian media has been reporting it for the past 10 hours. And if it's true, what did you expect Pakistan to do? The UN won't do anything in Pakistan's favour thanks to India's well made allegations and fabrications. Don't you see the timing of this escalation? Modi had a visit to the UN, India launched a Mars mission, everything to improve India's credibility and reputation happened properly and suddenly Pakistan Army decides to make a fool out of itself by starting hostilities?
Too much coincidence.
As Modi failed to get much boosted 100 billion from China and 500 billion from US, so it's best way to divert attention. I hope PA respond effectively. They should try their best to avoid causalities of Kashmirs and target to kill as much bhartiis as they can.

o JeSI

if yuou want to be a shanti doot like chacha nehru or messenger of peace pl carry on

dont preach to us

we are not in that mode
I have already told you,call me whatever you like but it simply won't change the fact that you are shamelessly cheering on the deaths of some innocent people.
absurd logic,,,,we already have kashmir,,,,we r satisfied
n why wud we want to have Azad Kashmir,to suffer more insurgencies?
How is this logic absurd?
Oh come on, you always wanted the whole of Kashmir. Modi is Modi, reckless and I must say, bold.
It's in India's best interest and Pakistan's worst, India (especially Modi) would not leave such a good opportunity.
As Modi failed to get much boosted 100 billion from China and 500 billion from US, so it's best way to divert attention. I hope PA respond effectively. They should try their best to avoid causalities of Kashmirs and target to kill as much bhartiis as they can.


Killing of innocent civilian is always regretful. but please don't bring absurd logic.
No you just thanked those posts..

Also fake news 1 person has been killed.
So thats Means im cheering I Liked it because its only Strategical options We have now Army vs Army. there is no point of talking to a civilian govt which don't have any Teeth

Really your sources like in kargil you guys don,t even accept body of you matyr's
Yeah you are sounding pussy because of your fore fathers. True so true.
its not abt acting pussy...
killing innocent has never been.our culture... jst think over it, if a man dies in firing ..his wife becomes widow, his sons, daughter becomes orphan. old maa baap loses his son in their old days... may be the only bread winner of the house is gone... who will take care of them... if that small boy will ask abt his father, what will the wife answer... growing up without a father is not easy task... those are poor people living across borders... killing them will nt serve our purpose.
Oh please shut up. top giving lectures. I find you so many times appreciating Israel action on this very forum and when we retaliate in the same way our counter part is dealing with us then you start crying, /our people are getting killed and you are teaching us. Are we born to die like this ? Everything has been tried and it all failed. If they are shelling like this then we are bound to reply in the same manner.
Just show me the post where i have appreciated the actions committed by Israeli security forces on innocent palestinian civilians!I have never ever in my life supported any kind of unnecessary killings in this forum or any other forum for that matter.If we have to retaliate we should rather target the command posts of the Pakistan Rangers along the border but this killing of the innocent people is totally unacceptable as far as i am concerned!!
How is this logic absurd?
Oh come on, you always wanted the whole of Kashmir. Modi is Modi, reckless and I must say, bold.
It's in India's best interest and Pakistan's worst, India (especially Modi) would not leave such a good opportunity.
it's in pakistan's interest to keep flaring up this issue and your chinese masters wants the same. India is now emerging as another power in asia to counter china but china don't want world to see india in that way and if that happens pakistan will also loose support from their western masters.

Good night everyone.
As Modi failed to get much boosted 100 billion from China and 500 billion from US, so it's best way to divert attention. I hope PA respond effectively. They should try their best to avoid causalities of Kashmirs and target to kill as much bhartiis as they can.

So this is how your logic works.India is venting its its frustration because it did not get money from USA.You don't have the slightest clue about FDI,do you?
Also posture as much as you want Kashmiris are Bhartis so whether you will a Kishmiri or a bihari or a malayali,the answer will be the same and always tough.
I condone civilian death in military crossfire but in this age,mercy will only weaken you.
Everybody shut off your internet for 5 minutes and take a chill pill :coffee:
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