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BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

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Ye log nahi samjhenge Khan sahab....
Inko death mazaak lag raha hai....

There should be a permanent ceasefire...
Killing civilians isn't the correct way to avenge someone :(
i took dead body last month still i am facing problems :cry:
Well ask your army to stop behaving like north korea first. Sorry but there is a limit, there has been constant infiltration from pakistan side. You people have to control your army, why cant you see your army does not want peace with india

Yeah right indian army is full of angels ... We all know that don't we.. It's evil Pakistan tht fires for no reason..

Chanda taali donou hathoun say bajti hai.
call me whatever you want but a wrong is wrong and ask BSF they would never want to kill an innocent intentionally.
Lol they will now accuse us of being anti-nationals and will start abusing us just because we don't agree with their point of view.What these buggers don't understand is that our forefathers had followed the same code of conduct as laid by our culture since time immemorial.Our culture will never permit us to kill or harm any innocent life form even if he/she belongs to the enemy nation.These people are just trying to show themselves as hyper-nationalists but the reality is quite the contrary.
because you got isolated during UNGA ,you raked up Kashmir issue and we ignored you that is exactly what frustrated you ,now you are resorting to unprovoked firing killing our civilians i mean what bravery if we can't get kashmir if you ignore us we will kill your innocent civilians and internationalize this issue

I answered this before too.
Theory 3: Pakistan is pissed off that no one in the world is paying heed to their Kashmir rants which came a cropper again recently when Nawaz raised the issue in the UNGA, so they now want to internationalize it by escalating border incidents so the world takes notice
Why it's wrong: This would be the absolute worse time for Pakistan to start a geopolitical drama over Kashmir. Pakistan's internal politics are bad, the military is busy with Zarb e Azb and Sharif has a lot bigger worries than retaking Kashmir, and even if he desperately wanted to take it, escalating border incidents is the worst way you could go about it. All it would do is spoil Pakistan's image (as if its not already bad enough) and make sure that Pakistan fails in acquiring Kashmir.
Internationalizing this issue is the worst thing for Pakistan at the moment. The only one to benefit from this is India.
Modi ji testing the waters....
He will end up disapointed sadly for him the equation is not comparable to Israel-Gaza

Time for theory is over, Practical session is on. Let us see how it goes.
for long our morlity, our forgivenss and our longing for peace has been taken as our weakness
and for granted


I hope you aim to join those on the front being killed, seeing as you are rejoicing at the deaths of others so readily. But then again we all know you are a coward, and sitting in a comfortable seat in a nice Indian city is far more appealing.

On the topic RIP to our fallen civilians and RIP to Indian civilians. With such exchanges there are bound to be casualties in such built up areas.

By the way I haven't seen this in the news and our reports say 1 killed 9 injured.
No Sir We don't follow politician, You can trust me on this. I am not sure if it is a correct thread to discuss about it. I don't stand with politicians when I find that it is almost 67 years and we were not able to find the solution. As a country or as an Indian things happening at border bothers us a lot. We cannot leave our people to die just like this because someone from other side of the border are high on testosterone and firing and killing our people because we are not ready to talk about K because we don't find atmosphere conducive to talk.

"We" don't find?

Bhai sahib, let's not try to be official spokespeople of our government. We are here for virtual chai paani and friendly discussion.

We already have plenty of TV and newspaper to shout out government propagands
Lol they will now accuse us of being anti-nationals and will start abusing us just because we don't agree with their point of view.What these buggers don't understand is that our forefathers had followed the same code of conduct as laid by our culture since time immemorial.Our culture will never permit us to kill or harm any innocent life form even if he/she belongs to the enemy nation.These people are just trying to show themselves as hyper-nationalists but the reality is quite the contrary.
being nationalist is different than being a mindless freak. They need to read ramayana and mahabharata to learn about kshatriya dharma our forces are nothing but present day kshatriyas.
This is the price of our forefathers that we are paying. Keep your fancy fairy tales with yourself.
We are only paying for our previous Karma and nothing else.Our forefathers were 100 times the men we will ever be.Just remember one thing,what we are today are only because of our forefathers!!
And how is it their benefit?

Public opinion, Power? Nope, I answered this in a thread before

Relevance? Zarb-e-Azb is enough for that.
What then, why does Pakistan Army want to screw its international image up and gain nothing?

This Indian theory is extremely dumb. If PA wanted to keep bad relations with India for some imaginary gain, it would do it at a time when India is weak and Pakistan is in a good position, not the other way around.
Right now India has a good global reputation, good Public opinion and good Military readiness since IA is not busy in a counter terrorist operation. Pakistan on the other hand has a political crisis, deteriorating credibility and a military operation. It doesn't make sense to anyone except brainwashed Indians.
what r u talking about??
if India wants to damage/put more pressure on Pakistan,,,there r more subtle ways of doing that,,
do u think RAW cannot get rouge elements in Pakistan to do there bidding.....what do we gain by highlighting kashmir,when current status quo suits us....just think
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