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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Didn't Soleimani give his ring as a gift to a Turkman commander Abu Ali by the way? Ring in picture doesn't look like Soleimani's ring as well. How many shiny rings, he has? Anybody has seen his corpse?
I'm still not sure that Iranian officials are acting all macho because they really mean business or they just want to appease the public.

What revenge they talk about? You kill one yankee they'll come for ten of you. They're waiting that you just make one mistake..you just slip and they'll go all guns blazing.

The cries of martyred sunni muslims from Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa are coming back to haunt Iran.

Indeed Allah uses some of his slaves to punish others for their misdeeds. Americans too are at the end of the day subject to God's command, they too are subjugated to Him and He will use them as He wills.

This doggy General fought ISIS, true but does it end here? How can the world forget that he acted like Bashar al Assad's front boy when he was butchering Syrian muslims!
I'm still not sure that Iranian officials are acting all macho because they really mean business or they just want to appease the public.

What revenge they talk about? You kill one yankee they'll come for ten of you. They're waiting that you just make one mistake..you just slip and they'll go all guns blazing.

The cries of martyred sunni muslims from Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa are coming back to haunt Iran.

Indeed Allah uses some of his slaves to punish others for their misdeeds. Americans too are at the end of the day subject to God's command, they too are subjugated to Him and He will use them as He wills.

This doggy General fought ISIS, true but does it end here? How can the world forget that he acted like Bashar al Assad's front boy when he was butchering Syrian muslims!

Alot of the iranian lovers here are really living in disney land. If iran makes the mistake of killing americans and trump decides to obliterate iran, there is nothing iran can do but sit and watch the aerial devastation that takes place.

The americans know how to obliterate targets and they have enough assests in the middle east to take iran back to the stone age. They dont have to occupy iran or take troops. Just the american air and naval power will make khamenei lose everything he ever fought for.

To the folks here, the united states is not saudi arabia. If america had a president like harry truman instead of obama, iran would have been finished long ago. Don't mistake american military power with their coward politicians.
DG ISPR (Pakistan Army Spokesman) has stated that Paksitan will not allow the use of its territory against any state. We are a partner in peace and peace alone.

That means Pakistan has refused US requests to close borders with Iran or to help them conduct an operation against Iran from Afghanistan.
DG ISPR (Pakistan Army Spokesman) has stated that Paksitan will not allow the use of its territory against any state. We are a partner in peace and peace alone.

That means Pakistan has refused US requests to close borders with Iran or to help them conduct an operation against Iran from Afghanistan.

Dont think too much about pakistan. America can destroy any iranian target without need for border closings. They have the world's greatest airforce than bypass any border
That means Pakistan has refused US requests to close borders with Iran or to help them conduct an operation against Iran from Afghanistan.
Borders will be sealed Pakistan will not allow Iranian sleeper cells to cross into and use our territory as a base of operation.
Closing the border was their only demand that doesn't conflicts with our interests.
Borders will be sealed Pakistan will not allow Iranian sleeper cells to cross into and use our territory as a base of operation.
Closing the border was their only demand that doesn't conflicts with our interests.
We should close the border so that Iran's proxies don't have free space to move.

Also, Pakistan can't afford a US drone strike on Pakistani territory under the pretext that Iranian militants were being targeted. That doesn't fare well for Pakistan.
Borders will be sealed Pakistan will not allow Iranian sleeper cells to cross into and use our territory as a base of operation.
Closing the border was their only demand that doesn't conflicts with our interests.

There may be check on the people movement but trade/food/medicine will not be blocked and USA wanted to choke Iran of everything. Besides Pakitan's border with Iran is already porous. It will be hard to block people from moving in and out.
I have a feeling that just like Soleimani's killing has united all inside Iran, the world outside Iran is low key united as in everybody low key wants Iran to be spanked real hard for its long list of misadventures in the ME. Offcourse this excludes the guillable Muslims who still think that Iran is a 'brotherly Muslim nation' and must be supported. They don't understand that Iran's policies and regional ambitions and actions have nothing to do with Islam. Also, the misconception that every Iran hater is a Wahabi Sunni Saudi supporter needs to be rooted out. One doesn't need to be blinded by Wahabism to see the misdeeds of this Iranian regine. One doesnt need to be a Saudi to condemn the actions of Bashar al Assad and one certainly doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that General Soliemani was the right hand of Bashar al Assad when it came to ethnic cleansing of Syrian civilian non combatant Muslims.
1. Soeimani will not be easily replaced. This was an exceptionally capable and experienced man who has been in the role since 1998 and, essentially, functioned as an intelligence chief, a diplomat, a military strategist and a field operator all at once.

He also has an incredible aura and credibility given Iran's successes in different parts of the Arab World over the past fifteen years or so. That is not easily replaced.

2. The United States shocked everyone with this. This was an extraordinary, unprecedented and unexpected escalation. Suleimani is the most important person in Iran's security apparatus and axis, and the US knocked him out without much warning.

Yes, tensions are high between the US and Iran, but not this high. Trump has said multiple times he doesn't want war and the Gulf States are trying to cool things with Iran --- this incident lurches things right back in the other direction. This is the closest the two countries have been to war in decades.

3. Anything can happen from here. Anyone who tells you, with any kind of confidence, what will happen is talking nonsense. This could escalate into all-out war or linger as a long-running crisis of moderate intensity with both shadow-punching each other across the Middle East.

Iran could launch missiles at US bases in the region and start a war, which might galvanise the Shi'ite religious-political class behind it (at a time of protests across the region), or play it safe by mumbling some nonsense and fighting around the US's troops for the next few months, mainly by killing Sunnis, moving its proxies to make some trouble and hijacking ships in the Strait of Hormuz.

US-Iranian relations have a broad spectrum, from cooperation (eg. Iraq and Afghanistan fifteen years ago) to them killing each other's soldiers. Things are closer to the latter end right now.

Our thoughts and prayers are with my people, from Syria and Iraq, to Kashmir and India, to Burma and Xinjiang, to the Gulf and Yemen.

Sunni Muslims have suffered a lot. And when one of their tormentors falls, like this person who represents the Safavid-Iranian axis, that is something to enjoy and celebrate.
I see everybody is super impatient, 82 pages within just what, 2 days may be? & this is not the only thread about it.
so I was thinking what is Iran's possible retaliation:-
option A: kill 2 - 10 American soldiers & that's it call it a day & say "we have avenged Soleimani".
option B: storm the US embassy in Baghdad & kill/capture every American in it (like may be kill 2 dozen & capture the rest).
Option C: direct thousands of well armed soldiers (Iranians, Hezbollah etc..) to drive the US out of eastern Syria.
Option D: sink one or more USN warship (DDG, CVN, a supply ship or whatever), Iran has already shown that they have cruise missiles with a range of 1500km & they were very precise.
Option E: Assasinate Trump or one of his generals or whatever.

the two last options are not that hard to do but Iran needs a nuclear deterent if they were to do any of the last two, especially the last one, because if they do that then the US would 100% respond with a full nuclear attack.

personaly I hope that Iran would make do with killing just few US soldiers and call it a day, because if they do anything bigger then the entire ME (& especially Iraq) might witness the biggest war the world has ever seen since the Vietnam war, LOL speaking from a purely selfish point of view I don't want my studies in college to be disturbed, I just need two more years to graduate & that's it, but ofcourse... I highly doubt they will all say "hey let's just pause all the events & wait for obj 705A to become a dentist & then go back to war".
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