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BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

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The point is, it is a tragedy that the civilians are getting killed because of a fight, no party will eventually gain anything out of it.

WAR is BAD. PEACE is GOOD. Nonviolence and tolerance for everyone! I am a SAINT!
what r u talking about??
if India wants to damage/put more pressure on Pakistan,,,there r more subtle ways of doing that,,
do u think RAW cannot get rouge elements in Pakistan to do there bidding.....what do we gain by highlighting kashmir,when current status quo suits us....just think

if India wants to damage/put more pressure on Pakistan,,,there r more subtle ways of doing that,,
Subtlety is not the point. The point is to completely destroy Pakistan's image and credibility in the international community and try to use that to snatch Kashmir.
RAW/Rogue elements will not get Modi the whole Kashmir. An escalating geopolitical crisis, however, probably will. But that depends on how India plays it and when they decide to involve the international community.
wow brother man.

What a great pov.

I wish we could all emulate this.
Well what i really wish is that we should stop these hostile activities which have been going on relentlessly for the last 6 decades once and for all between the two nations.But the reality is that people like us or rather who think like us are a minority in both of our countries.
WAR is BAD. PEACE is GOOD. Nonviolence and tolerance for everyone! I am a SAINT!
war is not bad, "sometimes you have to fight" but war is fought between soldier to soldier. It's pathetic to see my countrymen cheering for death of an innocent civilian who may not even how to fight.
I don't trust anyone blindly, but seeing pakistan behavior nowadays and past suicidal wars started by pakistan any sane person will come to a proper conclusion. I just hope both sides stop this madness :(

One sided view... As I said tali donou hathoun say bajti hai.
You will get the difference when someone from your family (God forbid) or your close relative die defending borders or because of unnecessary firing. No one is cheering here, People out here are justifying the need of the hour. Stop giving lectures on humanity when our own people are getting killed because of terrorism.
Are you sure that no one from my family ever died in these type of unnecessary firing!My cousin lost her husband(a BSF officer) in a terror attack 10 years back in Kashmir!!So don't try to play the victim card with me.My elder uncle served in the army and fought in the Indo-China war and he was seriously injured.I know exactly what it feels like to loose some one in the family to these unnecessary hostilities...:coffee:
People cheering for civilian deaths should be sent to the border first.
but its easy to be a internet warrior
Subtlety is not the point. The point is to completely destroy Pakistan's image and credibility in the international community and try to use that to snatch Kashmir.
RAW/Rogue elements will not get Modi the whole Kashmir. An escalating geopolitical crisis, however, probably will. But that depends on how India plays it and when they decide to involve the international community.
absurd logic,,,,we already have kashmir,,,,we r satisfied
n why wud we want to have Azad Kashmir,to suffer more insurgencies?
Are you sure that no one from my family ever died in these type of unnecessary firing!My cousin lost her husband(a BSF officer) in a terror attack 10 years back in Kashmir!!So don't try to play the victim card with me.My elder uncle served in the army and fought in the Indo-China war and he was seriously injured.I know exactly what it feels like to loose some one in the family to these unnecessary hostilities...:coffee:

It's easier to talk shit on the internet .. Celebrate deaths n other nasty shyt.. Only those can understand who serve on the front or their love ones.. Or those who lose their loved ones.
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