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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

There is another option. It is not doom and gloom, and it is not necessary to fall deeper in the trap.

Iran should drop its self-destructive foreign policy and its funding of Shia militias in neighboring countries.

Reach out to Turkey, Pakistan, Afghan Taliban, Sunni Arabs (aside from Gulf,) and most of all accept the current foreign policy was misguided.

By itself, Iran will be straggled and finished off, but together we can fight back against this.

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. US and Israel have set a goal to destroy us. We are only in Iraq to deter attacks by US, we are only in Syria and Lebanon to deter attacks by Israel. If you know Iranian history, we have been in a defensive stance fighting for survival since the 1400s. The minute we pull out of these countries, we are doomed.
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. US and Israel have set a goal to destroy us. We are only in Iraq to deter attacks by US, we are only in Syria and Lebanon to deter attacks by Israel. If you know Iranian history, we have been in a defensive stance fighting for survival since the 1400s. The minute we pull out of these countries, we are doomed.

And now that Iraq has been getting doomed since 2003 for your sake, what do you suggest Iraq to do if it would act upon its own interests.

Kurdish and ISIS animals aside, the MP's in Baghdad are stealing billions of dollars and the dominating forces happen to be of the Shi'a Islamist sides whom fled to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war.
If someone strikes in Texas to kill George W Bush (since he is responsible for the death of 1 million+ Iraqis), would that be called terrorism and violation of sovereignty?

Then why is the US strike to kill the Iranian General (no matter how evil he is) not be called terrorism?

Who defines which one is terrorism? How long would we accept the definition set by the powerful ones to exploit the weak, and then violate it at their whims?
Read my comment he quoted. I were saying that Pakistan is too small and doesn't have the economy to become a dominant power. If you had the size of India and Indias economy, you would be a dominant power. He said Pakistan is bigger than Iran. Thats why I posted the map.

You have the population, morale, spirit, minds etc, what you are lacking is size and economy.

Afghanistan and China will both make up for that, along with the now obvious balkanization of India.

Pakistan will now become the major power of this region. This is why Gulf, Iran, and Oman are paranoid about Pakistan, esp Gwadar.

I hope Iran will come join hands with Turkey and Pakistan and drop its sectarian agenda. By culture, we are very similar to you.
Afghanistan and China will both make for that, along with the now obvious balkanization of India.

Pakistan will now become the major power of this region. This is why Gulf, Iran, and Oman are paranoid about Pakistan, esp Gwadar.

In which universe is Pakistan a part of the Arab world or "region" (whatever the word "region" means) and in which universe is "Gulf" (whatever that is), Iran and Oman (Oman is not part of the imaginary Gulf or what, lol)? paranoid about Pakistan? By helping keep it afloat for decades in a row and hosting the largest Pakistani diaspora that is an economic lifeline of Pakistan since decades ago as well?

Gwadar, a former Omani imperial possession btw, posses no threat to any of the worldwide key strategic ports in Arabia or the Arab world. Dubai, Jeddah, NEOM, SUEZ and tons of other ports will remain much more important and busy as is the case today and historically since recorded times.

Gwadar can become a complementary port that will be integrated with the ports that I mentioned.

You seem to have forgot that China considers the Arab world (one of the most strategic areas of the world) absolutely crucial in their Road and Belt project. Which is why they have created an entire Arab policy paper unlike any other region in the world.

Arab-Chinese trade numbers 300 + billion ANNUALLY. Far greater than any Muslim region in the world, not even comparable. With the MASSIVE population growth in the Arab world and economic growth, aside from the MASSIVE natural resources of our region and KEY strategic location, one must be a cretin to think, that China will not be a key ally. In fact China is in many ways already a key strategic ally. Both parties talk about it publicly as well.

Let some of the Chinese users here explain it to you @lonelyman @ChineseTiger1986 etc. further if I was not clear enough.

It is China that is jointly excavating uranium in KSA (we have one of the largest uranium reserves in the world) while we speak and helps build up our domestic ballistic missile force. Not anyone else.
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And now that Iraq has been getting doomed since 2003 for your sake, what do you suggest Iraq to do if it would act upon its own interests.

Kurdish and ISIS animals aside, the MP's in Baghdad are stealing billions of dollars and the dominating forces happen to be of the Shi'a Islamist sides whom fled to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war.

But who says Iraqs and Irans interests cant be aligned? ATM. Both countries serve each others interests. I personally wouldn't care if Iraqi Sadr was elected next Supreme Leader. Some people tend to care too much about race. I don't. Iran is not tryin to annex your country or steal your money.

If you were Iran, would you sit back and watch the country you know wants to destroy you grow its influence in your backyard and use it in the future to destroy you? It's only natural Iran acted and did whatever it could to keep influence over Iraq and make sure Iraq remains an ally. If you were able to kick out USA. We would have no reason to be in Iraq. We could be good neighbors and allies that would look after each others interest.
In which universe is Pakistan a part of the Arab world or "region" (whatever the word "region" means) and in which universe is "Gulf" (whatever that is), Iran and Oman (Oman is not part of the imaginary Gulf or what, lol)? paranoid about Pakistan? By helping keep it afloat for decades in a row and hosting the largest Pakistani diaspora that is an economic lifeline of Pakistan since decades ago as well?

