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Breaking! narendra Modi admitted that there was no surgical strike in pakistan

What makes baniyas different from hindu??
Considering that's a genuine question, let me educate you, baniya is a caste under the hindu umbrella, who make up around 2% of the entire hindu population, Ambani, Adhani, Goenka, Dalmiya all are baniyas, their combined wealth is more than the entire GDP of Pakistan
I'm a vegetarian. On the other hand, in Dhaka, they speak my dialect. There's no way they'll know that I'm different. I even look like Pakistanis think Bangladeshis - Bingos - look: SDRC, as a well-known racist defence forum puts it.

Report him. Or tell one of the Indian TTAs. They'll sort him out in double-quick time. You haven't seen them in operation. They are ruthless.
Ooh well sorry you will miss beef fry at Dhaka,
You look like Pakistani or like Bangladeshi since both are quite different We Pakistani quite resembles with North Indians. But some Punjabis and Pathan are quite fair as compare to us.
The atrocities in IAK are highlighted by no one but Modi himself. I really pray for Modi to continue his PMship for next 20 years.
Counter or STFU

Expecting a negative rating.....

No, no, negative ratings are strictly defined. I have been asking to be allowed to give them out for stupidity, but the admin hasn't agreed.

I've read history for forty years now, don't bore me, please. Go away and do whatever you were trained to do.
No, no, negative ratings are strictly defined. I have been asking to be allowed to give them out for stupidity, but the admin hasn't agreed.

I've read history for forty years now, don't bore me, please. Go away and do whatever you were trained to do.
Tu to mera rishta dhoond raha tha. Kya hoa?
Ooh well sorry you will miss beef fry at Dhaka,
You look like Pakistani or like Bangladeshi since both are quite different We Pakistani quite resembles with North Indians. But some Punjabis and Pathan are quite fair as compare to us.

I'm short, dark, tubby, waddle when I walk, and stoop. I also wear glasses. I have bad breath from halitosis, and breathe heavily. That help?
I'm short, dark, tubby, waddle when I walk, and stoop. I also wear glasses. I have bad breath from halitosis, and breathe heavily. That help?
Ooh well try do to some exercise, try get contact lenses, eat raw ginger and cooked or pickled garlic would help you.
For us please don't discuss it here not even the law.
And thanks in advance.

If you find something objectionable, don't fly off the handle. There's a report button on the bottom left of every post made. Use it. There are efficient and very tough Moderators here. Leave them to do their jobs.

Terrorist scum, don't quote me ever again, and yes blasphemy law is crazier than Babylonian laws,

Lmao if people executed by the state for insulting imaginary entities not crazy i do not know what is

Please edit your post, or you'll get rated for personal abuse. Right now.
Report him. Or tell one of the Indian TTAs. They'll sort him out in double-quick time. You haven't seen them in operation. They are ruthless.

Ok bro Joe, no hard feelings. We are not taking it that seriously. We know SirGKal strikes is a complete nonsense for the consumption of local Indian populace.

Indian TTAs are indirectly supporting it by allowing all those Indian members write literally thousand posts about it.

A lie is a lie, no matter how often it is being repeated and the person telling this lie is a liar!

So if an Indian tries to spread that propaganda on PDF, he needs to be called on that.

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