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BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

Hello, brown shirts of Modi :omghaha:

Wonder when will there be Nuremberg-like trials of the BJP leadership?

You folks have any clue?

I mean, you should, given that the international community will arrest and jail you even after you're found to be 90 years hiding somewhere in the jungles of Maharashtra like they do with the Nazis, even now.

No matter how acceptable it was, in Europe, in the mid-1900s, to discriminate and slaughter the Jews, it was still condemnable and no one can possibly accept it now.

Similarly, Modi will go down in our history books as Hitler and his coterie will be arrested and jailed no different than what we saw happen in Nuremberg.

Only America can help us and it will along with the UK and other great powers of the world. :agree:

Nuff said... :lol:

And nice to see atleast one Pakistani who still has USA in good books.
Nuff said... :lol:

And nice to see atleast one Pakistani who still has USA in good books.

Speaking of history:


BTW, a lot of Pakistanis hold USA in their good books - I wonder if we can say the same about India, a place who betrayed them by going to the Russians and doesn't even want to be called their "ally" - because, well, India's just that damn good. :omghaha:

I know a lot of Indians are not going to like Americans taking back their jobs to give to the millions of unemployed Americans. So much for Indian's 'non-alignment' and self-sufficiency :omghaha:

Anywhoo, I was thinking if you would rather feed someone in Maharashtra or Punjab or would you rather feed a Bihari?

If you answered, Bihari, then, why should America feed you and not themselves?

They also won't be sending too many tourists now because of the insurmountable rape pandemic, which, Raj Thackeray and the Manus, blame on you.


PS. I think there is a lot of commonalities between India and America. Both states don't allow Modi and both love Pakistan (Chuck Hagel, John Kerry, Laloo, Nitish, etc). America has a lot less in common with Maharashtra and Punjab, in that, it can allow you Biharis there, very easily and welcome you, too (also, it will allow Nitish and Laloo there and won't mind them doing Pooja there :omghaha:)
I'd really like Amit Shah becoming HM it will be the worst nightmare for ****** groups like IM, SIMI etc
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