Gwadar, a former Omani imperial possession btw, posses no threat to any of the worldwide key strategic ports in Arabia or the Arab world. Dubai, Jeddah, NEOM, SUEZ and tons of other ports will remain much more important and busy as is the case today and historically since recorded times.

Gwadar can become a complementary port that will be integrated with the ports that I mentioned.

You seem to have forgot that China considers the Arab world (one of the most strategic areas of the world) absolutely crucial in their Road and Belt project. Which is why they have created an entire Arab policy paper unlike any other region in the world.

Arab-Chinese trade numbers 300 + billion ANNUALLY. Far greater than any Muslim region in the world, not even comparable. With the MASSIVE population growth in the Arab world and economic growth, aside from the MASSIVE natural resources of our region and KEY strategic location, one must be a cretin to think, that China will not be a key ally. In fact China is in many ways already a key strategic ally. Both parties talk about it publicly as well.

Let some of the Chinese users here explain it to you @lonelyman @ChineseTiger1986 etc.

Pakistan - in every way - is much more important for China than the entire Arab peninsula put together. Pakistan is a nuclear power, a big nation and most importantly China's back door to the world markets if the Malaka Straits gets blocked.
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. US and Israel have set a goal to destroy us. We are only in Iraq to deter attacks by US, we are only in Syria and Lebanon to deter attacks by Israel. If you know Iranian history, we have been in a defensive stance fighting for survival since the 1400s. The minute we pull out of these countries, we are doomed.

I can understand the siege mentality, but in that much pressure, you are bound to make mistakes.

We support Iran against US and Israel and continue to do so, but the question is why is Iran supporting Serb, Greek, Armenian, Indian enemies and butchers of Muslims against natural allies Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Turkey, Azerbaija , and Pakistan.

The foreign policy is all over the place.

I much preferred Ahmedi Nejad's globalist vision and leadership over Hassan Rouhani sectarian mindset.

I wish Iran gets better leadership to meet the coming challenges.

As a Pakistani who was directly affected by India's occupation and theft of Kashmir, I wish Iranian claims of supporting Muslims all over the world goes beyond just rhetoric and into reality.

Supporting US puppets in Afghanistan and Iraq was bad policy, and now its backfiring.

12 years later, the foolish US, that they were begging to help them all the time, gave them Iraq on a platter, and later they turned anti-USA and anti-KSA, while destroying Iraq and being the traitors, fifth columns, cowards and terrorists that they have always been.
LOL I agree, like me and @PakFactor were discussing on another similar thread on here. I agree you might call many of these Shia elements 'traitors' or 'collaborators' (depends on how you judge things) , since thy were the biggest advocate calling and pleading with western powers to invade their own country and topple their Sunni dictator Saddam for them, claiming how their Shia brethren have been killed and oppressed by Saddam regime for decades,and they collaborated with us during our invasion of Iraq and even fought by our side against Iraqis armed forces.

However, we all now know these people were just opportunistic ingrates who were just after power for themselves. Since when we topple Iraq and gave them power on a silver plate, these same elements were the first to turn their attention and weapons towards those same western forces who fought and got rid of their worse enemy and dictator Saddam. Its funny that they are now claiming to be the most anti western forces fighting the 'evil' West.
I am even more amazed that many people on here don't even notice/remember(or maybe they just choose to ignore this) this ridiculous paradox. lol Humans brains seem to forget things very quickly indeed. :D

Anyway, i don't feel any pity for them to be honest, i guess once a traitor, always a traitor. So they should be dealt with accordingly. :enjoy:
The US struck Soleimani yesterday and the other PMU leaders today BECAUSE The US has lost effective deterrence by presence and posture.

The US decided to remix the equation(targeted assassinations) to see if this sort of violence will restore military deterrence with Iranian backed groups. Problem is, that has escalated things past "acceptable" for Iran.

I am making my prediction here and now: The US is flexing militarily and Iran is reacting quietly(for now),but US is more afraid of a conflict than Iran is.

Trump might have also acted extra aggressive here in order to restore his humiliation by Iranian military last year. Trump was provoked 2-3 times by Iran and he didnt do anything, so that might have made Iran more aggressive, and so now Trump is doing these assassination to put a lid on Iran's military activities and restore more effective deterrence against Iran.

Those of you who said Iran wont do anything, please save and screenshot those posts where you said that.

Iran cant beat US in a conventional war, let me state that loud and clear, because some people get triggered and start hallucinating your intent when you say anything that suggests or sounds otherwise.

