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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Sooner or later Iraqi army will have to pick a side, or it'll suffer casualties in between. The sad part is, choosing any side is a bad choice. Siding with Americans means having to fight your own people, even though their leaders are trash. Siding with the PMU means Iran's influence in Iraq increases and clashes with the US which is a big issue.
US's recent action already chose for Iraqi army...
IF SOLEIMANI(as an Iranian general) is working in tandem with US then why did US kill him? i'm waiting. thanks.

Turkey wont support US or NATO ops against Iran. Not surprising....

Turkey is next , especially by their hard stand in eastern Mediterranean , the west will target them before they become bigger threat ....
There are occupiers whom to visit what they've occupied need to come in at night under heavy protection disrespecting officials of that country by not visiting them../
They are others come in by invitation of the Gov in a official visit without protection through international air port and occupier would kill them ...

Let me get this straight..your TOP general landed at like 1am on supposedly an official visit..without being greeted by anybody..and then takes a back road out of the place...gets picked off by a missile...many people drive by taking video of the burning wrecks without knowing who he is and thus making ZERO attempts to help.. the police and fire department take their time getting there because they have no idea this is somebody important...only later do the dots get connected.
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Let me get this straight..your general landed at like 1am on supposedly an official visit..without being greeted by anybody..and then takes a back road out of the place...gets picked off by a missile...many people drive by taking video without knowing who he is.. the police and fire department take their time getting there because they have no idea this is somebody important...only later do the dots get connected.
1.All Iraqi officials have condemn your action from PM to Mps to all public or religious figures .. already three days of national mourning has been declared by Iraqi officials ...
2. All Iraqis officials, politician ,people and religious figures have participated and joined to ceremonies have been held for martyrs of this terrorists attack ...
3.Iraqi parliament is about to hold a meeting to discuss your troops out of their country.

You attacked and killed a high ranking military personal visiting on official invitation (no Iraqi official so far contradict it you have bring it on nor their actions indicates it ) on a coward mission against international law base on stupid and baseless claims .... no matter how much you try nothing could whitewash this heinous crime of potus ....
You attacked and killed a high ranking military personal visiting on official invitation (no Iraqi official so far contradict it you have bring it on nor their actions indicates it ) on a coward mission against international law base on stupid and baseless claims .... no matter how much you try nothing could whitewash this heinous crime of potus ....

Iran is right to call it an act of war.
regarding what you're saying, just remember that most of you Pakistanis only tell half truths when it comes to Soleimani. You complain about iran but you will leave out all the anti-iran actions your country took(just like you start getting amnesia when we discuss what Pakistani govt has done against India too)...the reasons dont matter. You took Gulf $$ in exchange for Iran being vulnerable to attacks from them. But this is a Pakistani forum so 100% truth isnt possible. At the end of the day, Iran has no natural irrational reason to hate Pakistan. Pakistan needs to try to be more independent , thats the main problem. China, GCC are all coming for Pakistan slice by slice. You've always taken America's side over Iran also, so what do you expect?

"People with victim complex have no sense of responsibility"- its never their fault or responsibility, its always someone elses. Iran will suck more of your population to its side because of unique and power ideologies, thats why Some Sunnis like Saudis are mad at Iran also. Iran has a method they cant block, but Iran can block them. NO wonder they're all mad.

The old dog is dead and good riddance in my opinion:) My dear boy don't lose your temper take a long deep breath and accept the reality. I can feel your anger and although I find it rather amusing I shall take pity on you.

What scientific survey did you take to come to the conclusion Pakistani's speak half-truths when it comes to Soleimani? The old dog was arming militants in Balouchistan. India's spy chief in the region was hopping inside both borders and he was obviously working with Soleimani. Furthermore, the sectarian problem that exists in Pakistan stems from the interference of both Saudi Arabia and Iran. If you are denying this then you are living in cloud cooku land. Let's not forget he was threatening to attack Pakistan multiple times. I hope he rots in hell because I had a nice big old smile hearing his death on the news. I want Pakistan to fence and mine the border.

What does India have to do with this conversation? What half-truths have we spoken about India? If the truth isn't possible in this Forum then why are you wasting your time? You don't see Pakistani's flocking to Iranian Forum's. But I guess you need the attention, my dear boy:) We took Gulf money for our economy and you can't talk shit when most of your hidden trade goes through the UAE and much of your business community resides there.
1.All Iraqi officials have condemn your action from PM to Mps to all public or religious figures .. already three days of national mourning has been declared by Iraqi officials ...
2. All Iraqis officials, politician ,people and religious figures have participated and joined to ceremonies have been held for martyrs of this terrorists attack ...
3.Iraqi parliament is about to hold a meeting to discuss your troops out of their country.

You attacked and killed a high ranking military personal visiting on official invitation (no Iraqi official so far contradict it you have bring it on nor their actions indicates it ) on a coward mission against international law base on stupid and baseless claims .... no matter how much you try nothing could whitewash this heinous crime of potus ....

I guess Iran is used to being treated like 3rd class people. If ANY other foreigner was on an official visit to Iraq and got into a car incident I’m sure there would be a swarm of police on the scene pronto.

In fact I bet even a dumb celebrity would be treated better than your general. I bet if Justin Beiber’s car smashed into a wall there would be ten people trying to pull his stupid butt out of the burning car.
Changing the flag has got meaning, flag of Shrine of Imam Hussain is always red and only in Muharam would be changed into the black as respect of these days .. red flags means the war is on till revenge would be taken ..
No we have Jamkaran mosque changing flags:

Heard it in the news but the news here didn't explain why Iran saw it as an act of war. This is a stupid move from Trump.
potos is american president ....

I guess Iran is used to being treated like 3rd class people. If ANY other foreigner was on an official visit to Iraq and got into a car incident I’m sure there would be a swarm of police on the scene pronto.

In fact I bet even a dumb celebrity would be treated better than your general. I bet if Justin Beiber’s car smashed into a wall there would be ten people trying to pull his stupid butt out of the burning car.

you are so cute.
Changing the flag has got meaning, flag of Shrine of Imam Hussain is always red and only in Muharam would be changed into the black as respect of these days .. red flags means the war is on till revenge would be taken ..
No we have Jamkaran mosque changing flags:

potos is american president ....

you are so cute.
What will you do... that Iran isn't already doing/done?
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