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breaking news:6 indian soldiers killed

If Gen Bajwa saab is still online on twitter maybe he can ask this Pakistani journalist to stop spreading rumors.
If you observe, PA doesn't give out their KIA names, unlike IA. It is just numbers. I suspect it is to hide their real casualties. They would have told 100s of families that their loved ones are "among the 7". This is really a disservice PA is doing for their soldiers.
At LOC 4 Civilians embraced shahadat and 10 were injured today. Shaheed include
Iltaf s/o Lal Muhammad, vill Jabbar Dheri, Jandrot Sector.
Nazia Kausar w/o M. Rasheed, vill Gai Mathrani, Karela Sec.
Attique s/o Manzoor , vill Baroh, Baroh Sec.
Tassawar s/o Shabbir, vill Baroh, Baroh Sec. There are reports of heavy casualties of Indian soldiers due to effective retaliatory fire by Pakistani troops. 6 Indian soldiers have been confirmed killed till now
until we can show dead Indian soldiers there is no way to confirm it
this counting match must stop because Indians are celebrating the deaths of civilian population as their achievements
we cant match that since its our Kashmir brothers and sisters on either side
So far ,I haven't seen any Indian media source claiming any Pakistani soldiers death.
They usually post the number they get from Geo,Ary or Dawn.

If you are to believe me then I can assure you there are no casualties so far. I remember windy posting a thread on Indian soldiers death 10 days back and there are no reports yet in Indian media of any casualty whatsoever except for a soldier who unfortunately succumbed to his injuries in Rajouri.

Either ISPR or your media houses are behaving like kejriwal these days
Are you sure?
This is just SOME of the shit.

Like really; not to mention the crap they said during India's sir-gee-kal strike.

ISPR is back in gaga land for the gullible and simple Pak awam which has been brainwashed over many generations . Having won ALL wars with India now Indian fantasy casualties. Only problem, India is a open democratic society. Casualties cannot be hidden as they can in Pakistan
The claims are exaggerated on both sides. That's a fact in any given war that had every occurred on this planet.
We should leave it to the world whose sources are more credible. As for My Personal POV , i think ISPR is saying the truth about six Indian soldiers causalities because it is also confirming 4 Civilians Causalities and 10 injured on Pakistani side. PA counterattack because of Indian army aiming and targeting on purpose the civilian population near LOC, which are also know as soft targets.

but if there are more casualties than Indian side, they wont tell you. Ditto with the Indian side. there are no independent sources to confirm or deny any of these. and Armies are well known to spin the details to boost morale.
until we can show dead Indian soldiers there is no way to confirm it
this counting match must stop because Indians are celebrating the deaths of civilian population as their achievements
we cant match that since its our Kashmir brothers and sisters on either side

Irony is, they celebrate even if it is a Kashmiri or Pakistani Soldier lost the life but as our retaliation is only against IA that we cannot photograph the dead soldier for a proof. Whether it is IoK or LoC, IA is at best to claim Civilians Killings as achievement by indiscriminate firing while on other hand, there is none report of PA shelling any civilian populace and as per them no casualties is a proof like they cannot be killed at all. They fire from nowhere that cannot be hit in retaliation and we have to accept and face casualties at our end only or the civilians.
Nobody is going to believe Indian bullcrap, your Indian opinions count less, ISPR is the most reputable source in Pakistan, Indians still think they are universal soldiers, where the reality is different.
Indian army Gukhas and Madras rifles blowing Pakistani post at LOC

ISPR is back in gaga land for the gullible and simple Pak awam which has been brainwashed over many generations . Having won ALL wars with India now Indian fantasy casualties. Only problem, India is a open democratic society. Casualties cannot be hidden as they can in Pakistan

India is fake democracy or you can say world biggest hypocrisy, you can't even eat beef and express your opinion. I was reading a news article some Indian army officers staged fake encounters to get medals and its elite Gurkha regiment. Keeping all these facts in mind, i can say casualties are hidden to avoid humiliation.

indian media is most ashamed one.
BBC report by ilyas clearly said that no surgical strike took place. the summary of actual event in the report is that indian army attacked pakistani posts to capture them but failed. none of the eye witness said that it happened. everyone said it never happened.
despite this report clearly humiliating india. indian media is using it in their articles and saying that BBC report had clearly said that strike took place.

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