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Breaking: PTI holds important party session in wake of revelations of alleged murder by Usman Buzdar

My friend who are feudal lords? When pakistan was created I had 36000 murabas of land. When migrants came from west we were left with 16000 Murabas of land the Bhutto came and took 10000 and we were left with 6000 then Nawaz came and took 2000 more in zari islats. And you still say we are lords. Every school and hospital in my are is built on land donated by my family and we are lords? The every liter of water going to sindh passes from my land and we never protested. 2 of my great grand father's died in kalapani fighting British and we are lords? Go and check how much funds we receive in past and how much work we did from our own pockets then please bark.

I was talking about the system as a whole, there are always good people in a bad system --- ALLAH swt' shower blessings and accept the shahadat of your fathers, Ameen.

but remember, for every one Rai Ahmad Khan Kharral, there were so many traitors like shah mahmood Qureshi (forefather of PTi's shah Mahmoud qureshi), makhdooms of pakpattan, bahawals of langrials and the list goes on --- these feudal lords and sajada nasheens were allotted huge lands for their services to British raj.

which party do you support?

So do you find Lahoris racist?
we don't have any problems with anybody, all are welcome in our Lahore, but it's unfair to criticize us for nothing.

I ask you, after the influx of people from all part of Pakistan, specially rural Punjab, doesn't Lahore structure need upgrading --- People criticize that roads are built in Lahore, I ask you, even after all the new road construction, isn't driving in Lahore city a big headache ---- do we have good health facilities ---- aren't we at the mercy of mafias for education for our kids. ----

So how come we exploited rural areas?

This ain't the thread to discuss this in detail, but I will keep reminding you your words once the govt. starts functioning.
For you my friend driving is a headache for south they don't have roads to drive on. So who needs attention more? Let you be the judge of it.
He said he supports only implementation of Islam, so probably doesnot believe in Democracy.

Same I support whoever in power and critise as well as support the party for Pakistans interest, i supported PPP here but when it destroyed our economy i bashed them, then uptil end of PMLN noon govt i supported them but corruption and loot again now am supporting PTI nee govt but will critise any wrong decisions by them and IK. Simple theory. Benefit Pakistan and if u destroy it will find me a wall against it.

Though I believe in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. and I believe in the struggle made by the Muslims of sub continent under the leadership of Quaid e Azam.
which party do you support?

Same I support whoever is in power to rule Pakistan and critise as well as support the same party for Pakistans only interest, i supported PPP here but when it destroyed our economy i bashed them, then uptil end of PMLN noon govt i supported them but corruption and loot again now am supporting PTI new govt but will critise any wrong decisions by them and IK.

Simple theory. Benefit Pakistan and if u destroy it you will find me a wall against it.
For you my friend driving is a headache for south they don't have roads to drive on. So who needs attention more? Let you be the judge of it.

I am willing to shift to a rural area, I don't want big roads and fly overs - -- I am also willing to exchange assets with ghareeb Usman buzdar.

I don't know how you feel, but I keep saying to my relatives to not sell their lands to migrate to Lahore --- All these roads, shopping malls, fly overs etc., are an illusion, this ain't development, all this big headache.

but I heard PTi guys appreciating shahbaz sharif for just one thing, road network in Punjab.
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I am willing to shift to a rural area, I don't want big roads and fly overs - -- I am also willing to exchange assets with ghareeb Usman buzdar .
You really want to play with me bro? I respect you and I don't want to do it.
You really want to play with me bro? I respect you and I don't want to do it.

I don't play, my playing days are over --- I give honest straight opinion. (don't know what you made of my post)
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Buzdar was a political appointment. Plain and simple.

If the goal is to reduce poverty then job/wealth creation is the way to do it. For this you need to sell respective provinces as a destination for industry to investors. You need a leader who is good salesman. Buzdar is not that person. Nor is Mahmood Khan. For reference, London's Mayor Sadiq Khan is good at selling his city.

P.s. Providing electricity to various areas is again something down to policy and priority which can be set by PTI itself so Buzdar's appointment didn't make much sense.
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I don't play, my playing days are over --- I give honest straight opinion. (don't know what you made of it)
How is Buzdar bad? Tell me.
He is not corrupt
He is not a murderer
He has huge political backing
He won elections from an area which is highly oppressed.
How is Buzdar bad? Tell me.
He is not corrupt
He is not a murderer
He has huge political backing
He won elections from an area which is highly oppressed.

Young man this response shows that you still aren't ready to play, but as I said, my playing days are over.

Now highlight my words where I said that he is bad. ---- Why you made the assumption?
I'm from Faisalabad and other than motorway and link roads to motorway, I have not seen any major new road network being developed there in last 40+ years! And FSD is the 3rd largest city in Pakistan, and 2nd in Punjab.

Maybe you meant to say 'road network in Lahore'?

I don't know, I heard a PTi guy saying this.
btw, my nanka is from faisalabad (jhang bazar) :yahoo:
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