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Breaking! narendra Modi admitted that there was no surgical strike in pakistan

Take it easy.

When on Pakistan Defence Forum, an Indian (or lot of them) keeps telling us lies about "SirGKal" strikes without showing a shred of proof AND have audacity to write something like this: "Pakistanis are still suffering with the trauma due to our strike against militants in their soil."

What do you expect Pakistanis to tell him? If not "bug off liar"?
I'm no baniya but Hindu by birth.

However I would say this, There is no problem being a Hindu baniya . They are an important part of our diverse nation.
What makes baniyas different from hindu??
Not even Indians support the Indian media.

I have often stated that " those that live there know more about it than those that do not" . it means that the situation of a country, province or a city is better known to the people who live there than those do not and you can describe the situation in every way be it political, security, mood e.t.c

You who live in India, making such a statement thus his statement would hold great weight and I will be forced to believe it but my experience on social media with Indians makes me believe otherwise but I will take your word for it and say that those on social media who believe are a loud minority amongst a silent majority.
When it is used in that sense, it becomes a pejorative use. What is bad about the word P * * I? Nothing by itself? But it is a racist usage, used by the dregs of British society. And that is the use, by the dregs of this forum, that makes the use of bania objectionable.

Except when an Islamist slits my throat.
Don't worry you are from India and you will be treated there as a state guest, all the possible threats to her regime and to India already hanged. No worries my friend have a nice stay there.
Enjoy Machar Jhool.
When on Pakistan Defence Forum, an Indian (or lot of them) keeps telling us lies about "SirGKal" strikes without showing a shred of proof AND have audacity to write something like this: "Pakistanis are still suffering with the trauma due to our strike against militants in their soil."

What do you expect Pakistanis to tell him? If not "bug off liar"?

I expect Pakistanis to tell him something like,"That is obviously not true. Please don't make misleading statements. This is not a forum for propaganda."

Not difficult, is it?
what you are talking about. Those were states that had committed to merge with India in 1929. Please do your homework before commenting :D
Operation Polo, the code name of the Hyderabad "Police Action"[5][6] was a military operation in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed Forces invaded the State of Hyderabad and overthrew its Nizam, annexing the state into the Indian Union.

At the time of Partition in 1947, the princely states of India, who in principle had self-government within their own territories, were subject to subsidiary alliances with the British, giving them control of their external relations. In the Indian Independence Act 1947 the British abandoned all such alliances, leaving the states with the option of opting for full independence. However, by 1948 almost all had acceded to either India or Pakistan. One major exception was that of the wealthiest and most powerful principality, Hyderabad, where the Nizam, Osman Ali Khan, Asif Jah VII, a Muslim ruler who presided over a largely Hindu population, chose independence and hoped to maintain this with an irregular army recruited from the Muslim aristocracy, known as the Razakars.[7]:224 The Nizam was also beset by the Telangana uprising, which he was unable to subjugate.[7]:224

The Indian government, anxious to avoid what it termed a Balkanization of what had been the Indian Empire, was determined to effect the integration of Hyderabad into the new Indian Union.[7]:223 Amidst atrocities by the Razakars, the Indian Home Minister Sardar Pateldecided to annex Hyderabad[8] in what was termed a "police action". The operation itself took five days, in which the Razakars and the Hyderabadi Military were defeated swiftly.[3]

The operation led to massive violence on communal lines. The Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehruappointed a commission known as the Sunderlal Committee. Its report, which was not released until 2013, concluded that "as a conservative estimate...27,000 to 40,000 people had lost their lives during and after the police action."[3] Other scholars have put the figure at 200,000, or even higher.[4][9]:11""


Do i really need to tell you about occupation of J&K?
I have often stated that " those that live there know more about it than those that do not" . it means that the situation of a country, province or a city is better known to the people who live there than those do not and you can describe the situation in every way be it political, security, mood e.t.c

You who live in India, making such a statement thus his statement would hold great weight and I will be forced to believe it but my experience on social media with Indians makes me believe otherwise but I will take your word for it and say that those on social media who believe are a loud minority amongst a silent majority.

