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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

Hating will solve nothing. Understanding is paramount.

I have been disgusted by some comments from my own country about Muslims. It is sickening and demeaning of us all. Retribution is not necessary. We do not need to bomb anyone. No interment of Muslims, nothing like it. An innocent Muslim in UK is innocent and is protected by one of the best legal systems in the world. Long may that continue.

I do not think that Mr Burnham meant that the terrorist was not a Muslim, but meant that the act was not in accordance with Islam. I agree with him.

If we all agree that killing innocent people is wrong no matter wherever, be it Pakistan, India, France UK or any country, then we all need to look towards unifying intelligence sources, prosecuting the ones who break the law and ensuring that attacks are prevented. Much is forgotten about the great successes of UK forces to prevent attacks. This time one slipped through the net.
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Muslims aren't problem, Islam isn't problem but there is problem. Have you identified what the problem is? I have been noticing for a long time that both the propaganda for and against Muslims comes from the same place. West. Are these different factions or the same, I am not sure.

Some of the most horrible anti Muslim ideas are from the west. Its all mixed up and I am sure that this is an element of disruption of thought. I'm Christian British (if that needs to be stated) but I do not hate any religion for the sake of it. I certainly do not hate Islam for this attack. If there are people with open eyes, and hearts, then I will go to my muslim friends and be with them for this is horrible for them too.
This pigs co-conspirators will be hunted down and bought to justice, they will be sent down for life.

The filthy child killers.


You are right. The important words are hunted down. The hunt is on. The professionals are on it.

Justice is the next word. Let there be a full and open trial and a result obtained without prejudice.
Several Libyan exile fighters who overthrew Gadaffi have now claimed that MI5 allowed them to travel to Libya and even recruited them. MI5 of course answers to the Home Secretary. And who was Home Secretary in 2011?

Theresa May might as well have detonated the bomb herself.
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RIP for the dead ones.

CIA and mossad
To compel the uk to send more troops to Afghanistan.
You're talking bullshit. There's no need to make up conspiracies when there's a real scandal surrounding this.


Here's the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Abelhakim Belhaj, presented with an award by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. The rat bastards.
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This pigs co-conspirators will be hunted down and bought to justice, they will be sent down for life.

The filthy child killers.
It's not only a pig brother, there are nurseries of pigs need to be trace out This suicide blast is realy alarming one, someone somewhere in UK he got trained and someone make that jacket. Anyone who monitored or being monitored even in doubt need to be booked and send back their holes they come from.
How the British deep state turned Manchester into al-Qaeda Town UK
ADAM GARRIE 12 hours ago

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

It has been confirmed that the father of the Manchester ISIS bomber was a member of the al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group was initially comprised of battle hardened fighters who travelled to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviet Union and the secular government in Kabul.

According to former MI5 agent and whistle blower David Shayler, the UK had been funding, arming and training the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group as early as the 1990s and even helped the group organise an attempted assassination of Libyan revolutionary leader Muammar Gaddafi in 1996.

When Britain went to war on Libya in 2011, these efforts intensified. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group became a crucial component of the west’s war on Libya. The war was of course the brainchild of Hillary Clinton, the then US Secretary of States. Britain and France became the most vocal participants in the war.

RED MORE: Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Many jihadists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group located to Manchester, specifically the area where the ISIS bomber and his family had lived, including his father and brother who are both currently under arrest for terrorism related charges. The area in northern England was also home to Abd al-Baset Azzouz, an al-Qaeda strong man who fought Gaddafi’s revolutionary forces in Libya starting in 2011.

It was in 2011, that the UK began to allow radical Libyans living in Britain, including and especially from Manchester to gain safe passage to Libya in order to fight Libyan forces. Manchester has been described as a hotbed of anti-Gaddafi Libyan jihadists and terrorist sympathisers.

One jihadist with UK citizenship spoke of how he was allowed to travel to engage in jihad against Libya, “I was allowed to go, no questions asked”.

Another jihadist, one Belal Younis was approached by an MI5 (British intelligence) agent and asked if he was willing to go into battle (jihad). Yonuis agreed, but was soon stopped by security at a UK airport.

However, the British deep state made sure to clear that up. Yonuis explained that he simply called the MI5 agent who was his contact and shortly thereafter, he was allowed to fly to Libya with no further questions asked.

