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BRICS declaration mentions terrorism by Pak-based Lashkar-e-Taiba , Jaish-e-Mohammad

You're frustrated and also obsessed otherwise wth are you doing on our forum?
What to cross check those are all indians: pathological liars.
This is an old trick employed by the invalids of the human race so produce fake documents from their stinky hairy rears to make up for the losses they have on the ground.
Copy of OFFICIAL declaration.
Visit their website too. :)

You are right, it needs mention that those group are from new zealand, who in the right mind will think they are from paksitan.

yes it does!

then condemnation and actions to be carried out

you have an alleged document yet to be confirmed from non Indian source's and the best you have is one sentence on paragraph 48 with no follow up or consequences

if thats the best indian tears and crying got them was then you slapped yourselves
yes it does!

then condemnation and actions to be carried out

you have an alleged document yet to be confirmed from non Indian source's and the best you have is one sentence on paragraph 48 with no follow up or consequences

if thats the best indian tears and crying got them was then you slapped yourselves
Cool down man, not my fault if terror groups from your country are named like this world wide.
Cool down man, not my fault if terror groups from your country are named like this world wide.

:coffee::lol::lol: we will live it

maybe you can cut that one sentence out of paragraph 48 and stick them on your wall the next time those groups kill your soldier's
Very very surprising....how did China agree for this?

There is a reason for this.

While China might pull theatrics to keep Pakistanis content, they know in reality that they have issues which we also face when it comes to fighting jihadi terrorism. Naturally they'd prefer an inter-BRICS mechanism to clamp down on this menace rather than seek help of the country that started it in the first place.

Pakistan may politically be friendly to China and favour their investments in their country, but even China knows that Islamabad has no control over their groups and they are in no position to stop ETIM or any other jihadi groups which can threaten peace in China.

Makes more sense to collaborate with other countries who have faced similar situation rather than collaborate with someone who is mostly to blame for their creation.
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