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Britain bans Indian Muslim preacher

Pakistani comments are necessary because the Stooge has probably more fan base in Pakistan despite of the fact that he's against ideological foundations of this country....

& BTW i thought you are a big fan of 'Muslims & Only Muslims'

Who's "stooge" is he ??
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Whose "stooge" is he ??

well the topic here is about Mr. Zakir Naik, the person who suffer from religious superiority syndrome & delusion, the one who says that all Muslims must be terrorist, the one who justifies the killing of people who leave Islam & most of all the one who's against the ideological foundation of my country, so yes Mr. ZaKir is the stooge I am talking about....

& i really don't care 'whose stooge he is'
Around three and a half month ago, before I joined this forum, I was not familiar with Zakir Naik, Zaid Hamid and a few other characters. I guess some people have provided them with the promotion that they need.

The decision of the British government is correct in my opinion because we do not need any more religious scholars going around parading as Gods men and corrupting many minds in this process.

Another thing I found odd is that many people were surprised that this person is from India.
well the topic here is about Mr. Zakir Naik, the person who suffer from religious superiority syndrome

Agreed that he does, but then don't we all ??
Don't we all think, that our religion is the only true religion??

& delusion, the one who says that all Muslims must be terrorist, the one who justifies the killing of people who leave Islam

I have not heard, "such" from him...pls could you provide sources

& most of all the one who's against the ideological foundation of my country,

no comments..

so yes Mr. ZaKir is the stooge I am talking about....

Again who's stooge is he ??..who is his master??
Agreed that he does, but then don't we all ??
Don't we all think, that our religion is the only true religion??

yes all theists think that & i am against this superiority syndrome. & Zakir Naik preaches this delusion of his every where just as all other theists preach their superiority

I have not heard, "such" from him...pls could you provide sources

The Daily Telegraph on Friday reported Interior Ministry sources saying that 2006 website footage had shown Naik telling Muslims it was acceptable to embrace terrorism in certain instances.

According to the paper, Naik said Muslims should beware of people saying Osama bin Laden was right or wrong, adding: "If you ask my view, if given the truth, if he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him.

"If he is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, every Muslim should be a terrorist."

He is also reported by the paper to have suggested Western women make themselves "more susceptible to rape" by wearing revealing clothing.

"Western society has actually degraded (women) to the status of concubines, mistresses and social butterflies, who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers," the paper quoted him as saying.

Radical Muslim preacher banned from entering UK | Reuters

no comments..

his cheap comments about my country's ideology is the biggest reason for me but certainly its not worth for you to comment

Again who's stooge is he ??..who is his master??

I don't care
yes all theists think that & i am against this superiority syndrome. & Zakir Naik preaches this delusion of his every where just as all other theists preach their superiority

So you are an athesit ?? good ..something , we have in common:cheers: Though not n atheist..as I do believe in god but not in religion or as my signature states...

The Daily Telegraph on Friday reported Interior Ministry sources saying that 2006 website footage had shown Naik telling Muslims it was acceptable to embrace terrorism in certain instances.

According to the paper, Naik said Muslims should beware of people saying Osama bin Laden was right or wrong, adding: "If you ask my view, if given the truth, if he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him.

"If he is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, every Muslim should be a terrorist."

He is also reported by the paper to have suggested Western women make themselves "more susceptible to rape" by wearing revealing clothing.

"Western society has actually degraded (women) to the status of concubines, mistresses and social butterflies, who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers," the paper quoted him as saying.

If the news is true, its truly deplorable, but then again its his opinion and I do not agree with him.

his cheap comments about my country's ideology is the biggest reason for me but certainly its not worth for you to comment

Well I did not want to comment...for I do agree with what he says..but its not my place to comment, as it was not my country, he was talking about.

I don't care
If you do not know or do not care you should not accuse him of , something he might not be.
He is not a scholar get this straight first of all. He can not pronounce quran properly. Most of his fans are cut of from the other scholars so they think he is the only one. He is a good debater though.

You should believe that your religion is the right one other wise it does not make any sense.
If the news is true, its deplorable, but then again its his opinion and I do not agree with him.

the problem is his opinion is deluding & poisoning the minds of people & his 'superiority syndrome' needs to be stopped from spreading

If you do not know or do not care you should not accuse him of , something he might not be.