In a claim that ought to worry security officials throughout the world, Younis said,

“The whole Libyan diaspora were out there fighting alongside the rebel groups”.

By rebel of course he means al-Qaeda terrorist affiliates and by Libyan diaspora he means many individuals who were wanted criminals in Libya, many of them wanted on charges of terrorism and treason.

Another Libyan with UK citizenship spoke to Middle East Eye and told the publication how the UK recruited him to produce anti-Gaddafi jihadist propaganda.

The source said that he was recruited to edit ‘highly polished’ videos showing the elite British SAS (special air service) training jihadists in Libya. The aim of the videos was to present the final edit to wealthy Gulfis in Qatar and the UAE in order to convince them to fund Britain’s effort in training more jihadist fighters.

Although Britain’s involvement in funding anti-Libyan terrorists dates back to at least the 1990s, between 2004, when Tony Blair reached an historic accord with Gaddafi and 2011 when Britain joined a war against Libya, many Libyan jihadists in places like Manchester were subject to crack downs on their activity. This all changed around 2011 according to Ziad Hashem.

Hashem said,
“When the revolution started, things changed in Britain. Their way of speaking to me and treating me was different. They offered to give me benefits, even indefinite leave to remain or citizenship”.

It is important to remember that in 2011, the British Home Secretary, the cabinet level position responsible for fighting crime and terrorism was none other than current UK Prime Minister Theresa May who faces a General Election on the 8th of June.

The level of responsible that the UK government bears for turning a once great British city into a kind of jihadist fortress is in a word: monumental.

Gaddafi warned of this danger, but Britain at the time not only did not listen, they did the opposite.

None of this would have happened had we not invaded Iraq illegally. See the Chilcot report, 2016....
Big elephant in the room many refuse to even consider....
None of this would have happened had we not invaded Iraq illegally. See the Chilcot report, 2016....
Big elephant in the room many refuse to even consider....

Perhaps the west should do some self reflection as well....
UK police suspend intelligence sharing with US over Manchester media leaks
© Oli Scarff, AFP | Flags fly at half-mast as British police patrol outside Greater Manchester police headquarters during a visit by Prime Minister Theresa May on May 23.
Text by FRANCE 24
Latest update : 2017-05-25

Police have stopped sharing intelligence on the Manchester Arena attack with the United States after a series of leaks to the press that they say risked “undermining” the ongoing counter-terrorism investigation.
British police said Wednesday that such recklessness with sensitive information has jeopardised the mutual trust that underpins security cooperation between foreign partners.

“When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families,” said a National Counter Terrorism Policing spokesperson.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorised disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation.”

Twenty-two people were killed Monday night when a suicide-bomber targeted Manchester Arena shortly after a concert by US pop star Ariana Grande.

Forensic evidence gathered at the scene by British police was published by The New York Times on Wednesday, including detailed descriptions and photos of the remains of the bomb, a detonator and a shredded backpack possibly used by the bomber.

Following a series of unauthorised disclosures to US media earlier in the week, Britain believes US officials were also responsible for leaking the crime scene photos to the press.

The decision to stop sharing information with US authorities was made by the Greater Manchester police and not the prime minister’s office, a Downing Street spokesman told the Guardian, adding that officers have a certain degree of latitude and calling it an “operational matter”.

One former senior intelligence official described the move in a BBC 4 interview on Thursday as an “unprecedented halt in intelligence-sharing”.

British Prime Minister Theresa May will address the leaks when she meets with US President Donald Trump at a NATO summit in Brussels later on Thursday. May said she would underscore that any shared intelligence "must remain secure".

A senior government source said the UK was "furious" over the breaches and that Britain had made its objections known “at every relevant level”.

“These images from inside the American system are clearly distressing to victims, their families and other members of the public,” the source said. “Protests have been lodged at every relevant level between the British authorities and our US counterparts. They are in no doubt about our huge strength of feeling on this issue. It is unacceptable.”

Previous warnings
The new round of US media revelations came even after US officials had been warned over previous leaks involving the Manchester investigation.

Britain’s interior minister, Home Secretary Amber Rudd, said in an interview aired Wednesday that she made clear to US officials that such leaks "shouldn't happen again".

