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Breaking: PM Nawaz deliver big speech at United Nations New York

oh i forgot i am arguing with a nooni who will support him even if he pis*ses while standing. last time when he was talking to obama through his "purchi" also had great impact on the whole whole world:hitwall:

The world would rather listen to sanest and emotionless leader like Obama, Nawaz Sharif than the leaders with exhibiting signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder [in other words; Me Me Me].

Look at how USA is treating Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been treated like joke; very similar bipolar man like Imran Khan and Modi.
most people in the room where like

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China Backs Pakistan's Position on Kashmir: Li Tells Sharif

China Backs Pakistan's Position on Kashmir: Li Tells Sharif

First published: September 21, 2016, 10:06 PM IST | Updated: 1 hour ago


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang addresses the General Assembly at the United Nations . (Picture courtesy: Getty images)
New York
: China on Wednesday hoped that there will be a better understanding of Pakistan's position on Kashmir by the international community and that Beijing attaches great importance to Islamabad's position on Kashmir.

This was conveyed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UNGA meet here on Wednesday, Geo News reported.

Chinese Premier said his country would stand with Pakistan. "We support Pakistan and will speak for Pakistan at every forum."

Stating that Pakistan was a victim of terrorism, the Chinese premier hoped the situation between India and Pakistan would not escalate. "We are ready to play constructive role in improvement of relations between Pakistan and India," the Chinese Premier added.

Li said China will stand with Pakistan; we support Pakistan and we will speak for Pakistan at every forum.

"We are thankful to Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif for investing huge resources for the safety and security of Chinese personnel in Pakistan," Li Keqiang said, according to Geo.

Nawaz said that things are going well in Pakistan-China relations, and that the relationship has entered a different phase.

He thanked China for expressing concern regarding Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir.

He said that Pakistan and China were "iron brothers".

The meeting came ahead of Sharif's address at the UNGA on Wednesday, where he is expected to flag the Kashmir issue.

I actually expected more.

Any half decent PDF Pakistani could have done a better work. Lack any substance.

Seems like he ask his crony viperXXXX to write it. :lol:
Yes...It was a good speech, a balanced one....

I m in trolling sir because I m continuously reading and hearing comment of Indians since Sunday morning...This is what charging me up....I just can't control myself when I see and hear about my country's fellow men deaths and destruction from Indians' mouth...

I m being carried away...I told you b4 too that I get easily carried away and get angry and emotional very easily...A thing which I realize needs to be controlled....:)

That is what will drive the countries to war.

You have not concentrated on what I have been typing. Costs will be exacted from PA. That is a norm, both sides do. Leave it ... do not bother about it. That is a bloody profession.

What you need to do, is be calm, and try and keep calm. Things can quickly spiral out of control with disaster for everyone. Understand that. It feels great to talk war, but it is something anyone sane will fear.

I got disgusted with the forum too. I assure you, things are very serious indeed. All need to maintain calm. And Modi had genuine wish for peace, only a guy as loathed and hated by people of Pakistan as him can effectively push a peace plan down the throats.. Someone has effectively derailed it. Read what Oscar says.

@kahonapyarhai stop trolling

Thread is already open on Chinese Premier's statement.
That is what will drive the countries to war.

You have not concentrated on what I have been typing. Costs will be exacted from PA. That is a norm, both sides do. Leave it ... do not bother about it. That is a bloody profession.

What you need to do, is be calm, and try and keep calm. Things can quickly spiral out of control with disaster for everyone. Understand that. It feels great to talk war, but it is something anyone sane will fear.

I got disgusted with the forum too. I assure you, things are very serious indeed. All need to maintain calm. And Modi had genuine wish for peace, only a guy as loathed and hated by people of Pakistan as him can effectively push a peace plan down the throats.. Someone has effectively derailed it. Read what Oscar says.

@kahonapyarhai stop trolling

Thread is already open on Chinese Premier's statement.
I will try my best...And will lower down my tone....Thanks !!! :cheers:
Same old ghisa pita raag. I was expecting something bombastic this time. But he seemed like he was about to fall asleep.
Sir G,
very simple , there tests were not what they told the world or what they thought , u and all can google that, and 2nd most importantly they want to go for hydrogen Bomb so they have to test it too, and then the neutron bomb, lol man the supa powa mind set thingi .

There is also that matter of ISI trying to get soil samples from pokhran as late as 2014...
Soil sample xan show radioactivity and finding what type of isotopes are there, you can find out what type of test was dine and was it successful...

This is a country which made tejas and arjun, so any thing is possible
"Burhan Wani, the young leader murdered by Indian forces, has emerged as the symbol of the latest Kashmiri Intifada, a popular and peaceful freedom movement"
So the beloved PM of Pakistan is Supporting a terrorist of the organization Hizbul mujahedeen an organization banned by UN US EU UK India as an terrorist organization

So it is clear that Pakistan is terrorist sponsoring country and should be sanctioned for establishing world peace

..is designated a terrorist organisation by India,[1] the European Union[2] and the United States

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