BUUUT, when you consider the fact that Trump has given Iran the MOST effective reasons in a long time that creates unity for military action and aggressive behavior PLUS the fact that Iran is currently a matured, rested and competent military power PLUS the fact that US military priority is to focus on China(which is why Trump didnt strike Iran last year when he had multiple chances to do so), i worry that timing is on Iran's side. US military is 1) exhausted from long wars 2) doesnt have money for a war with Iran 3) Soldiers are fatigued and morale is good but not great 3) US public that doesnt want another war, and DEFINITELY not a war with a competent military power like Iran, i am afraid to say that Iran has the real military momentum now. I dont care that US flew in 200 C-17s. The fact is that America doesnt have the troop #s currently to have a serious clash with Iran in place. That is the fact. US at most has 30-50K soldiers ready now and able and US will need at least 200-500KK soldiers for an Iran contingency.

ON A FINAL NOTE, to the crowd that says "Iran and ISIS are allies", you do notice that Russian and Iraqi govt officials both said that SOleimani fought ISIS. If Iran is friends with ISIS then why would an Iranian general be accused of fighting a friend of Iran? make it make sense!! NO LOGIC DETECTED.

Some Pakistanis are trolling on this thread and so is 1 Turkish guy with the eagle in his logo(he is trolling STEALTHILY but hard) but since its not a thread after recent Pakistan-India tensions/conflict, you dont get banned. On that thread, people who were non Pakistani and said anything Pakistanis didnt want to hear then got banned quick. But its all good..the truth will reveal itself completely. Let the chips fall where they may and may the best emerge the victor.

Don’t know you much on this forum, but what you said is what I wanted to get out as well. Well put.

I’m following you as well.
-BERLIN - The United States and its allies have suspended training of Iraqi forces because of the increased threat they face after a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad on Friday killed a top Iranian general, the German military said in a letter seen by Reuters.

Wtf is this? They warmonger and then go in hiding because of threats?
If someone strikes in Texas to kill George W Bush (since he is responsible for the death of 1 million+ Iraqis), would that be called terrorism and violation of sovereignty?

Then why is the US strike to kill the Iranian General (no matter how evil he is) not be called terrorism?

Who defines which one is terrorism? How long would we accept the definition set by the powerful ones to exploit the weak, and then violate it at their whims?

Their terrorist is only the one who is against them. It has nothing to do with anything else.

Yesterday Taliban was overthrown for being terrorist and made a scapegoat for 9/11, now they want to make peace and negotiate when Taliban has defeated them and their puppets in Afghanistan.

Even their definition of terrorist changes depending on political expediency.

Modi was terrorist before he got elected, now they refuse to say anything to what he is doing against Kashmiris or Indian Muslims.
I can understand the siege mentality, but in that much pressure, you are bound to make mistakes.

We support Iran against US and Israel and continue to do so, but the question is why is Iran supporting Serb, Greek, Armenian, Indian enemies and butchers of Muslims against natural allies Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Turkey, Azerbaija , and Pakistan.

The foreign policy is all over the place.

I much preferred Ahmedi Nejad's globalist vision and leadership over Hassan Rouhani sectarian mindset.

I wish Iran gets better leadership to meet the coming challenges.

As a Pakistani who was directly affected by India's occupation and theft of Kashmir, I wish Iranian claims of supporting Muslims all over the world goes beyond just rhetoric and into reality.

Supporting US puppets in Afghanistan and Iraq was bad policy, and now its backfiring.

We don't have any other option, other than going KSA style kneeling to the Americans
Pakistan - in every way - is much more important for China than the entire Arab peninsula put together. Pakistan is a nuclear power, a big nation and most importantly China's back door to the world markets if the Malaka Straits gets blocked.

The Arabian Peninsula is one area of the Arab world.

Pakistan's main importance for China is to act like a counterbalance to India which is China's biggest rival (potentially) in the neighborhood. We are talking about a country with a smaller economy than tiny UAE. Let us not get ahead of ourselves despite the nature of this forum.

Other than that China is mostly energy dependent on the GCC/Arab world and to gain inroads to Africa, Middle East, Western Asia and Europe, they need the key strategic location of the Arab world, which is of far greater importance than Pakistan, with all due respect.

Pakistan is important, but not anywhere near as important as the entire Arab world which far exceeds Pakistan in size, population, economy, resources and strategic location. Even the Chinese Muslims naturally gravitate towards the Arab world due to religious reasons alone hence communist China wanting to have religious ties that continue to this day of course strictly guarded within the Chinese context but it is nevertheless telling that they keep sending their religious clerics and people abroad to Arab nations to study Arabic and enhance business ties. This is mainly done by the Hui community.

They even have Arabic state TV channels.

In any case, it is complete and utter delusion to think that Gwadar will be a threat when Gwadar is a Chinese invention and the same Chinese wants to connect it with the already existing and much larger ports in the GCC/Arab world. For the goods to even reach Africa, Europe, West Asia etc. they need to travel though our waters and ports hence a natural symbiosis in the future if Gwadar becomes a success.
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