Rudd noted that it was important to control the flow of information on any ongoing investigation to ensure police maintain the advantage of an “element of surprise”.

"The British police have been very clear that they want to control the flow of information in order to protect operational integrity, the element of surprise,” she told BBC Radio 4's "Today" programme.

"So it is irritating when it gets released from other sources and I have been very clear with our friends that that should not happen again.
You can listen to the full interview with the home secretary here

7:17 PM - 24 May 2017
Manchester attack: 'It is likely suspect was not alone', Best of Today - BBC Radio 4
Home Secretary Amber Rudd on the Manchester terror attack

Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham also denounced the leaks in talks with the acting US ambassador, Lew Lukens.

“It’s not acceptable to me that, here there is a live investigation taking place and we cannot have information being put in the public domain that is not in the direct control of the British police and security services,” Burnham told BBC Newsnight on Wednesday.

Lukens also condemned the leaks and said US authorities were investigating the possible sources.

“These leaks were reprehensible, deeply distressing, we unequivocally condemn them, we agree absolutely with the chief constable and with the concerns of the United Kingdom,” Lukens said in an interview with BBC Radio 4.

"We are determined to identify these leaks and to stop them.”

Asked whether such incidents would affect future cooperation between US and British intelligence agencies, Lukens said: “I hope not.”

Israel revises US cooperation

Recent indiscretions have raised questions about the US administration’s commitment to the confidentiality necessary to protect intelligence sources and ongoing operations. Trump dismayed both US politicians and foreign allies earlier this month when he revealed top secret intelligence on Islamic State (IS) group plans to threaten airliners in an Oval Office meeting with Russian officials.

He raised more concerns on Monday during a trip to Israel, when he announced to Israeli officials that he never identified Israel as having been the source of intelligence on the IS group plans.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel',” Trump said. “Never mentioned it during that (Oval Office) conversation.”

But to many observers, the pronouncement seemed to be an admission that the source had, in fact, been Israel. "Donald Trump appears to have inadvertently confirmed that Israel was the source of intelligence he shared with Russia," the Guardian observed.
News of the revelations was being taken very seriously by the Israeli spy community, a military intelligence officer told USA Today last week. The officer, who asked not to be identified, said Israel had been warned months ago to be cautious about sharing information with the Trump administration and that it now looked like the warning was justified.

Israel appeared to take steps to address its concerns on Wednesday, with Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman announcing that Israeli officials had done a “spot repair” of their intelligence-sharing arrangements with Washington.

“We discussed the issue with our friends in America,” Liberman told Army Radio. “We did our checks.”

Liberman did not specify what alterations had been made, saying: “Not everything needs to be discussed in the media; some things need to be talked about in closed rooms.” But he added that the US-Israeli alliance remained strong and that, overall, there is “unprecedented intelligence cooperation with the United States”.

Other US allies also appear to be on edge over the Trump administration’s penchant for disclosure.

A senior European intelligence official told The Associated Press last week that his country might stop sharing sensitive information with the United States if it is confirmed that Trump shared classified intelligence with Russian officials, saying that to do otherwise “could be a risk for our sources”. The official spoke on condition of anonymity and declined to have his country identified.

Burkhard Lischka, a senior lawmaker from Germany’s Social Democratic Party, also expressed concern about the reports, telling AP: “f it proves to be true that the American president passed on internal intelligence matters, that would be highly worrying”.

Lischka, a member of the German parliament’s intelligence oversight committee, observed that the US president has access to “exclusive and highly sensitive information, including in the area of combating terrorism”.

He said that if the president “passes this information to other governments at will, then Trump becomes a security risk for the entire western world”.

Mike Arnold shared a link to the group: Global War on Terrorism is bogus.
13 hrs ·
“The Manchester leaks, however, are a bit more difficult to peg. Who, exactly, benefits?”

Anthony Zurcher rather than leaving the impression that these leaks might be for reasons that he does not understand (i.e. in some peculiar way that he does not understand the Intelligence Community benefits from these leaks) he reassures the greater general public with:

“If there's one lesson to be learned from the past year, it's there is often no need to look for complex explanations when simple individual pride or incompetence fits the bill.”

