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Breaking: PM Nawaz deliver big speech at United Nations New York

Nice and evenly poised speech in the dignified manner. I know that means nothing to people who want passionate keynote speaker, but those passionate keynote speaker tend to exhibit the signs of narcissist personality disorder; Imran Khan, Donald Trump, and Modi. No wonder why Modi was rejected everywhere and became butt-joke internationally after his narrative on Balochistan came into the question.

UN council is the purpose to make your point in the very calm and dignified manner. What Nawaz Sharif said surmises the solution to the root of the cause. Meaning if IOK is not resolved, there can never be peace. That was the cornerstone of the point. Well Said, Nawaz Sharif. :D

That is exactly why Modi never went to UN. The thing is world made a big joke of Modi crying about Balochistan when Balochistan is not even an international issue. Even World knows Balochistan is no more an issue inside Pakistan too...Pakistan has successfully controlled and reduced the foreign footprints in Balochistan.

Modi thought by raking a false made up Balochi issue, he is going great service, Balochis will announce independence from Pakistan, infact he got loathed and pelted by Balochis . unfortunately nobody in the world responded or supported him, Its Modi and India which is isolated and breaking away faster day by day.
I am soo surprised tht Nafees zakaria, our foreign office spokesman, today evening on ptv said tht PM will talk abt indian terrorism in Pak.... And he didnt... Did he omit it at the last minute?
Religious discussions are banned here and you posted an article based on one individual's rants.
It was about the roots of religion-inspired violence. This is a defense forum; if it is proposed that Pakistan's security issues are rooted in religious instruction yet such discussion is forbidden, how in the world can a strategy be crafted to improve security? Should you only look down and keep using the mop or actually look up and fix the leak?
Watch out people, theres a HUGE protest outside the UN about Baluchistan

View attachment 336574

a turnout of 4 people, is apparently "global embarrassment" in India :rofl:
This is the definition of frustration. I believe the sensible Indians who just try and act patriotic here also deep down realize they're failing miserably at every attempt.
Kashmir was the focal point of his speech. Had he mentioned about Indian border escalation and their interference in Balochistan, Kashmir issue would had gotten back seat. The keyword will be Kashmir in international media and as well Indian media too while describing his speech. All in all, it seems a good write.
Madam G ,
We will use Modi's statements against India , we will use all what we have against them but on right time , if we do it now that will make a issue out of no issue I mean to say they (Indian) will make Baluchistan there new issue .
For them its enough that even USA wont back them on Baluchistan and also Iran will not back them , please let the appropriate time come for that .
and we will answer there FM speech , let her speak first .

In my view, He sould have pre empted coming indian onslaught in sushma swaraj's speech by mentioning indian terrorism in balochistan and karachi...now sushma swaraj will blame, everything from Adam's time, till today on Pak....and here, we didnt have courage to mention indian terrorism when narendra modi has clearly given us ample opportunity by mentioning balochistan in his independence day speech too...but we clearly failed to exploit it

NS' speech was very well balanced. It conveyed all points as GoP would have wanted, was not high on rhetoric, delivered nicely and soberly and did not give an impression of either a distraught PM by being flustered or of being hysterical.

It gave an impression of a calm GoP looking at the present situation as merely a hitch in overall peace plan.

Don't fret over his not raising Baluchistan 'terror'. Had you done that, you would have acknowledged it being a problem and made things worse. The official line by GoP is all is under control, that is what I gather from reading here. Why would you want that?

I must commend his speech. Was expecting a bit of rhetoric.

@Arsalan your views?

Why I didn't think about this in first place? :) :tup:
i was watching geo tv program aj shahzaib khandaza k sath and hamid meer told shahzaib that india attack on Kashmir sector
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