My dear chap, just message me, and over the next two or three days, I'll expose you to the kind of contempt that educated Indians have for these hacks.
A surgical strike is a military attack which results in, was intended to result in, or is claimed to have resulted in only damage to the intended legitimate military target, and no or minimal collateral damage to surrounding structures, vehicles, buildings, or the general public infrastructure and utilities.

So Pakistan destroying Indian border posts with the moto:

"A military attack which was intended to result in, or is claimed to have resulted in only damage to the intended legitimate military target, and no or minimal collateral damage to surrounding structures, vehicles, buildings, or the general public infrastructure and utilities."

Is that a surgical strike?
Troll Ini.png
Operation Polo, the code name of the Hyderabad "Police Action"[5][6] was a military operation in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed Forces invaded the State of Hyderabad and overthrew its Nizam, annexing the state into the Indian Union.

At the time of Partition in 1947, the princely states of India, who in principle had self-government within their own territories, were subject to subsidiary alliances with the British, giving them control of their external relations. In the Indian Independence Act 1947 the British abandoned all such alliances, leaving the states with the option of opting for full independence. However, by 1948 almost all had acceded to either India or Pakistan. One major exception was that of the wealthiest and most powerful principality, Hyderabad, where the Nizam, Osman Ali Khan, Asif Jah VII, a Muslim ruler who presided over a largely Hindu population, chose independence and hoped to maintain this with an irregular army recruited from the Muslim aristocracy, known as the Razakars.[7]:224 The Nizam was also beset by the Telangana uprising, which he was unable to subjugate.[7]:224

The Indian government, anxious to avoid what it termed a Balkanization of what had been the Indian Empire, was determined to effect the integration of Hyderabad into the new Indian Union.[7]:223 Amidst atrocities by the Razakars, the Indian Home Minister Sardar Pateldecided to annex Hyderabad[8] in what was termed a "police action". The operation itself took five days, in which the Razakars and the Hyderabadi Military were defeated swiftly.[3]

The operation led to massive violence on communal lines. The Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehruappointed a commission known as the Sunderlal Committee. Its report, which was not released until 2013, concluded that "as a conservative estimate...27,000 to 40,000 people had lost their lives during and after the police action."[3] Other scholars have put the figure at 200,000, or even higher.[4][9]:11""


Do i really need to tell you about occupation of J&K?


Try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you can help, and try not to quote Wiki to an expert and a teacher of these subjects. You are really being silly. Come to this with humility.
I expect Pakistanis to tell him something like,"That is obviously not true. Please don't make misleading statements. This is not a forum for propaganda."

Not difficult, is it?

And if he keeps bugging and flooding threads despite being told: "That is obviously not true. Please don't make misleading statements. This is not a forum for propaganda." ?
batshit blasphemy law
Don't ever used that word again. We can kill and ready to be killed for the respect of our Prophet, Quran and all the Prophets mentioned in the Quran. Even Muslim can be booked under this law if they found using insulting language for any book mentioned in the Quran. The things you don't know never open your mouth.
Don't worry you are from India and you will be treated there as a state guest, all the possible threats to her regime and to India already hanged. No worries my friend have a nice stay there.
Enjoy Machar Jhool.

I'm a vegetarian. On the other hand, in Dhaka, they speak my dialect. There's no way they'll know that I'm different. I even look like Pakistanis think Bangladeshis - Bingos - look: SDRC, as a well-known racist defence forum puts it.

And if he keeps bugging and flooding threads despite being told: "That is obviously not true. Please don't make misleading statements. This is not a forum for propaganda." ?

Report him. Or tell one of the Indian TTAs. They'll sort him out in double-quick time. You haven't seen them in operation. They are ruthless.

Don't ever used that word again. We can kill and ready to be killed for the respect of our Prophet, Quran and all the Prophets mentioned in the Quran. Even Muslim can be booked under this law if they found using insulting language for any book mentioned in the Quran. The things you don't know never open your mouth.

Get your thinking clear. He was criticising the law, not Hazrat Mohammed.

Try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you can help, and try not to quote Wiki to an expert and a teacher of these subjects. You are really being silly. Come to this with humility.
Counter or STFU

Expecting a negative rating.....

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