Incompetence and coincidences are always first candidates but in the words of Ian Fleming:

“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, the third time it's enemy action.” (Auric Goldfinger)

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was banned from a mosque and reported to authorities for his extremist views
Salman Abedi was banned from a mosque after criticising an imam for "talking bollocks"
15:57, 25 MAY 2017
  • Salman-Abedi.jpg
  • Manchester terror attack- live updates
  • The anonymous source told the M.E.N: “The attacker spent two years at Trafford College before going to university. Concerns were raised about him by fellow students at the time. I’m not sure this was followed up.”

    But bosses at the college said there was no ‘flag’ against Abedi’s name on college records which would indicate any cause for concern
    Who is the suspected suicide bomber Salman Abedi?
The college confirmed that Abedi joined in 2013 to study Business before leaving to further his studies at Salford University.

The 22-year-old’s father, Ramadan, and brother, Hashim, have been detained in Libya and another brother, Ismail, was arrested in Manchester on Tuesday.

In an interview before his arrest, Ramadan Abedi rejected claims he was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, but added that he supports the organisation, which is banned in the UK.

In the translated interview, shown on BBC, he said: “I condemn anyone who says I belong to Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
“I commend them but I don’t belong to any organisation.”

Dad of Manchester Arena bomber paid tribute to 'lion' Al Qaida commander in chilling Facebook post
While Abedi was born and raised in Manchester, his parents had arrived in the UK having fled the Gaddafi regime in Libya in the early 1990s.

How he went from being a typical Mancunian schoolboy to a mass murderer seemingly linked to IS will be one of the major questions of the investigation.
Protesting his son’s innocence with regard to the Manchester Arena explosion , Ramadan Abedi added: “I’m sure that Salman didn’t carry out such an act.”

Ramadan Abedi, father of Manchester bomb suspect Salman Abedi
The French interior minister said Abedi had “most likely” been in Syria, another claim his father dismissed, saying he had checked his son’s passport.

While Mr Abedi said his son had seemed “normal” when he spoke to him five days before the atrocity, Jamal Zubia, a member of the large Libyan community in Manchester, told the Times the parents were so concerned about their son’s apparent descent into extremism that they took his passport.

He said: “The father had all the passports with him and was holding them.”

But Abedi convinced them to return it, claiming he wanted to make a pilgrimage to Mecca , Mr Zubia said.

It's reported he in fact came back to the UK, via Germany, from Turkey four days before the bombing.

Manchester Arena bomb maker at large and could strike again
A German magazine reported that he came through Dusseldorf, and said he had not been on any international watch list.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd confirmed Abedi had recently returned from a visit to Libya, and said the nature of the attack suggested he may have had support.

Akram Ramadan, 49, part of the close-knit Libyan community in south Manchester, said Hashim, who he described as “the little boy”, had lived in Germany.

Hashim Abedi, the brother of Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi, has been detained in Tripoli along with their father Ramadan (Photo: Force for Deterrence in Libya/PA)
Salman Abedi had 'proven' links with Islamic State and had travelled to Syria
Mr Ramadan, who lived in the flat above Ismail, said of the incident when Abedi was banned from Didsbury Mosque: “There was a sermon about anti-Daesh (IS) and he stood up and started calling the Imam - ‘You are talking bollocks.’

“And he gave a good stare, a threatening stare into the Imam’s eyes.

“He was banned.”

Of Abedi’s motives for the attack Mr Ramadan said: “Something flipped him. Brain-washed, seen something, heard something. It is unbelievable.”

Abedi was previously a student at Burnage Academy for Boys and Manchester College, and had studied at Salford University but dropped out before finishing.

He was registered as living at Elsmore Road as recently as last year, where police raided a property on Tuesday.

Neighbours recalled an abrasive, tall, skinny young man who was little known in the neighbourhood, and often seen in traditional Islamic clothing.
He's thought to have lived at a number of addresses in the area, including one in Wilbraham Road, where plain-clothes police made an arrest on Tuesday.

A family friend, who asked not to be named, said they were known to the Libyan community in the city and described Abedi as “normal”.

A city centre flat was raided on Wednesday. A nearby bar owner said officers told him they believed Abedi had been in the flat before he carried out the bombing.

Just 15 minutes before he blew himself up, Abedi called his mother and brother, a spokesman for the Libyan government told the Times.

They claimed Hashim admitted, under interrogation, that he was aware of his brother’s plan.


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