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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Condolences to the bereaved family and to the Pakistani people.
RIP, thats all I can say.

I never supported her views, but she did not deserve death. I still dont know what she was thinking holding rallies in the north when she was savagely attacked in her own home province.

May Allah forgive her for her sins, we are not here to judge or punish people. Thats not our jobs.
Please Guys dont celebrate someone's death its a tragedy for pakistan.i would have loved to see her lose the election but killing someone to win an election....this is nothing but a tragedy.20 others lost their life in it at the same time.

Inha lilla hey wa inhha elehey rajeoon.
Even though dont like her & her Ideas, but still i am sad about this news, whatever was the case she was a Pakistani & being a Pakistani i am sad bcoz of a death of a Pakistani. She was a good lead she had all the potential to become a great leader but unfortunatelly she used it the wrong way.
I cannot comment more on it.
Being a Muslim & Pakistani i only can pray that Allah may Forgive him & give her place in Heaven.

But i am also sad about the events happening after her death, once who is dead is dead you cannot bring her back, then Y to take the life of others or Make their life miserable, this is right now a big Question for the PPP leaders & Workers.
What does a Common Man have to do with this?? Why are you Making their life a Hell????

Since you know Plan B, what is it?

My english isnt that hard for you to understand or is it? We will know it soon i guess does it ring any bell.
There is not doubt that more then any political leader US wanted BB to be the next pm of pakistan and extended all their cooperation and support in this regard. So what is there that put you on a fire:flame:. Take a chill!

My wife woke me up and said "Bhutto is dead".

Time is indeed a great equalizer and Benazir, just like her father, has met her Maker. She was defiant right to the end---disregarding the security situation, or she was so over conscious of her popularity, or she didnot understand the consequences of her statements that she had made before she came back to pakistan.

Just like her coming home party, this rally was all about pomp and show and in your face type of statement to the security agencies, who had warned of such actions by the terrorists many a times in the chaos that is created.

The time that this incidence happened is the most critical time in a rally when the main party departs or is departing---in pakistan that is the time when all the security arangements are flaunted to the max when everybody wants to get close to the leader, the secondary leaders want to get in their cars as well, people are running after the slow moving convoy----and the leader sticks herself out of the sun roof of the slow moving car giving a departing wave of utmost confidence ( and a clear shot to the assasin ) and I don't care about the security, to the public and a defiant slap on the face of the security agencies.

The inner security of her person and her vehicle was provided by the ppp JIALAS----and if the inner circle was penetrated, it was her party personale at fault as much as herself for sticking her neck out in the public for a clear shot.

You must visualize and understand as to how much home work the terrorsits had done on her movements. They changed their modus operandi---instead of an out and out blast they go for a Rabin type assasination attempt. Shoot at the target. Now what happened to the internal security of her JIALAS at that time---where were her Jialas at that time, if the car was moving too fast for them to keep track on foot----then it is totally her fault for getting herslef killed----in the last show of pomp and defiance.

Somebody did their homework very good. Asif Zardari is an orphan today except for the money they stowed abroad.

MALANG---in todays system---corruption does not need to be proved---if a person is living way beyond the means of possible income generation of their jobs, their assets and their inheritence, it is a sign of ill-begotten money.

Here is a message for the politicians and pakistanis in general----pakistanis are tired of injustice---they are tired of different sets of rules for the different segments of the society---somebody has struck back hard at the head of the most corrupt person in the history of pakistan and made her pay with her life.

A REHMAN----I second your thoughts----justice is brutal at times---but injustice creates deadly revolutions----we are getting close.

THIS INCIDENCE SHOWS HOW STAGNANT THE THINKING OF THE PAKISTANI LEADING OPPOSITION POLITICIAN IS IN THE FACE OF TERRORIST THREATS---a person who disregards today's threats in leading a nation, is not a suitable candidate for that spot.
My english isnt that hard for you to understand or is it? We will know it soon i guess does it ring any bell.
There is not doubt that more then any political leader US wanted BB to be the next pm of pakistan and extended all their cooperation and support in this regard. So what is there that put you on a fire:flame:. Take a chill!
The Bush administration was far more comfortable with Musharraf. The problems started when he fired the CJ and cracked down upon the local media, which then triggered the "democracy" movement subsequently providing BB an opportunity to come back into the limelight. Musharraf's position weakened further as hers grew stronger, but the USA had very little to do with any of this. They may have tried to arrange the short lived power sharing deal, but the power dynamic had already shifted by then.

Although I heard many things about her past and what she did...

This is very unfortunate...

From an Islamic Perspective....This is absolutely unacceptable, and those Terrorists have done a heinous crime... it must be denounced...

Although, personally I didn't support her or like her... She didn't deserve that kind of an act.

She was a mother and did have children...

However for the crimes she committed... and corrupt acts she had done...

she did deserve something...but this really shoudn't have been the punishment...
Death is Certain now it is upon you to Accept it the easy way or the hard way, but it is not gona change.

yes a mother for her family but parasite for Pakistan.

Her dad broke Pakistan, and was killed; This is the only family in Pakistan that has brought turmoil; generations after generations.

They are responsible for thousands of Pakistani deaths

The dad broke the country while the daughter robbed it.

look at the God's justice, he killed the entire family.

[ps: anyone who disagrees with me is a traitor]

I totally agree with him..........
Some violence and rioting seems to be on in many cities! How is the situation for those who are on the ground there?
I have been watching CNN the only thing that they are worried about is wheather are nukes are safe or not. this is so angering they keep saying that this muslim country already has nukes they never say this Hindu country india but always religion plays a part when it comes to our nukes. there are already some freaks who are saying that this will lead to civil war and the break up of Pakistan.
all this is so infuriating!!!!!!
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