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Breaking News JF-17 to be inducted in next two days

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i always thought that JF 17 had already been induced in PAF and all its wepon terst has been done and its ready to being exported to the like minded ummah loving nation

Basically prime minister shall handover 50th JF-17 and not induct.

Perhaps block-2 shall also be shown for the first time.
when PK media reports, take it with a pinch of salt. its probably the long awaited 3rd Sqdn forming.
500+ bvr capable in 2017.. No way.. May have 200+ (63 f16 + 150jft) only if 25 jft will be inducted/year.. PAF no longer a major air force in the world..

PAF's Miraage III/Vs also carry BVR missiles, FYI. PS, PAF is one of the largest air force in the world as we speak...and will only get stronger more hard hitting with JF-17s replacing F-7s....So get educated.

If your definition of 'a major airforce' constitutes something like Russian Air Force or USAF, then I can see your point.

Over-all, PAF is one of the major air power in the world when it comes to numbers, technology, organization, and experience ...

Not many air forces have hundreds upon hundreds of fighter aircrafts, many AWACS, network-centric integrated warfare capability, and a history of successfully engaging several times larger opponents and defeating them with clarity :azn: PAF's engagements with indian air force and several skirmishes with Soviets speak for itself...
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Nah its the same in ballistic missile tests and and yes for the next 25 years we will have all 10 squadrons of Tejas Mk. II inducted along with Mk. I variant....
Next 25 years JFT blk1 will be nearing its life time and we will be looking for replacement not inducting JFT even then. So please stop Tejas comparison.
Next 25 years JFT blk1 will be nearing its life time and we will be looking for replacement not inducting JFT even then. So please stop Tejas comparison.

I am particularly talking about Mk. II not Mk. I along with its naval variant - It will be integrated with AESA and will feature the more powerful General Electric F414-GE-INS6 engine with 98 kN of thrust and refined aerodynamics. A 4.5+ generation fighter jet indeed will alot more to come in for the Mark 2 is being developed to meet the Indian Air Force requirements which will incorporate 5th generation fighter elements which are intended to make way into the FGFA and AMCA......First let both of them come into inception (your Block II and our Mk. II) then only one will compare the both...
No, its the last Block-1 squadron. 3 squadrons in total.

Block-2 production will start with Block-3 requirements oulined.

No we don't schedule according to Tejas program or we'd be waiting for 25 years.

I'm keen to know which squadron is being phased out and replaced by thunders.
err.... sir, i have a question about your jf17 fighter......, does it flies? LOL !
PAF's Miraage III/Vs also carry BVR missiles, FYI. PS, PAF is one of the largest air force in the world as we speak...and will only get stronger more hard hitting with JF-17s replacing F-7s....So get educated.

If your definition of 'a major airforce' constitutes something like Russian Air Force or USAF, then I can see your point.

Over-all, PAF is one of the major air power in the world when it comes to numbers, technology, organization, and experience ...

Not many air forces have hundreds upon hundreds of fighter aircrafts, many AWACS, network-centric integrated warfare capability, and a history of successfully engaging several times larger opponents and defeating them with clarity :azn: PAF's engagements with indian air force and several skirmishes with Soviets speak for itself...

PAF has the largest number of AEWCS air crafts which means its the only air force which has a FULL spectrum territorial early warning and control coverage in S.Asia.

Indian AF doesn't have full spectrum territorial coverage yet.
PAF is the ONLY LINK-16 [world's fastest datakink] operator in S.Asia.

PAF is the only air force in S.Asia with two types of dedicated anti radiation missile inventory. It means that our DEAD capalities are better than the IAF.

And, PAF is the only AF in S.Asia with 3 'operational' air launched cruise missiles in its fleet. IAF is yet to get its first.

PAF also operates EW ranges.
Money is not a problem. There is no shortage of natural resources to build AESA. Plus, because AESA does not move like traditional radar does, it is less costly to maintain.
Do you even know how much processed Galium Nitride and Galium Arsenide costs?

It is not 'Less costly' to maintain. It is more reliable and that is all.
hey guys ( senior members ) can you please tell me that Jf-17 block 2 can be count in 4.5 gen fighter planes ? ? and what about payload delivery will it be increase ?
PAF has the largest number of AEWCS air crafts which means its the only air force which has a FULL spectrum territorial early warning and control coverage in S.Asia.

Indian AF doesn't have full spectrum territorial coverage yet.
PAF is the ONLY LINK-16 [world's fastest datakink] operator in S.Asia.

PAF is the only air force in S.Asia with two types of dedicated anti radiation missile inventory. It means that our DEAD capalities are better than the IAF.

And, PAF is the only AF in S.Asia with 3 'operational' air launched cruise missiles in its fleet. IAF is yet to get its first.

PAF also operates EW ranges.

Well you need to understand that some of those aircrafts were destroyed by terrorists on ground.

IAF uses the Martel and the Krypton...so we are as good as you in the ARM field

Yeah cruise missile is a field that we lack in...but we might catch up sooner or later

BTW we also have Datalink II which is a home made datalink system using the same MIL-STD as the Link 16 that you are proud of. But the major flaw you didnt point out is that the Link 16 cannot be installed in the Chinese aircraft that forms the backbone of your fighter fleet.
And, PAF is the only AF in S.Asia with 3 'operational' air launched cruise missiles in its fleet. IAF is yet to get its first.

I know about only two Ra'ad and CM-400AKG ....which other missile is in our use .....
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