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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.

One should have the grace to condole someone's death.

More so, when a defence less person is killed by a cowardly man!

Whatever be the fault with her, defeat her in the election and have the courage to prosecute her! If one is unable to do so, then one should not grouse or jubilate and support cowards and cowardly actions !

These horrors that have been unleashed to make Pakistan chaotic and make life cheap are more disgraceful than the alleged defalcation that you speak about.
Lets put politics aside for a moment. Even though I am no fan of Benazir Bhutto, I would just like to say that her killing is such a sad event. This attack should be condemed. When I first heard the news it reminded me of the assisnation of Laiquat Ali Khan. I ask the people of Pakistan to stick together in this time of hardship. These elements which carry out such attack ought to be indentified and no mercy should be shown or given to them. I want to say that the people of Pakistan should stand by the family of Benazir. May ALLAH keep Pakistan safe and may we have the courage to rise above these difficult circumstances.
Sir I am shocked at your response but the manner in which she was killed is despicable.. Suicide bombers and Assassination.. if Pakistanis really hated her then why did they welcome her with such massive crowds? why are there rioting?

The fact is that people are unhappy that the will of Pakistanis is being superseeded with just 1 gentleman.. who claims he knows better than 150mn Pakistanis.

and as for corruption have the charges been proved?? why did Musharraf cut a deal with her?? Corruption is a fact of life in subcontinent and I don't know how you arrived at that figure but if you think that politicians are saints is not the point..

The fact is that she was twice the PM of Pakistan who carried with her the will of the Pakistani people and she was one of the people that defines Pakistan for the rest of the world..

If you support suicide attacks and assassinations of all corrupt officials then I have nothing else to say..


Hitler was also elected twice and made Chancellor of Germany, people also supported him.

your point?

corruption charges have been proved,

There are French, Polish, Spanish and Swiss documents that have fueled the charges of corruption against Bhutto and her husband.
A 1998 New York Times investigative report indicates that Pakistani investigators have documents that uncover a network of bank accounts, all linked to the family's lawyer in Switzerland, with Asif Zardari as the principal shareholder. According to the article, documents released by the French authorities indicated that Zardari offered exclusive rights to Dassault, a French aircraft manufacturer, to replace the air force's fighter jets in exchange for a 5% commission to be paid to a Swiss corporation controlled by Zardari. The article also said a Dubai company received an exclusive license to import gold into Pakistan for which Asif Zardari received payments of more than $10M into his Dubai-based Citibank accounts.

On 23 July 1998, the Swiss Government handed over documents to the government of Pakistan which relate to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband

On 6 August 2003, Swiss magistrates found Benazir and her husband guilty of money laundering. They were given six-month suspended jail terms, fined $50,000 each and were ordered to pay $11 million to the Pakistani government. The six-year trial concluded that Benazir and Zardari deposited in Swiss accounts $10 million given to them by a Swiss company in exchange for a contract in Pakistan. The couple said they would appeal. The Pakistani investigators say Zardari opened a Citibank account in Geneva in 1995 through which they say he passed some $40 million of the $100 million he received in payoffs from foreign companies doing business in Pakistan

-The Polish Government has given Pakistan 500 pages of documentation relating to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband. These charges are in regard to the purchase of 8,000 tractors in a 1997 deal

-Potentially the most lucrative deal alleged in the documents involved the effort by Dassault Aviation, a French military contractor. French authorities indicated in 1998 that Bhutto's husband, Zardari, offered exclusive rights to Dassault to replace the air force’s fighter jets in exchange for a five percent commission to be paid to a corporation in Switzerland controlled by Zardari

The charges were dropped under the pressure of US

I don't support the suicide tactics or assassination, but like I said If someone else takes cares of the problem then why not?
I am reminded of Jugnu Mohsin's comments on the BBC - A woman who had so much, the adoration and following of millions, a life/background most leaders would dream of, yet a woman who squandered it all away.

Perhaps she had genuinely changed - we will never find out and she will be remembered far more for the manner of her death, than the changes she wrought in Pakistan.
why are her supporters burning and rioting
she is dead
her leadership is another debate but why is there rioting. this is pvt and public property.
the rioters should be severely dealt with
now she's dead all of sudden she becomes saint?

First ask her family to give $5 billion, then ask for forgiveness.

