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Breaking: PM Nawaz deliver big speech at United Nations New York

So ******** on PDF are not ********??? Everyone was calling him terrorist.

You've to understand differentiating facts here..

You can see here,top media reports stating him as "Militant Commander"


but some other reports are stating him "Terrorist".

Not much of a difference though,both words gets used almost synonymously.Except sometimes,people prefer to tag own citizens "militant" rather than terrorist.But HM is a terrorist organization designated by India,EU and USA.
Why we have to drag domestic issues and try to relate those issues to what we say internationally?

It is as simple as this you don't like a batsman that opens for Pakistan but in a match you always pray he performs ............ why because you want Pakistan to win.

Please this is more important than arranging a sit in to announce your marriage.
Bro, we are living in 21st century, internet-age... nothing is hidden from international audience.
I understand where you are coming from and I thought about it before posting my comment. Do you think his audience in UNO didn't know about it?
Good speech, to the point. It cannot be countered too easily, or at all because it was to the point and stating facts and facts only.
Ironic it was India who promised Kashmiris self-determination-right, and it's Pakistan who talks about it, lol. Nehru must feel insulted now.

Arre bhai, pehle tho apne troops or Pakistanis ko P0K aur GB se hatao as per the first part of the UN Resolutions! Pakistan has not complied as yet. Why blame India for non compliance? :rolleyes1:
Same ranting, at least learn basics of any conflict. There is a comprehensive need of understanding before any agreement is every implemented. And it is you who runs away from any talks.
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Bro, we are living in 21st century, internet-age... nothing is hidden from international audience.
I understand where you are coming from and I thought about it before posting my comment. Do you think his audience in UNO didn't know about it?

They may know about it, but does that mean we should still shout and tell them about it? ................. between them and NS, I will side with NS because he is Pakistani. NS is representing Pakistan here and that is what matters the rest can wait and if he is guilty he will face it.
Because you love to troll. And Joe and I have to keep interjecting, but you being you love to troll ..... don't think at all. I was in a mood to give you the keyboard commando tag, have got permission from Irfan Baluch to give it to our Call of Duty Veterans on either side here. But I had you in mind seeing you over the past few days.

Think more, I told this to @Pakistan First also, who was motoring away on war on net. Think things through.

Now consider what I wrote, now tell me, the speech was pathetic or a very balanced one?

Oh C'mon hellfire. Why did you have to drag me into this? I'm the achi bachi who's only problem is that she's a bit extra patriotic. Waisay, who is Irfan Baluch, who's permission you take for different things? Please ask him if I can get "Call of Duty Veteran" Tag under my user ID, please.
Oh C'mon hellfire. Why did you have to drag me into this? I'm the achi bachi who's only problem is that she's a bit extra patriotic. Waisay, who is Irfan Baluch, who's permission you take for different things? Please ask him if I can get "Call of Duty Veteran" Tag under my user ID, please.

Oh that was for the interaction yesterday. Was not tagging you. Inadvertent. Apologies

Anyways, Irfan Baluch is a member the counter terror expert. He has tagged a few as that. It is sarcastic. My post was meant as a humorous jest with PaklovesTurkiye . I keep pulling him, he is vicious:devil:, but allows me that leeway:enjoy:.

Now, you are vicious too, so I won't pull you:nono:
Ironic it was India who promised Kashmiris self-determination-right, and it's Pakistan who talks about it, lol. Nehru must feel insulted now.
As we know it was a conditional offer, we all know who dint full fill the conditions laid down. Nehru must be rolling in his grave for his generosity with pakistan & china.
Good speech, to the point. It cannot be countered too easily, or at all because it was to the point and stating facts and facts only.
Ironic it was India who promised Kashmiris self-determination-right, and it's Pakistan who talks about it, lol. Nehru must feel insulted now.

Same ranting, at least learn basics of any conflict. There is a comprehensive need of understanding before any agreement is every implemented. And it is you who runs away from any talks.
Naming buhran wani was diplomatic self goal
He let him self wounded by Indian offensive

Buhran is self proclaimed militant
Whaever he said not change this fact
Who ever made his speech failed miserably
As we know it was a conditional offer, we all know who dint full fill the conditions laid down. Nehru must be rolling in his grave for his generosity with pakistan & china.

He got cremated I guess. So .. his "atma" maybe the issue here.
More like temporary peace. What an insult to his commitments.

Who ever made his speech failed miserably
Should not be too worried then. Burhan Wani is a symbol, like it or not. He was better off alive for you guys.

Plus, i don't get how Indians don't expect the families of the victims in recent violence in Kashmir to join militancy, as it said before it will not solve any problems but create more problems. We saw a similar thing with Drone attacks here in tribal areas, it pushed the families of the victim to join militancy, in justices lead to one taking up arms. @hellfire ,@Joe Shearer ...
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Should not be too worried then. Burhan Wani is a symbol, like it or not. He was better off alive for you guys.

Plus, i don't get how Indians don't expect the families of the victims in recent violence in Kashmir to join militancy, as it said before it will not solve any problems but create more problems. We saw a similar thing with Drone attacks here in tribal areas, it pushed the families of the victim to join militancy, in justices lead to one taking up arms. @hellfire ,@Joe Shearer ...
Sir you should known UNHRC Norm

It said that in no circumstances that one should take arms and opt path of violence

What it's only justified if India done same with Hindu population of Kashmiri pundits and dogras

Buhran wani was self proclaimed commander of Hizbl mujahedeen he made videos to not only Killing Indian soilder's but local Kashmiri which not buys his idea and lines
Sir you should known UNHRC Norm

It said that in no circumstances that one should take arms and opt path of violence

What it's only justified if India done same with Hindu population of Kashmiri pundits and dogras

Buhran wani was self proclaimed commander of Hizbl mujahedeen he made videos to not only Killing Indian soilder's but local Kashmiri which not buys his idea
Why does one take up arms? injustices lead to terrorism, like it or not...Indian state has been involved in some deep shite in IOK. And now recently over a 100 people died, hundreds left blinded. How can you expect a father of a 9 year old innocent kid who died by the hands of Indian forces, to not take up arms? We saw the same thing with Drone attacks here.
Please condemn what the state is doing too, outcome is only logical.
Why does one take up arms? injustices lead to terrorism, like it or not...Indian state has been involved in some deep shite in IOK. And now recently over a 100 people died, hundreds left blinded. How can you expect a father of a 9 year old innocent kid who died by the hands of Indian forces, to not take up arms? We saw the same thing with Drone attacks here.
Please condemn what the state is doing too, outcome is only logical.
Sir this not weight norms of the UN
I just explain you it in different perspective what if we armed Kashmiri Hindu's who are suffering in 90s
Only thing is sir Violence's is never justified whatever form

Buhran was commander of HiZbl which UN designated terrorist organisation

I mean it's technically self goal from premier of leader of naming him
Should not be too worried then. Burhan Wani is a symbol, like it or not. He was better off alive for you guys.
We are not perturbed by that fact ,the law took its own course. As a country we will pay for that in short run,in the long run it will reinforce the fact ppl cannot get away with killings.

The guy had 6 FIR's against him, he had the option to surrender himself before the court. If we had allowed him to run amok, then there is no point in having judicial system. Unwanted killing is crime that neither soldier nor a terrorist can escape, wani was no exception. If we give an exception to wani then soldiers will also ask for one. Then it will be free for all.
Being politically savvy has advantages but not for long, it will simply highlight our penchant to subvert the system.
We already have an exception for corruption we will not have another one.

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