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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Just saw an address on TV by Musharraf. He sounded determined to root out extremism from Pakistan.

Is it any different from previous times or more serious?
it is indeed sad that one human being lost her life, may Allah rest her soul in peace.

but i'll say this, she was an enemy of the state, she had no patriotic emotion for our country, she was a thief and a thats the bottom line....

Hold your emotions buddy this is our country matter we dont disscus in front of every one ...

Pray for her May Allah rest her soul in peace and mercey for her .
It is the reality this time is more harsh and unfavourable for our country. May we all remain united and our government would be able to combat terrorism and nip that evil from the bud.
It is the reality this time is more harsh and unfavourable for our country. May we all remain united and our government would be able to combat terrorism and nip that evil from the bud.
In all honesty, elimination of radicalism and terrorism is far more dependent upon the society of Pakistan than its government.
I just recieved calls saying Bhutto has been assasinated by a suicide bomber.
Apparently PTV has also reported the same.

Vehemently condemn the barbaric and bastard activity of the assassinator!
"May we all remain united..."

The assassination again calls this to question.

"...and our government would be able to combat terrorism..."

There's your greatest enemy. Not India. Sure as hell not America.

"...and nip that evil from the bud."

If you never receive a single additional penny from outside sources, nipping this evil must still be Pakistan's mission-for it's own sake. The transformation of Pakistan is at hand for better or worse. The north-west is not yet, but will soon be enflamed utterly. That should now be clear.

Pakistan has accomodated it's citizens of the northwest for too long at the expense of your national sovereignty. You've annointed the region with "special status" and they've seized the reins. To say that a profound sense of autonomy seems to exist in Baluchistan, S/N. Waziristan, FATA, NWTP, Chitral, and Kashmir would not be far from the truth.

In point of fact, civil war is now inside your home. Which brings us full-circle to national unity.
I condem this cowardly act of killing a Woman, no matter who ever she is.
It reflects the security situation in pakistan.
While many of us are discussing about her corruption, leadership etc. We are forgetting one most important thing.

Who Killed Benazir Bhutto

1. A game-plan by President Mushraf and ISI.
2. Al-quida
3. Taliban
4. Other Terrorist organization.
5. Nawaz sharif.
her eldest sons SMS to BBC that he and his family would break up Pakistan in pieces.

These are the people that you guys feel sorry for?
her eldest sons SMS to BBC that he and his family would break up Pakistan in pieces.

These are the people that you guys feel sorry for?

Well Pacifist has gone over the top.. Others seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick as usual. But I'd much preferred to have seen her contest the elections and get beaten (which she would have), rather than this way.

S-2 said:
Pakistan has accomodated it's citizens of the northwest for too long at the expense of your national sovereignty. You've annointed the region with "special status" and they've seized the reins. To say that a profound sense of autonomy seems to exist in Baluchistan, S/N. Waziristan, FATA, NWTP, Chitral, and Kashmir would not be far from the truth.

Not sure what you mean by this (Balochistan, NWFP are not autonomous, and the majority of people do not support autonomy in those areas). Anyhow, what does this have to do with the assasination today? Such cases of assasination (through suicide bombings no less), have occurred in recent history throughout South Asia, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and assasinations of political figures have occurred throughout the world. How exactly would Waziristan be tied into this, for example, when in countries where no provincial autonomy exists, there have been the same sorts of suicide bombings of politica figures?
The list as provided has no truth to it. Musharraf and ISI??? I wonder if they had to take such a drastic step, why they did not block her return? If the idea was to keep her out of the race for the PM's office then there were more than enough reasons to keep her out of the country.
In pictures: Bhutto's last rally



Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated during a rally in Rawalpindi, near Islamabad.


With elections days away, Ms Bhutto had been campaigning incessantly, buoyed by the apparent support her party enjoys.


Moments after delivering her speech, she left the stage satisfied with the support she had received.


She got into a car to leave, waving to supporters moments before being attacked.


The suicide bomber caught up with her as she was leaving, exploding his lethal device.
She ignored repeated warning from govt of Pakistan, specially about Liaquat Bagh.
I ask this question so many times why Bhutto family and Gandhi family always is victim of unusual incidental death. They been cursed by somone?
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