I have 'reasons' to accuse him & yes he's a stooge deluded by his self righteousness & so called God's message, The God's Message which needs to be interpreted to common people by some deluded scholars, knowledgeable men have to step in to compensate for God’s inability to make Himself clear tells a lot about His divine writing skills & his scholars , Ohh well
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the problem is his opinion is deluding & poisoning the minds of people & his 'superiority syndrome' needs to be stopped from spreading

Perhaps you are right and he should be stopped or as is being justly done in Britain but in India as long as does not incite violence or disturb public order, he has the Right to freedom of Expression.
I have 'reasons' to accuse him & yes he's a stooge deluded by his self righteousness & so called God's message, The God's Message which needs to be interpreted to common people by some deluded scholars, knowledgeable men have to step in to compensate for God’s inability to make Himself clear tells a lot about His divine writing skills, Ohh well

i wonder why is everybody against Mr Naik?

I mean he is just a scholar and not a terrorist or an extremist. Feel free to agree or disagree with his opinions but why everybody is abusing him?

Dear Zaki... IMO... there is too much artificial about him... his topics and discussions are very narrow minded unlike scholalry... we do not know his background... his motives and intentions... how coul dhe survive in india? and being so unacceptabl to UK?
in any case he can't be compared with scholars like dr. Israr.
There fore i have very passive opinion about him... leave him to indians... he's their property.
Wow! Good move by the british to prevent any muslim british from his influence,but wait! Will denying him visa stop him from affecting minds of the british muslim,or will this news not highlight him even further for the brit muslims to listen to more,I am talking abt muslim youth among who many are on 7 in a scale of ten in following islam,they will automatically jump to the tenth scale the one deemed as extremists.infact uk might get some hardcore rebellious teenage followers of zaik.
So the wise thing would have been to let him in unless u ban his content completely from media books cds there is no point not allowing him entry,the brit gvt will enrage muslim teenage and some might be drawn into him only bcuz of this event.thus in zaiks case this decision might increase his standing in the uks muslim youth atleast.
Based on your scientific surveys of populations in both countries?

You are making arguments just to kill your time, isn't it? Just wait, in this very thread you will find people supporting him from Pakistan more than that of Indians. Please go to youtube and read comments by Pakistanis when ZN is debunking Hindu myths about Islam.
We incur sample like i did in such discussions not statistical stats or survey?

Neither is extremism preached by anyone, anywhere in the world the majority muslim's cup of tea. This is not about Muslim vs. hindu, it is about intolerant, violently minded people.

His personal preachings are always supported by difficult phrases from holy Koranic scripts which are beyond the capacity to understand by most of the Indians specially Hindus. This is what i was trying to say, in simple words i was trying to dissociate his personal opinions from rest of the India.
Interestingly, i can link many videos where so called main stream Muslim bodies are protesting and issuing fatwas against him to further support my assertion against that member's generalization about Indians. He was challenging all Indians to come out and speak pro and against about his different ideologies specifically 2 nation theory which he likes as i can see.

As you may know, famous politicians from India - heck, a sitting Chief Minister, has been banned from entry into numerous countries. I don't believe this chap is a Muslim. Is he?

Modi denied visa to visit US
Modi Denied Visa By Oman - News Reverberates In India
Chowk: Religion: Modi denied Europe Visa
Narendra Modi denied visa to US, cancels UK trip

Not required....

Huh?? Super confusing. Please try to make your point clearly.

India learnt its lesson in 1947, I thought Pakistanis would have stopped bragging about 2 nation theory after 1971 but i was astonished to see their love in this very age as well. My POV about TNT is like Pakistani members. TNT is very potent and extremely effective for dividing any nation for good or bad cause. Just one has to be in right time and right place to make it work.

Recently reading most of the comments in a thread and i literally saw like a futuristic 3D movie that people disseminating goodness of TNT for sake of justifying origin of Pakistan are not able to suggest that it has nothing rational for the cure of contemporary issues for India and pakistan as two different integral states. It was funny for me as i felt that Pakistanis are playing with fire and sarcastically still betting on TNT to be instrumental in India this time specially in Indian side of Kashmir........
India learnt its lesson in 1947, I thought Pakistanis would have stopped bragging about 2 nation theory after 1971 but i was astonished to see their love in this very age as well. My POV about TNT is like Pakistani members. TNT is very potent and extremely effective for dividing any nation for good or bad cause. Just one has to be in right time and right place to make it work

Spot ON :rolleyes:
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