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BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

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You are 1 sick son of a bitxh
At least one killed, 12 injured in Pak-India cross border firing - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

KARACHI: At least one person was killed and 12 others were injured on Tuesday in fighting along the disputed and working border between India and Pakistan.

Earlier on Monday, nine civilians were killed and at least 25 wounded in fighting along a stretch of the disputed border between India and Pakistan in the Kashmir region.

Take a look: India, Pakistan skirmish at LoC kills 9 civilians

Speaking to Dawn, a Chenab Rangers spokesperson confirmed that on the Pakistan side, one person was killed and nine others were injured when Indian Border Security Forces (BSF) personnel resorted to unprovoked firing and mortar shelling today. He added that heavy weaponry was used in the attack on the Sialkot working boundary.

Details of women injured in Gandiyar:

  • Kulsoom
  • Nargis
  • Humara
  • Khursheed
Details of women and a girl injured in Rangore:

  • Six-year-old Simya
  • Fiza
  • Shameem
  • Beeera
Details of one male killed and one male injured in Baghari

  • Mustansir
  • Aslam (dead)

Speaking on DawnNews today, defence and security analyst Talat Masood said, "The policy being pursued by the BJP led government with regards to Kashmir is very tough. They do not want to engage in dialogue at all it seems."

India reports three casualties
Pakistani Rangers targeted 40 border out posts and 25 border hamlets by resorting to heavy mortar shelling and firing along the International Border in Jammu and Samba districts of Jammu and Kashmir, leaving three people injured, said a report published in The Times of India.

"Pakistani Rangers again resorted to unprovoked mortar shelling and heavy firing on BSF posts along the International Border (IB) since 2100 hours last night," Border Security Force (BSF) spokesman Vinood Yadav said on Tuesday.

FO lodges protest with India
The Foreign Ministry on Monday said it had lodged a protest with Indian diplomats over the killings of its civilians.

The ministry said the firing was “in complete disregard” of the Muslim Eidul Azha festival being celebrated.

Pakistan urges India to announce ceasefire
Pakistan says that unfortunately all its efforts to secure peace and tranquillity on the Line of Control and the Work Boundary have elicited no cooperation from the Indian side.

"We call upon Indian government to immediately announce a ceasefire and help us preserve tranquillity," Adviser to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz said in a statement issued by the Foreign Office.

"UNMOGIP must also be enabled to play its due role in monitoring ceasefire to secure peace and tranquillity on the Line of Control and Working Boundary,” Aziz remarked.

Kashmiris flee India-Pakistan violence
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of villagers fled their homes in Kashmir, as Indian and Pakistani troops bombarded each other with gunfire and mortar shells.

Two of the three wars between the nations have been fought over their competing claims to Kashmir, though the 2003 cease-fire has largely held despite small but regular skirmishes.

Both sides said the violence was happening at several points along the border, including the designated frontier dividing Pakistan from the Indian-held Kashmir region of Jammu, as well as the UN-monitored line of control that slices through the mountainous region and divides it into an Indian-held portion and a Pakistan-administered territory.

“First we heard gunshots,” said Akshit Kumar, a resident of Arnia, a town in Indian-held Kashmir. “But as the shelling started, that's when we decided to flee."

On the Indian side, officials were evacuating tens of thousands of people from Arnia and nearby villages to underground bunkers and government shelters.

A man said he was sleeping on the lawn outside his home on the outskirts of Arnia when a mortar shell landed and exploded at a nearby house, killing his neighbour and wounding five other people. “There is panic,” said Jammu's top administrator, Shantmanu, who goes by one name.

“We're trying to give them a sense of security and temporary shelters."

Many saw the chaos as part of what's become a predictable cycle of violence in a region riven by decades-old animosities.

A similar outburst of cross-border violence in August led about 15,000 villagers to flee temporarily.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the US was concerned about violence along the line of control. “We continue to encourage the governments of India and Pakistan to engage in further dialogue to address these issues,” she told reporters Monday.

In December last year, Pakistan and India had pledged to uphold the 2003 LoC ceasefire accord which had been left in tatters by repeated violations that year. The truce breaches had put the nascent bilateral peace dialogue on hold.

The directors general of military operations (DGMOs) of the two countries had agreed to a number of steps to keep the ceasefire accord intact.

The meeting had taken place on the initiative of the political leadership of the two countries for ending tensions along the LoC.

The Himalayan territory of Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan by the UN-monitored de facto border of LoC but is claimed in full by both the countries.