Islam demands greater emphasis on Haqooq-ul-Ibad (Rights of People) than Haqooq-Allah (Rights of God).

Do you know that no one can forgive Haqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of people) expect people themselves?

And i choose not to forgive her, only if her family returns all the money they stole.

All sins which do not relate to any other person and are such that Allah will punish because of disobedience, will be pardoned. Even Kufr and shirk can be pardoned by truly asking for forgiveness. But sins in which the creatures of Allah are concerned, for instance, making wrong use of an orphan's property, making false charges against someone or doing cruelty, these cannot be pardoned by merely asking Allah's forgiveness.

For this, the person concerned should be asked for pardon. First pay him his dues and ask his forgiveness then expect Allah's pardon. These sins are infringement and violation of Huqooq-ul-'Ibad (peoples' rights) and they cannot be pardoned by Allah alone.

Rahman she has not become a saint but the problem is her assassination at this point of our history is dangerous for us.
it is realy sad she somehow despite having brain was only keep herself in power i wish if she ever had used her good brain

Rest i agree with rest of your post.

Hitler was not elected in a totally democratic fashion.

And are you aware as to why Hitler was popular?

It is time you do some reading.

EH Carr's "International Relations Between the Two WORLD WARS" would be a good start.
I don't support the suicide tactics or assassination, but like I said If someone else takes cares of the problem then why not?

This is a sad attitude to have

And if people don't condemn this act then you are sending your country to chaos..

BB was corrupt fine so who isn't esp in subcontinent?? and why were the charges were dropped? why cower in front of the Americans? the people who did not have the courage to persecute and the generals who cut deals with her are worse then her if she is bad that is..

but assassination of a defenceless woman with suicide bombers etc is the worst act possible.. is this is not Napak and unIslamic??

your hate should not come in the way of condolences.. think of her family and her supporters and for the democracy in Pakistan.. it is a loss for Pakistan ultimately...
Rahman she has not become a saint but the problem is her assassination at this point of our history is dangerous for us.
it is realy sad she somehow despite having brain was only keep herself in power i wish if she ever had used her good brain

Rest i agree with rest of your post.

It will pass just like bugthi, remember some members "lahori" were saying that another Bangladesh will happen :lol:

nothing happened, expect her village no one gives damn about her.

Pakistan is here to stay.
she was anti state
she should have stayed in dubai with her family and billions of dollars.
she serialy betrayed the country and firmly stated she would do the same again.
no wonder she was the darling of the west and bhaRat.

we take racial slurs very seriously consider this the only warning you will receive.
Pakistan is here to stay.

But not in a manner that was brought into existence for or for the name it stands for.. it is failing its ideals rapidly..
for that matter even Afghanistan is here to stay..

already it has a negative press and which will go down for sure.. and it is not a country that anyone except Pakistanis seem to think is peaceful.. jewish hindu chritisitan propaganda notwithstanding..

it is a setback to the democracy she may be the most corrupt individual in the world to you but she had support of the people.. this is called will of the people this is called democracy if people want here than why not.. you have no right to change things.. only if the people will it should the things change..

It will pass just like bugthi, remember some members "lahori" were saying that another Bangladesh will happen :lol:

nothing happened, expect her village no one gives damn about her..

Indeed it will pass and people will forget as she was not greater than her father who was forgotten.

But im worried for the current situation at this point we can not afford this when your one all time enemy is already cracking you while the so-called all time ally is on the same agenda though its sugar quoted.

He death only would strenthen some sinsiter elements at work.
May Allah proetct us and May Allah give us the wisdome to act wisely

Pakistan is here to stay.

Inshallah :pakistan:
dude don't be an f-in a-hole.

Really not the right time to be looking for a fight with us...

A tragedy has ocurred, just don't be an f-in a-hole.
she was anti state
she should have stayed in dubai with her family and billions of dollars.
she serialy betrayed the country and firmly stated she would do the same again.
no wonder she was the darling of the west and bhaRat.

Please i this is no the time for such comments. Maybe some other time. Believe me I am no fan of the Bhutto family, but please not now. I beg all the people on this forum to please halt from making such remarks at least for now. May be some other time, but please not now. Let us all pray for Pakistan's safety. I remember my grandparents telling me when Laiquat Ali Khan was shot. When he got shot he said the kalma and his last words were "O Allah please keep Pakistan safe." Let us hope that his wish will one day be accepted.
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