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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Don't underestimate Kurdish American ball licking abilities, these animals are dangerous and it's a big reason why Iraq cannot afford severing ties with the US.
They are landlocked CASE CLOSED

He says he is going to hit 52 targets, some are very important wtf does some mean? So the rest of the 52 targets are not? And what kind of moron president goes out in public and says he is going to hit cultural targets?
I guess moronic one as i said in previous post
attacking cultural sites is against international law I don’t have to say how much this would be used against him by democrats and their media(all media except for info wars and fox news hahahahah)


Trump wants to destroy Iranian cultural sites, another Iranian says Trump is king of Iran
View attachment 597998

Trump wants to destroy Iranian cultural sites, another Iranian says Trump is king of Iran

A lot of Iranians living in the West are screwed in head, they act more white than the whites themselves and this is my personal observation — they don’t realize the US would Obliterate their nation if war happens rape their women and kill mass amounts of civilians. Which would change the face of that nation. And even then if they want to go back they can’t cause nothing would be left to go back to, ask the Iraqis how they like it now.
A lot of Iranians living in the West are screwed in head, they act more white than the whites themselves and this is my personal observation — they don’t realize the US would Obliterate their nation if war happens rape their women and kill mass amounts of civilians. Which would change the face of that nation. And even then if they want to go back they can’t cause nothing would be left to go back to, ask the Iraqis how they like it now.
Thats my personal experience too.
A lot of Iranians living in the West are screwed in head, they act more white than the whites themselves and this is my personal observation — they don’t realize the US would Obliterate their nation if war happens rape their women and kill mass amounts of civilians. Which would change the face of that nation. And even then if they want to go back they can’t cause nothing would be left to go back to, ask the Iraqis how they like it now.

At least a few Iranians I personally know are actually very pro-West, this got me really puzzled from the protests on streets, which one reflects true reality?
I’m not Iranian, but Soleimani became something of a mythical symbol of Islamic resistance across the world. There is not enough blood in all of the United States to repay his loss. I really do hope that Iranians and Iraqis together smack the arrogance out of those inbred hicks.
At least a few Iranians I personally know are actually very pro-West, this got me really puzzled from the protests on streets, which one reflects true reality?
Pragmatic, but independent, that's the character of an Iranian.
So no hate for the western tourist or businessmen who comes in peace, but hate for American imperialism.
Now firstly,

The december27 rocket attack on usa base killing a contractor that started all these. It was in Kirkuk a peshmerga kurdish controlled zone is clearly is a false flag, a setup by usa to start all these. Very possibly peshmarga which are usa clowns did it with orders.

Instead of embassy protests Iran had to and now still focus on this.Instead of escalating the situation.

Otherwise all assets should be ready to targeting military sites but especially land/sea based cruise missiles against israeli targets for whom usa govt can and did sacrifice its own citizens gladly. as a second strike option mutually assured destruction assets need to be in place.For a non nuclear country like Iran these can be cruise missiles tipped with depleted(or not very depleted if less time to prepare you get what I mean :) uranium rods.

Other than that after diplomatic measures and proving the first false flag peshmerga usa base attack, usa can be sent away from Iraq completely by Iraq by political+ means.

Iran could have supplied laser-radar warning recievers attached to vip cars which could have averted these attacks at least their targets could escape from cars during attack. Optical only targeting efficiency is limited that is why laser is popular these days.Other than that Iran instead of sending katyusha rockets kalashnikovs to resistanve groups should have sent better air defence systems(low altitude humraam style for cruise missiles high altitude Buk active radar style many times I wrote here in the forum) directly to Syrian and Iraqi govt not resistance fighters. If this does not work. They can send manpads(or say menpads like for example 80kg 15km alt pantsyr rocket can be converted with an optical targeting system), ks19 aa gun(ww2 soviet high altitude-15+km gun for drones that can be carried-towed by anything with camouflage) to resistance fighters.

Now mistake of Iran is it is very emotional as many other muslim countries are and gives very quick predictable reactions for usa to escalate situation and plan its next chess move but this can be fixed.
The problem we have is we usuallt wait things from outside to happen because we think we are good guys and problems would be solved by itself outside by something God etc. This way we stay emotional and dont overcome our mental blocks and wont become more creative at solving problems.We wait or react not creating solutions. There are problems for us to solve and we improve our creativity gain power from what we believe in as a growing channel. Not the other way that disregards unending develpment of human potential and keeps you in mental blocks-emotional reactivity. You need to be more creative with your every step at solving problems just as they are creating lies-problems.
At least a few Iranians I personally know are actually very pro-West, this got me really puzzled from the protests on streets, which one reflects true reality?

From my perspective the western Iranians are lost culturally and religiously they don’t pray or anything — most of the time their drinking or screwing a female that’s all their life revolves around. I actually feel sorry as their identity less it’s the worst form of death a person can have.
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