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Padlocked Grave Story Confirms Yet Again India's Status as the Hub of Fake News

Pakistanis are to blame for professional Indian news organizations not using any form of fact checking when it comes to Muslims. Pajeet logic!

By the way, the only reason they started running the story was because ex-Muslims started posting the story, not Pakistanis. The way pajeets will accept anything ex-Muslims say as gospel truth, I have no doubt in 50 years they will put them on top of Bamans as the new priestly class in Hinduism and erect massive temples to worship Tarek Fatah's lingam and Taslima Nasreen's yoni.

I guess it didn't bother you when Pakistanis used false information to defame Pakistanis, Pakistani men, and the country of Pakistan?
I guess it didn't bother you when Pakistanis used false information to defame Pakistanis, Pakistani men, and the country of Pakistan?
They're being identified on Twitter and FIRs are being filed against them as we speak.
I guess it didn't bother you when Pakistanis used false information to defame Pakistanis, Pakistani men, and the country of Pakistan?
You are comparing Indian media outlets, anchors and journalists using blatant fake news to individual twitter handles really?
Pakistani liberals/feminists/leftists are mostly haramzadai

We always knew it. Now Indian Muslims know it too
No wonder your country is in such a serious state if your so called educated people behave like this as most of them are highly educated and have proper positions to control society still feel inferior about everything your country stands for.
Pakistani liberals/feminists/leftists are mostly haramzadai

We always knew it. Now Indian Muslims know it too

Hindutva and Pakistani liberals are the same breed.

No wonder your country is in such a serious state if your so called educated people behave like this as most of them are highly educated and have proper positions to control society still feel inferior about everything your country stands for.

You should be more worried about the rape factory your country has become. India is renowned for high profile rape cases. Not only that, your country is also renowned for spreading fake news.
No wonder your country is in such a serious state if your so called educated people behave like this as most of them are highly educated and have proper positions to control society still feel inferior about everything your country stands for.
If leftist = educated and in a position of power, does that mean pajeetistan is being run by uneducated jahils?
You should be more worried about the rape factory your country has become. India is renowned for high profile rape cases. Not only that, your country is also renowned for spreading fake news.

I don't think @Mad Scientist 2.0 is attacking Pakistan or defending India

He has a valid point. Pakistan currently is under occupation of such kind of liberals or 5th columnists. They are above all laws and can spew whatever sh!t they want to against religion and the state. Pakistan is not ruled by patriots. It is under rule of people who want to sit in feet of Indians like Javed Akhtar
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Pakistani liberals/feminists/leftists are mostly haramzadai

We always knew it. Now Indian Muslims know it too

pretty strong chances that it was Rusty2 or Clutch from PDF.
The Kerala Story's true picture: 3 'radicalised' women, not 32,000

KOCHI: Amid the raging controversy over the upcoming film 'The Kerala Story'.


32K Women Missing Claim Made By 'The Kerala Story' Does Not Add Up While a teaser of the film released in November mentions the 32K figure, the trailer released last week makes no mention of it

The makers of the movie 'The Kerala Story' have claimed that 32,000 women in Kerala belonging to the Hindu and Christian communities have disappeared and have been trafficked to places such as Syria and Afghanistan to be sold as sex slaves to terrorist outfits such as ISIS over the last ten years. This they claim has happened through 'love-jihad' -a term that describes a conspiracy theory peddled by the Hindu right that alleges an elaborate ploy by Muslim men to lure Hindu women into romantic relationships with the ultimate aim to convert the latter to Islam.

BOOM found that the makers of 'The Kerala Story' have grossly exaggerated the claim and that there is no data either by the Indian government or international organisations which supports the 32,000 figure. While there have been instances reported (read here, here and here) where law enforcement agencies are probing women from Kerala being duped with promises of jobs or ISIS sympathy, no record reflects a number so large. BOOM found that the reasoning provided by the makers of the film are based on extrapolation and sources from where they are yet to recieve replies, such as Right to Information (RTI) applications. The movie is slated to be released on May 5 as a trailer was recently released for the film, which was followed by a slew of controversies. In a Facebook post, the Chief Minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, has lashed out against the film and so has his party, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Congress, which is in opposition in the state.
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