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Breaking: PM Nawaz deliver big speech at United Nations New York

Sir this not weight norms of the UN
I just explain you it in different perspective what if we armed Kashmiri Hindu's who are suffering in 90s
Only thing is sir Violence's is never justified whatever form

Buhran was commander of HiZbl which UN designated terrorist organisation

I mean it's technically self goal from premier of leader of naming him
I just explained to you why Kashmiris are taking up arms in the first place. Condemn what Indian state is doing-rather than turning a blind eye. Just the mere fact that number of Children have been killed will lead to a surge in militancy only. And who else to blame?
We are not perturbed by that fact ,the law took its own course. As a country we will pay for that in short run,in the long run it will reinforce the fact ppl cannot get away with killings.

The guy had 6 FIR's against him, he had the option to surrender himself before the court. If we had allowed him to run amok, then there is no point in having judicial system. Unwanted killing is crime that neither soldier nor a terrorist can escape, wani was no exception. If we give an exception to wani then soldiers will also ask for one. Then it will be free for all.
Being politically savvy has advantages but not for long, it will simply highlight our penchant to subvert the system.
We already have an exception for corruption we will not have another one.
Do one thing for me-try and imagine him in custody and you already know what happened with his death. Which scenario looks better?

Kashmiris sympathized with him, thus the massive protests and etc, etc...
No one listening again in UNGA except Indian replay to it. Even Afghanistan hit direct at pakistan regards terrorism.lol
Take a look at them they are not even look like Makranis which are actually living near coastline of Pakistan and are not actual Balochi tribes men :rofl: Most of them apparently Indians to me :rofl:.

Just type Balochistan into twitter and you'll quickly see that many of the 'activists' are Indians, or BRP shills :lol:
Nawaz urges British PM , Kerry to rein in India on Kashmir issue.

Home / National / Nawaz urges British PM, Kerry to rein in India on Kashmir issue
By Web Desk
September 20, 2016

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday met US Secretary of State John Kerry and British Prime Minister Theresa May to discuss violation of human rights by India in occupied Kashmir.

According to details, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with US Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Monday and urged the United States to use its influence to end Indian atrocities and violations of human rights in occupied Kashmir. Nawaz informed Kerry during the meeting that in the past two-and-a-half months, 107 Kashmiri civilians had been martyred and thousands had been injured. Nawaz Sharif told John Kerry that the USA should use its influence to solve the problems that existed between India and Pakistan.


Nawaz Sharif emphasised that strong relations between Pakistan and the US remained a mutual desire.

Kerryy said that peace between Afghanistan and Pakistan was mutually beneficial for both countries. He hailed sacrifices rendered by Pakistani police officers, armed forces personnel and security institutions in the fight against terrorism. John Kerry also hailed Pakistan's economic progress and said that Pak-USA relations were detrimental for peace in the region.

The meeting was also attended by PM’s advisor on foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz, US special representative Richard Olson and Pakistan’s representative to United Nations Dr. Maleeha Lodhi.

The prime minister is in New York to attend the 71st session of the United Nation’s General Assembly.

The premier is also expected to meet the US President Barrack Obama on Tuesday. His visit comes amid deteriorating situation in occupied Kashmir where Indian forces have killed around 100 peaceful protesters and injured many others.

Nawaz meets Theresa May

The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also met with British PM Theresa May to discuss the issue of occupied Kashmir. During his meeting with Theresa May, Nawaz reiterated his demand that human rights violations should be stopped in Kashmir and that Britain should play a part in ensuring it. Nawaz Sharif said that state terrorism was rampant in Kashmir and innocent civilians were being subjected to brutalities.

"Unarmed civilians are being subjected to the most inhumane treatment in occupied Kashmir," said Nawaz. "We will not let the world run from the promises it made regarding Kashmir," said Nawaz.

He highlighted the atrocities being committed in Kashmir during his meeting with Theresa May and urged her to play her part in ending the crisis. Nawaz Sharif said that Pakistan will not leave Kashmiris alone in their time of need and also stated that if the global community failed in putting an end to human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, then it would serve as encouragement for India.

"Pakistan's stance regarding the Kashmir cause is clear and straight-forward," he said. "UN's resolutions on Kashmir must be implemented as soon as possible," he said.

The British Prime Minister acknowledged Pakistan's efforts in promoting economic stability and tackling terrorism. She also appreciated Pakistan's efforts in bringing about peace in Afghanistan.

"Pakistanis residing in Britain are playing an important role in the progress of Britain," said Theresa May.


Why can't both sides simply recognise each other territory they currently hold/control? That's the best solution. Since no side will dare invade the others territory this century. So better acknowledge the fait accompli.
Do one thing for me-try and imagine him in custody and you already know what happened with his death. Which scenario looks better?

Kashmiris sympathized with him, thus the massive protests and etc, etc..
He was killed in a shoot out, unless you provide me the proof that he was summarily executed there is no point in discussing it. What you suggest is being politically savvy , but as I said that is not a long term strategy but a self defeating move that breaks the system.

ppl sympathize all the time either for right or wrong reasons. They do it all the time either for a security guard getting support for killing governor in pakistan or a ppl who torch vehicles in india during riot does not make them right. Would you sympathize with a million hindus if they beat up a muslim for eating beef? Mob is not always right.
Big speech, yes but key words as per Huriyat leaders were missing which were supposed to be used by Nawaz Sharif & yet again he failed to speak against Indian terrorist activities in Balochistan province & Yadav.

NS' speech was very well balanced. It conveyed all points as GoP would have wanted, was not high on rhetoric, delivered nicely and soberly and did not give an impression of either a distraught PM by being flustered or of being hysterical.

It gave an impression of a calm GoP looking at the present situation as merely a hitch in overall peace plan.

Don't fret over his not raising Baluchistan 'terror'. Had you done that, you would have acknowledged it being a problem and made things worse. The official line by GoP is all is under control, that is what I gather from reading here. Why would you want that?

I must commend his speech. Was expecting a bit of rhetoric.

@Arsalan your views?
Exactly the same!!

I think it was long over due and a very very well balanced speech given the circumstances. Really satisfied with it so far. It is after quite some time really that i actually like all he had to say. The main point is that the public is a bit more buzzing about this all but a PM being the face of the whole country had to preserve that dignity as well and also had to avoid any chest thumping or boasting!! Excellent speech indeed.
The speech in the un was designed to get international support for Pakistani concerns and Pakistani demands to bring india to talks and open up KASHMIR debate.

Nice photos with Teresea May & KERRY

Now I ASK WHAT SUPPORT has this great speech got Pakistan.


CAN anyone pressure INDIA to do ANYTHING

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