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Breaking News - MiG29 damaged at hard landing at Carrier

You guys seriously need to recheck your equipment

these kind of accidents are common on ACs... career landing is one of the dangerous thing to do... IN pilots don't have much experience on STOBAR landing. Sea Harrier in INS Viraat use STOL operations
You guys seriously need to recheck your equipment

I envy your INFINITE WISDOM.... who else could know the reason for the damage without any details released :O :O :O

OT: This happened in EVERY Navy that is capable of carrier ops..... Remember, this is the first incident of hundreds of landings and take offs.

Those carrier pilots are the best of the best.
Good News !!
Plane damaged (to what extent TBC). No injuries to pilots!!
Congrats ........ Do it Again
This time Aircraft Carrier should be damaged .......... Keep it up:yahoo:

aircraft carrier and its operations are something pakistanis won't understand... don't try to troll if u don't know about AC...
which is this carrier ..? old one or new one
The MiG29K's only uses the new one.
The old one uses Harrier's.

That said I dont doubt that there will be many more equipment damages with the Carrier Group for a long time.

IN is making the leap to full fledged jets on Carrier's. There will be a major learning curve and unfortunate accidents and mistakes both by men and the equipment before everyone gets trained to perform flawlessly.
A "hard landing" is fairly common in carrier aviation. The fact is the pilot managed to get the plane recovered (he trapped one of the wires) and no casualties to the ground crew has been reported- really a non-story but as this is the Vikramditya any tiny mishap is going to be reported to death that is just how it is.

The extent of the damage is not known but it would be unlikely to be a write-off (category one crash) as it was still recovered. Maybe some damage to the landing gear but this can be quite easily fixed. I'm sure the pilot will have gained some valuable experience and any lessons that need to be learnt will be learnt by him and the IN fighter jocks as a whole. This is not the IN's first experience with carrier ops and they are still trying to find their feet- give them time, we are only in the 4th month of their carrier flying.

IN is making the leap to full fledged jets on Carrier's. There will be a major learning curve and unfortunate accidents and mistakes both by men and the equipment before everyone gets trained to perform flawlessly.
You said it bro. If anyone is thinking the IN is just going to get up to running instantly and these sorts of things aren't going to take place in the first 18-24 months they are only lying to themselves.

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