Ceasefire violations along the LoC and working boundary between Pakistan and India continue intermittently, with casualties reported on both sides.
forget morality
in the battlefield even bhagwan krishna said that ...........
Lets Not Be mythological here but We cant help this Event Collateral Damage happens
anybody whom laughing deserve to be place of this kid:angry::angry::angry::angry:


An Indian boy Sushil Kumar (12), injured in firing from...
Pacific Press / Contributor
Caption:JAMMU, INDIA - 2014/10/06: An Indian boy Sushil Kumar (12), injured in firing from across the border in Arnia town along the India Pakistan International border is treated at the Government Medical College Hospital in Jammu. 'Five civilians were killed including four members of one family and 32 injured, in the cross border firing by Pakistan Rangers in Arnia Sector last night', Indian Police officials said. (Photo by Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)
they are killing our people... those pakistani soldiers only learn that india will do same they have done to us.. it is part of the conflict.. if it was your loved one who was killed by them did you say the same?? no... you don't understand the feeling of people who lost their loved ones in recent pakistani attack...
dude that's not our culture and many of my family members are serving in armed forces and they too would never want to take life of an innocent.
It's been like 65 years praying for people of Kashmir (obviously our side) but nothing has been changed so far. Pakistan should mend its way. You expect us to pray to stop this madness whereas you contribute (in any way, by donation or any other thing) to keep it alive. No sorry, it is not going to work that way.

obviously not.

But I expect better from the posters on PDF.

There is enough $hit in the media already. We do not need to be blind followers of politicians.
Imran bhai i agree with you but we have all the reason to believe pakistan instigating these attacks first. We have no choice but to retaliate. sad but there is no other way

This is where you are wrong.
What reason does Pakistan have to do these attacks. What does Pakistan gain by starting a drama and making themselves look bad to the whole world (especially with Zarb-e-Azb and political turmoil)? Absolutely nothing. On the other hand, India has a lot to gain by using false flags to set the stage to make their move now.
Pakistan is politically weak because of many factors, India is strong because of just as many factors. Modi is trying to make his move now.
Imran bhai i agree with you but we have all the reason to believe pakistan instigating these attacks first. We have no choice but to retaliate. sad but there is no other way
jani i dont know whom is doing it but its barbaric i hate it we are humans first , these lines were made some 65 years ago and we are living together since thousands of years
Modi ji testing the waters....
He will end up disapointed sadly for him the equation is not comparable to Israel-Gaza
This is where you are wrong.
What reason does Pakistan have to do these attacks. What does Pakistan gain? Absolutely nothing. On the other hand, India has a lot to gain by using false flags to set the stage to make their move now.
Pakistan is politically weak because of many factors, India is strong because of just as many factors. Modi is trying to make his move now.
Your army is purposely do not want good relations with india, it is in their benefit only.
Bug off. Don't teach us morality. Go and do all this nonsense on Pakistanis thread where they boast about killing our citizens. Aah you cannot do it over there because you know they will ban you straight away.
So what's the fcuking difference between you and them!If a stray dog bites you out of the blue will you do the same by biting him back!If they rejoice the deaths of innocent persons then that doesn't give us the license to do the same.If you think that you are morally superior to them then you should rather behave that way instead of rejoicing on the deaths of innocent civilians...:coffee:
jani i dont know whom is doing it but its barbaric i hate it we are humans first , these lines were made some 65 years ago and we are living together since thousands of years
Ye log nahi samjhenge Khan sahab....
Inko death mazaak lag raha hai....

There should be a permanent ceasefire...
Killing civilians isn't the correct way to avenge someone :(
This is where you are wrong.
What reason does Pakistan have to do these attacks. What does Pakistan gain by starting a drama and making themselves look bad to the whole world (especially with Zarb-e-Azb and political turmoil)? Absolutely nothing. On the other hand, India has a lot to gain by using false flags to set the stage to make their move now.
Pakistan is politically weak because of many factors, India is strong because of just as many factors. Modi is trying to make his move now.

And what is this supposed move?

On the other hand it makes perfect sense for Pakistan to instigate such cease fire violations too..

Pakistan has been hoping internationalize Kashmir issue ever since India called off the talks.

1) First they raised it whole heartedly in UNGA..predictability there wasn't any response from Intenational community or a spirited counter from India side.

2) Now as soon as cease fire violations began..Pakistan has approached UN observers group.

Hence you can see..it is perfectly in line with Pakistan's amition, to initiate a small scale conflict LOC.,that can rally the international opinion and will force India back on negotiation tables.
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